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11/2022 Govt has no intention of fully making climate disaster victims whole

Updated: Dec 31, 2023

“Grass Lawns are an Ecological Catastrophe”

Compton Tortoiseshell (Nymphalis vaualbum or N. l-album)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2020-07-06 _F2A0593aaa

Nature Magazine:

“Read research on emissions scenarios, carbon budgets, natural hazards, and more.”


“Hey neighbors, please don’t use this stuff to decorate! Fake spiderweb decorations kill birds. It’s strong enough to snare an owl and takes a terrible toll every October on small birds, including hummingbirds. It’s also deadly to monarch butterflies and even bees.”



“During World War II, Victory Gardens were planted by families in the United States (the Home Front) to help prevent a food shortage. Planting Victory Gardens helped make sure that there was enough food for everyone.”

“The American lawn is one of the greatest mass brainwashings of all time. How we all voluntarily signed up to spend untold hours growing and cutting a non-native monoculture which we lace with poisons to kill plants and insects never ceases to amaze me.” Bill Henry


And they didn’t necessarily worker “smarter” either:

“no billionaire has ever worked as hard as someone who needs two jobs to make rent and has to go home and take care of their kids and clean their own apartment. Not even fucking close.”


“What if I told you

They are filling your head with useless sports stats, celebrity gossip and flavor of the week fashion to distract you from the fraud, corruption and theft that actually impacts your life every day.”


“DNA study confirms that Native American sailed to Europe with Vikings”

“Native American Woman May Have Made It to Europe 500 Years Before Columbus Was Born”


““If we only see evidence provided by scientists in academic and corporate laboratories as credible, we miss the opportunity to learn from lived experience, storytelling, and cultural histories.””

“Op-Ed: There Is Ample Evidence That Agroecology Can Transform the Food System”


“All fireflies have glowing larval stages commonly known as ‘glow worms’ and they live up to two years in the ground. The armored, grub-likes larvae are predators eating slugs, snails and earthworms.

Lawn chemicals kill firefly ‘Glow Worms’

Grub-like glow worms are basically baby fireflies

Pollinator friendly yards on facebook

How to have fireflies in your yard?

Stop the pesticides

Turn off lights

Plant native grasses in your Native Plant Yard.

Fireflies are attracted to high grasses and shrubbery, and they rest on tall blades of grass during the day. So native grasses are perfect!

Mowing ALL of your property — without leaving habitat for them — will reduce the number of fireflies in your yard.

◾️Good article about fireflies here:

More information here:


“TRS: Destroying the Fog of Grift with Ben Norton”


Betcha they don’t ban math books in China:

“Nuclear fusion could be the future of energy, replacing fossil fuels with our own artificial stars.”

“China made an artificial star that's 6 times as hot as the sun, and it could be the future of energy”


“Did you know? Wolves boost local economies.”

“Wolves are not only essential to ecosystems in which they live, they boost local economies. A new study shows that, in the three bordering states of Yellowstone National Park, annual spending by people coming to see wolves has increased from $35.5 million in 2005 to $82.7 million in 2021.”



“Are We Planting The Right Trees To Fight Climate Change?”

“Cutting down 1 of these trees is like cutting down more than 10 regular trees when it comes to climate change.

Or more exactly, according to research published in Nature Geoscience: "...we estimate that mangrove deforestation generates emissions of 0.02–0.12 Pg carbon per year—as much as around 10% of emissions from deforestation globally, despite accounting for just 0.7% of tropical forest area."[1]

What would happen to our climate if we started planting more of these trees, instead of cutting them down?

Tap or click to see this website that makes it easy for anyone to plant these incredible trees with only a few clicks of their mouse.


1Donato D. et al. Mangroves among the most carbon-rich forests in the tropics, NATURE GEOSCIENCE | VOL 4, 1 (2011).”



“New Smithsonian Study Links Declines in Suburban Backyard Birds to Presence of Nonnative Plants.

Findings Give Landowners a Simple Road Map to Provide Essential Habitat for Breeding Birds. Join your native plant society. LINK:”


Govt has no intention of fully making climate disaster victims whole. Not taking action on Climate Collapse only makes sense if you’re not going to pay for it costs and you don’t have any regard for the nonrich it hits hardest:

“Thousands of Sandy victims in NJ are still paying for the superstorm 10 years later

Matt Rusinski said the damage to his home in Toms River after the storm was “horrific.” What followed was the tedious task of rebuilding — twice. Ten years later, he still owes money the state had previously approved.”

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