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11/2022 Meaningful action on the climate will only come when Americans start dying in great numbers

2019-06-09 _F2A4836aaa2

“PFAS left dangerous blood compounds in nearly all US study participants

The toxic ‘forever chemicals’ can stay in human blood for years, and are linked to cancers, kidney damage and heart disease”


The US Supreme Court is an enemy to a just and fair America. Watch for this case come the next Presidential election:

“The most terrifying case of all is about to be heard by the US supreme court”

“If the court upholds the rogue ‘Independent State Legislature’ theory, it would put the US squarely on the path to authoritarianism””

“The most terrifying case of all is about to be heard by the US supreme court”


The death of our planet is nature’s way of saying our age of selfishly disregarding the consequences of our actions is over. Sadly it has left individuals ill equipped to practice the sense of community now required to save us. Hardened concentrated wealth has been proven to be the final fatal drag on our survival. But rest assured, in time even the bunker crowd will die. Turn the page


Lula wins Brazil! Private Equity Biden must be pissing his pants to use US Taxpayer resources to liquidate what’s left of the Amazon$$$


This occurred and the US’s bombimg of Russia’s NordStream pipeline was still discharging methane as Biden touted America’s accomplishments at COP27:

Democrats are as disgraceful as Republicans

“We shouldn't be sacrificed for the national energy policy. Our way of life is important to us. We want to continue to harvest food on our lands and waters.” –Rosemary Ahtuangaruak, Mayor of Nuiqsut”

“Alaska’s Willow Project promises huge amounts of oil — and huge environmental impacts

Residents in nearby Nuiqsut worry that oil and gas development is ‘too fast and too much.’”


Get to know your America:

“The 10 tactics of fascism”


“DeSmog Launches Project to ‘DeBunk’ Climate Misinformation”

““…for all” that’s the problem. They need us to help generate their luxuries but not to inconvenience them any further

Anti-climate politicians, media and think tanks are pumping out false and misleading arguments which erode public support for climate action. This misinformation is being pumped out when, as UN climate science body the IPCC has said, we have “a brief and rapidly closing window of opportunity to secure a liveable and sustainable future for all”.”


“'The amount of energy required by direct air carbon capture proves it is an exercise in futility'”

“Capturing CO2 emissions using direct-air-capture technology requires almost as much energy as that contained in the fossil fuels that produced the carbon dioxide in the first place, according to new analysis.”


“In just 10 years, fires, drought, and insect infestations have devastated close to a third of forests in the southern Sierra Nevada mountains, a new study finds.”

“Drought, Fire, Insects Destroyed Nearly a Third of Southern Sierra Nevada Forest in Last Decade”


They will not stop taking just because we ask them

“The world will only take meaningful action on the climate crisis once people in rich countries start dying in greater numbers from its effects, Gabon’s environment minister has said, while warning that broken promises on billions of dollars of adaptation finance have left a “sense of betrayal” before Cop27.”

“Nothing will change on climate until death toll rises in west, says Gabonese minister

Before Cop27, Lee White also says broken promises on funding leave sense of betrayal”


“October morning temperatures topping 30 C (86 F) in Spain may have brought cheer to the tourists, but they are provoking concern among environmentalists. The mercury has been rising well above the norm across vast swathes of Europe, from Spain to as far north as Sweden.”

“Growing concern over unseasonal warm spell in Europe”


“Millions at risk of climate displacement in Middle East”


“Ahead of COP27, New Climate Reports are Warning Shots to a World Off Course

The gaps between climate promises, including last year’s global methane pledge, and emissions are growing, while the coming climate negotiations may be distracted by world events and disinformation.”


“Dry As In July: High Temperatures Hit North Italy Again”

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