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11/2022 Biden administration using the department of homeland security to censor political critics

Updated: Jan 3

Silver-spotted Skipper (Epargyreus clarus)

Driftless Area Dane County, Wisconsin, USA

2019-06-16 _F2A5614aaap

“If someone took 75% of your food away, you wouldn’t be a happy camper. But when you grow invasive butterfly bushes and other plants that provide only nectar, that’s what you’re doing to birds and butterflies in your own backyard.”

“Why You Should Never Plant a Butterfly Bush Again”


NOAA Climate Gov

“Where does global warming go during La Niña?

At the ENSO blog, three experts explain why La Niña provides no relief from the excess planetary heating due to rising greenhouse gases.”


“The bee lives less than 40 days, visits at least 1000 flowers and produces less than a teaspoon of honey. For us it is only a teaspoon of honey, but for the bee it is a life. Thank you, bees!”

“How to support native pollinators:”


“For America’s Top-Ranked CEOs, Too Much Is Never Enough via Capital & Main

"Tt’s in the fundamentals that the CEO pay system looks truly broken. While few peop… See more”


For America’s Top-Ranked CEOs, Too Much Is Never Enough

A new report has the receipts on our overcompensated corporate titans.”


‘The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that is wrong with the world.” Paul Farmer


Hot spots on the planet Nov 2 2022:


“The billionaires ARE the problem.”

“Mass Layoffs? Wait, I was told by republicans (and democrats) that billionaires deserved tax cuts and government subsidies cuz they were “Job Creators.”


“The comfort of the rich depends upon an abundant supply of the poor.” Voltaire


“There are believers who say there are no atheists when a plane falls.

But the truth is that there is no prayer that prevents the plane from falling.”


“Alliance against Democrat Establishment Hypocrisy” on Facebook

The farce that is biden and democrats. It is in these headlines:

“The Biden administration says it may restart the construction of the border wall to fill ‘gaps’ left by trump”

“Biden “illegally” bombs Iranian-backed militias in Syria, Jeopardizing nuclear talks with Tehran”

“Biden Administration will not shut down Dakota Access Pipeline during environmental review, DOJ lawyer tells court”

“Biden’s Venezuela Policy: Continuity with Trump”

“Critics blast Biden for denying entry to thousands of people still affected by Trump’s ‘Muslim ban’”

“Biden Issues Dozens of Oil Drilling Permits in First Few Days”

“Biden Won’t Support Progressive Student-loan Forgiveness Plan, he says”

“Biden plans to continue many of Trump’s foreign policies – at least for now”

“Biden promised change at the border. He’s kept Trump’s Title 42 policy to close it and cut off asylum”

“Haiti deportations soar as Biden Administration deploys Trump-era health order”

“Migrant children at border are still being separated from relatives for weeks under Biden Administration”

“First migrant facility for children opens under Biden”

“U.S. warns Iran it won’t lift all Trump-era sanctions to return to nuclear deal”

“Biden Administration approves $735 million weapons sale to Israel”


“Americans” who view “systemic failures on capitalism” as “god damn communists”


“Alliance against Democrat Establishment Hypocrisy” on Facebook:

While Republicans campaign to end Abortion, Social Security, Birth Control and sensible Prescription Drugs Costs, Democrats seek to fundraise off their efforts.


“Can’t believe we found out that Biden’s administration using the department of homeland security to meet weekly with twitter and Facebook to censor critical and political voices. And nobody cares because he’s a democrat.”


“If you want to hear an impartial report on what’s going on with gasoline prices in the world today, watch this video. Saudi Arabia and China are buying CHEAP Russian oil while Europe is in an energy crisis. This is as close to the truth as you’ll hear in the US.”

“Saudi Arabia slams Biden for releasing fuel reserves”


“Is the Gulf Stream collapsing?”

“The Gulf Stream and the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation exert a huge influence on heat and energy distribution around our planet. Research shows that our warming atmosphere is affecting this vital system so profoundly that it's at risk of shutting down altogether with very severe consequences for our civilisation. So what's going on?”


“Arctic System Collapse? Devastating new research.”

“The arctic region is a key driver of global climate patterns. In the summer of 2022, three peer reviewed research papers were published, all of which showed the systems that have kept the arctic stable for thousands of years are now collapsing far more quickly than previous analysis and modelling had suggested. A fourth paper, published at the same time, shows us what the consequences are likely to be. This video assesses all four.”


“What Will Happen If Earth Keeps Getting Warmer?”

“The Earth is heating up and this climate change will have cataclysmic consequences for humanity - namely the desertification of agricultural lands and submersion of some of the planet's most populated zones. This episode explores the best scientific solutions to rescue the climate and humanity, including carbon capture, artificial trees, production of Earth-cooling clouds, and many more.”

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