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11/2022 100k WHITE UKRANIANS were welcomed in but Dems are planning on sending Haitians to Gitmo

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Ty Steve Rogers via Maureen Haley:

“Woke means awakened to the needs of others. To be well informed, thoughtful, compassionate, humble, and kind. Eager to make the world a better place for all people.”


“If you are unsure who to trust in these confusing times:

Trust the courageous ones.

Truth requires courage.

Courage requires fortitude.

Truth requires integrity.

Cowards tell lies.

Cowards support liars.

Telling a lie is easy.

Believing a lie is easy.

Staying silent is easy.

Trusting without thinking is easy.

Thinking for yourself is hard.

Standing up for what is right is hard.

Being real & authentic is hard.

In times like these it takes all the courage in the world to question the status quo and to speak up and tell the truth.

Trust the courageous.”


Make no mistake of the fact that Climate change, Mass Extinction, pollution and the collapse of our planetary biosphere is all about CLASS WARFARE.

You can expect the b-u-l-k of climate\biosphere related deaths to proceed generally from a concentration of the poorest of the world's poor dying first and then gradually moving up the income and wealth ladder. That doesn't mean millions of American's won't CONTINUE to die along the way as fascists fob off the costs of ever more luxuries and conveniences on those their govt doesn't represent

“U.N. report warns of climate change 'adaption gap' that threatens the developing world”


Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is forming his own Gubernatorial Military Army for deployment in his sole and absolute discretion in the event of “emergencies”

He has also banned math textbooks because of an example involving wages and banned Social Studies courses from teaching social justice and the history if racism.


Operationalizing Koch’s SCOTUS: Will Wisconsin State Legislator impose martial law upon their gerrymanded taking of a Super Majority with the coming election? Or will they save that for their chosen DeSantis as President courtesy of the Independent State Legislature ruling?


Mega Drought caused by Big Oil as well as politicians and their billionaire backers:

“Hundreds of elephants, zebras die as Kenya weathers drought”


“Kenya drought kills more than 200 elephants”


But a year or so ago China started buying up grain preparing for just such a food shortage. This is what a communist country does for its people - not America. And secondly it sure seems like they knew this was coming well ahead of time. You have to assume America also knew it was coming just like the Mississippi River dying - America isn’t planning for its people

“Great Drought hits crops in Yangtze River valleys/To 145 meters: the 3 gorges dam isn’t working”


Ben Karimi:

“465 Billionaires Have Pumped an Eye-Popping $881 Million Into the Midterms.”


Dr. Jen, Neuropsychologist:

“What doesn’t kill you can:

Dysregulate your nervous system

Trap itself in your body

Steal you sense of self

Make you wish it did

I don’t know what “Makes you stronger” means but

Let’s stop glorifying trauma as a life-lesson we’ve been blessed with.”


“‘The Military Industrial Complex is a global murder machine enriching the upper class while standing on the graves of the lower class. Break. Your. Programming.”

Lee Camp


Squid Diddly

100k WHITE UKRANIANS were welcomed in and given housing this year.

The Democrats are planning to send Haitians fleeing violence to….Guantanamo Bay.”


“I will unite with anyone to do good and with no one to do bad.” Frederick Douglas


“Peace Activists Heckle Obama Over Nuclear War”


Paul Citro:

“Humanity is running itself into to the ditch, possibly to our extinction. It seems that we have gotten something fundamentally wrong about ourselves and our world. We have lost track of something essentially important. Wise people say that the answers lie within. Maybe it will take catastrophic suffering to make us stop in our tracks and reflect on what we're doing.”


“This Is How Democratic Leadership Responded”

“To the Sioux tribe protesting a fossil fuel corporation in 2016”

“Only Dr. Jill Stein stood with the People and Water Protectors. Millions of Americans don't know this happened as it was NOT covered by mainstream media. These actions happen all over the World. Every Day.


Standing Rock Special: Unlicensed #DAPL Guards Attacked Water Protectors with Dogs & Pepper Spray

" Many across the United States are celebrating this Thanksgiving holiday. But many for Native Americans observe it as a National Day of Mourning, marking

the genocide against their communities and the theft of their land. We spend the hour looking at the standoff at Standing Rock in North Dakota the struggle against the $3.8 billion Dakota Access pipeline that has galvanized the largest resistance movement of Native Amnericans in decades. The

movement has largely been ignored on this year's presidential campaign trail and by the national corporate media. But Democracy Now! has been covering the standoff closely. We begin with our report from North Dakota Labor Day weekend.

It was Saturday, September 3, when unlicensed Dakota

Access security guards attacked water protectors trying to defend a sacred tribal burial site from destruction. "

“Standing Rock Special: Unlicensed #DAPL Guards Attacked Water Protectors with Dogs & Pepper Spray”


Armando Sousa\The Greta Effect

"We can today say scientifically, without any hesitation, that anything beyond 2°C of global warming is nothing but catastrophic. Every tenth of a degree matters."

Johan Rockström


“A Nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social up lift is approaching spiritual death.”

Dr. Marin Luther King, Jr.


The American dream:

“Soaring inflation is causing many older adults to cut back on health care services. Luckily, there are ways to afford medications and copayments despite rising prices.”

“Don’t Blow Off Your Doctor Visit Because of Inflation

There are ways to afford medications and copayments, despite rising prices”

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