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11/2022 The Stock Market is a conveyor belt that transfers wealth from the non-rich to the rich

Updated: Nov 10, 2022

2018-05-08 334aaa

The Stock Market is a conveyor belt that transfers wealth from the non-rich to the rich:

“The top 1% owns 54% of the stock market.

The top 10% owns 84%, and

the top 20% owns 90% of the stock market.”

New York Times

[Greedflation is merely an uphill wealth transfer. Perhaps even necessitated in their minds because of the state of labor]




How evil can China be! How UnAmerican (The US Federal Reserve is a huge funder of deforestation)(carcasm):

“China has increased its forest cover by 40% over the last 30 years”


Scotus guilty of defrauding Americans of a meaningful vote: 1st they preserve gerrymandering and now with independent states theory they give the product of that gerrymandering the right to negate voter’s choice


““Chinese observers of America are forever searching for the conspiracy, the real leaders. They cannot believe that a society can keep rolling along as chaotically as America seems to do,” Jacob Dreyer writes.”

“The Rise And Fall Of Chimerica”


“Do not be daunted by the enormity of the worlds grief. Do justly, now. Love mercy, now. Walk humbly, now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it.”

The Talmud


Ukraine in a photo:


Jim Amend:

“If you allow people to make money in a crisis…

They will create crises to make money.”


“"The dairy industry severely mistreats sentient beings and does tremendous harm to the environment in order to produce food that is not only unnecessary but unhealthy for us to eat." - Paul Reese”


“Dairy Farmer Tearfully Admits Mother Cows Cry for Days After Being Separated From Their Babies”


“Here’s why eating cheese is actually worse than eating steak”


“What Are the Environmental Impacts of Dairy Farming?”


“A little snippet from a hearing in Congress back in the day where this agent admits he rigged election machines”


“Man is the most insane species. He worships an invisible God and destroys a visible Nature. Unaware that this Nature he’s destroying is the God he’s worshiping.” Hubert Reeves


Always remember, A-L-L the bad taking place in and around Ukraine occurred because the USA & Zelensky put satisfying their greed$ before human life & welfare


“Beset by megadrought, El Paso and other cities on the Rio Grande are taking an innovative approach to meeting water demand: desalinating brackish groundwater, pumping from distant aquifers, and “toilet-to-tap” recycling.”

“As Rio Grande Shrinks, El Paso Plans for Uncertain Water Future”


“The best thing I’ve ever done for myself was decide that I couldn’t give any less of a fuck of another’s opinion or misconceptions about me.”


Their gains against us come from their using illegitimate ways to get elected or appointed, only to then go on and take actions that we are obliged to give the full weight of the law. If they violated the spirit & intent of any part of public service all they’ve ever done In that capacity should be automatically be voided


The US Supreme Court has been on a pro-gun law spree across America. Here is an example:

“Ground Breaking Supreme Court Decision Is Ending California's Ammo Ban!!!”


The end of cheap salad:

“California drought withers crops, increasing grocery price”


“What Happens to Wildlife Swimming in a Sea of Our Drug Residues?

Wastewater exposes plants and wildlife to hundreds of chemical compounds. Researchers are learning about potential side effects and solutions.”


“Human Drugs Are Polluting the Water—And Animals Are Swimming in It

Salmon on psychotropics, platypuses on prozac, and other strange tales from the wild”

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