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11/2022 The Lancet: Immediate Action on Climate Could Save the Lives of Millions

Updated: Nov 15, 2022

2019-09-12 _F2A5970aaa

It’s all about getting a good growth in earnings.

See the interest rate hikes for what they are – an inducement (hobbling labor) meant to curry favor with the Rich by Democrats hoping to hold the White House in 2024

The coming recession was manufactured by a US Federal Reserve weaponized against Labor knowing full well that the increased unemployment would result in additional deaths amongst the nonRich

“Buckle up, America: The Fed plans to sharply boost unemployment”


And next year the west’s severe drought will intensify and expand. The Mississippi River is toast. Where was the planning by Government?:

“Drought conditions this year may cost Nebraska farmers nearly $2 billion in profits.”


Climate Destruction: they’re manipulating the measuring period used to calculate the increase in temperature and by appearances of Davis to Dimon they’re increasing the temperature rise needed for human extinction


Nuclear War only makes sense if you’re not going to pay for it costs and you don’t have any regard for the nonrich it hits hardest:

“Pentagon Nuclear Posture Review Won’t Rule Out U.S. First Strike”


America’s rich will surely have their politicians ruin Lula if not have him assassinated:

“Fears Rise Over Brazilian Election After Bolsonaro Ally Attacks Police With Rifle and Grenades”


And the UN assumes all the bologna miracle cures actually taking place!

“U.N.: Failure by Nations to Meet Climate Pledges Puts World on Track for 2.9 Degrees of Heating by 2100”


And when they don’t take meaningful action on the Climate they are consciously choosing to kill millions of nonrich:

“The Lancet: Immediate Action on Climate Could Save the Lives of Millions”


An awful lot of blood was spilled making Wisconsin the bastion of Democracy that it was:

“Ari Berman on “How Wisconsin Became the GOP’s Laboratory for Dismantling Democracy””


“Note the last name “Koch” same as America’s unelected President Charles Koch. His father Fred Koch was key to Hitler realizing his Holocaust”

“Death of Ilse Koch - Bestial Nazi guard & Sexual Deviant - Buchenwald & Sachsenhausen – Holocaust”


America hasn’t had Free and Fair Elections. That is the primary reason it is losing its democracy:

Judge approved of this:

“A federal judge Friday refused to bar a group from monitoring outdoor ballot boxes in Arizona’s largest county where watchers have shown up armed and in ballistic vests, saying to do so could violate the monitors’ constitutional rights.”

“Group can monitor Arizona ballot drop boxes, US judge rules”


“A series of sudden and colossal spikes in radiation levels across Earth's history could have come from a series of unknown, unpredictable and potentially catastrophic cosmic events, a new study has revealed. The spikes occur roughly once every 1,000 years or so and are recorded as sudden increases in the radiocarbon levels of ancient tree rings.”

“Gigantic radiation storms have been pummeling Earth for at least 10,000 years and could strike again, tree ring analysis reveals

One of the events was 80 times more powerful than the strongest solar flare ever recorded.”


“World Headed in Wrong Direction on Five Key Measures of Climate Progress, Report Finds”


“The Violence Is the Point — That’s Why the Fascists Keep Escalating

The Attempted Assassination of Nancy Pelosi Should Be a Turning Point for Us All”


“Heinberg: World oil production stopped growing in 2019, just before the Covid pandemic. Even if a new peak of production occurs before 2030, it will likely exceed the 2019 level by only a tiny fraction, and only for a short time. There is simply no breathing room left for petroleum-powered world economic growth.”

“The party is over

Museletter #355: Oil, war and the fate of industrial societies”


America does not have a voter fraud problem

The problem with elections that it does have stems from the rich preferring fascism instead of democracy.

The rich have used their wealth to get their way in all branches of government. Including effectively paying government to deny representation to the nonrich.

One of the ways they do this is to pay government to be destroy aspects of the process the nonrich have relied upon to give them a false sense of a being represented by their government - getting who they want elected. The fascists don't want the nonrich to vote and if they do they want it to be meaningless.

So politicians say whatever they have to in order to get into office and do whatever the fascists want them to. It's the source of the politicans' personal relative fortune. They lie and use issues to manipulate nonrich voters to vote against their better interests.

But it doesn’t stop there.

When the nonrich go to vote the fascists pay Govt to do all manner of schemes to frustrate the nonrich voter. For instance, if government can’t stop them from voting then they’ll make sure any nonrich vote won’t have the intended effect - candidate choices may be manipulated (Bernie Sanders) and generally they’ll make sure the race doesn’t permit voting results the fascists don’t want.

However, if the votes of the nonrich do get cast and do result in something the fascists don’t approve of then govt and it’s agents involved in the election will change the result fraudulently. That is the problem America has - fraud by those administering, overseeing, and being on the ballot in elections whose results don’t meet with the fascists’ approval. If the fascist isn't happy with the election results they will result to election fraud

And the US Supreme Court is working on making their changing results in favor of fascists so it’s not fraud.


“Bumblebees enjoy playing with balls, according to study – BBC News”

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