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11/2022 How’s your COVID shot treating ya?! “Excess deaths continue”

Updated: Dec 23, 2023

Large Maple Spanworm (Prochoerodes lineola)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2017-09-17 567aaa

The Rich need a recession”

“Expect the upcoming 2023 economic downturn to serve them well.”


“They are killing us so they are not inconvenienced by having to change their wealth to a less deadly composition”

“2/3 of Americans, Europeans Back Climate Action, Faster Transition”


Super-rich’s carbon investment emissions ‘equivalent to whole of France’

Analysis examining carbon impact of billionaires’ investments published as Cop27 talks get under way”


“The World Is Falling Far Short On Climate Adaptation Plans”


The decline of plant mineral nutrition under rising CO2: physiological and molecular aspects of a bad deal”


“2022 was a bad year for rice harvesting in California, producing only half the usual amount”


“Shortage of wheat flour means no more Communion hosts in Cuba”


“I’m a climate refugee

I feel guilty that I escaped while my family remains in danger”


“Homeland Security Admits It Tried to Manufacture Fake Terrorists for Trump

A new Homeland Security report details orders to connect protesters arrested in Portland to one another in service of the Trump's imaginary antifa plot.”


“One Small Crack on a Teflon Pan Can Release Thousands of Plastic Particles”


America’s 9/11 Wars Created the Foot Soldiers of Far-Right Violence at Home

The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan radicalized a generation of veterans, many of whom face trials for sedition and other crimes.”



A Kentucky ballot measure, Amendment 2, would bar state courts from considering the constitutionality of abortion.”


“Health Insurance Whistleblower: Medicare Advantage Is "Heist" by Private Firms to Defraud the Public”

“Many of the nation's largest health insurance companies have made billions of dollars in profits by overbilling the U.S. government's Medicare Advantage program. A New York Times investigation has revealed that under the Advantage program, health insurance companies are incentivized to make patients appear more ill than they actually are. Some estimates find it has cost the government between $12 billion and $25 billion in 2020 alone. We speak with former healthcare insurance executive Wendell Potter, now president ​​of the Center for Health and Democracy, who says Medicare Advantage will be recognized in years to come as the "biggest transfer of wealth" from taxpayers to corporate shareholders, and blames the lack of regulation over the program on the "revolving door between private industry and government." “


America does not have free and fair elections:

“Native Americans Helped Democrats Carry Arizona in 2020. Now Their Voting Rights Are Under Attack”

“Indigenous voters in Arizona who played a key role in catapulting Joe Biden to victory in 2020 are facing a sweeping rollback of their voting rights that may swing the state back to Republicans in Tuesday's midterms. "In 2020, Native voters understood that the election of Donald Trump was an existential problem," says New Yorker staff writer Sue Halpern, whose latest piece explores how voters on Arizona's Navajo, Apache and Hopi reservations are navigating the 2021 Supreme Court ruling that banned a common method of voting collection used by Indigenous voters. We also speak with Lydia Dosela, who is running efforts to get out the vote on Indigenous reservations in Arizona to make sure "all Native American voices are heard loud and clear."”


And they did. They’ll be fine while we die:

“Sunrise Movement on Midterms: If GOP Takes Congress, Climate Action Will Be Stalled, Reversed

“The climate movement warns the midterm elections will either advance or torpedo climate initiatives in the U.S. This comes as climate activists and scientists at the U.N. climate summit in Egypt cautioned that the world is heading toward climate disaster without deeper cuts in planet-heating emissions. "We are up against a ticking time bomb of an unrelenting climate crisis and an economic crisis that is bearing down on working people," says Varshini Prakash of the Sunrise Movement, which has reached 3 million young voters to get out the vote in the midterms. Prakash also explains how parts of President Biden's climate legislation passed this year could be stalled or reversed if Republicans take back control of Congress in 2023.”


“Documenting Hate: New American Nazis (full documentary)”

“In this 2018 documentary, FRONTLINE and ProPublica investigate a neo-Nazi group that has actively recruited inside the U.S. military.”


How’s your COVID shot treating ya?!:

“Excess deaths continue”


America is not far behind:

'Toast is a luxury': Families 'never been more scared' over where money will come from”

“It is hard to overstate just how scared people are right now.

Facing bills they just cannot pay, rent or mortgage payments they won’t be able to afford, this is a fear unlike anything many have ever faced – the fear of simply not knowing what to do.

I saw it etched on the faces of almost everyone I met on the Meadow Well estate in North Shields – a community in the north-east of England accustomed to weathering tough times, but none quite as tough as these.

There had been no sign Liz Wright would break down in tears.

ITV News spent two weeks in North Shields investigating the impact of the cost of living crisis. Daniel Hewitt reports.”


You saw how hey acted with COVID, most of us are already dead from biosphere collapse & famine anyway: it is time for other nations to use sanctions against the U.S. to force reparations and BIG cuts to its green house gas emissions.

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