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11/2021 The Hypocrisy of Bailouts

Updated: Dec 24, 2023

“The other night, Joe Manchin was surrounded by people chanting "We want to live". as he walked from his office to his car. Everyone remained peaceful, but they followed him to his vehicle, a Maserati SUV ( anywhere from $74,740 up to $153,090) which he got in and drove off. Not too many Congressional or Senatorial reps driving around Washington in a vehicle like this; it just shows what true corruption in Washington looks like, because he's one of the main reasons President Biden's plans for this country are being held up. He's doing it not only to protect his own investments in the coal industry, which paid him out close to $500K last year, but also to appease his donors, both public, like Exxon, and private, like the one remaining Koch brother, who don't want higher taxes on corporations and the ultra rich. He wasn't elected to enrich himself, but to help Americans and America itself, move forward. Here's his website that gives his four office locations and phone numbers, and a link to form if you want to email him. Drop him a line or leave him a message, let him know how you feel about him being a DINO!”

“This content isn’t available right now”


“Article about the Arctic emergency and the work, research and goals of the Cambridge Centre for Climate Repair: this research into direct cooling technologies is important to pursue urgently, in addition to emissions reductions:”

“Scientists are investigating ways to refreeze polar ice caps to stop climate change”


People are going to die. Many people are going to die. Most from the consequences and many, I fear, while trying to get the establishment to stop:

“Read Greta Thunberg's full speech at the United Nations Climate Action Summit

"I shouldn't be up here. I should be back in school on the other side of the ocean. Yet, you all come to us young people for hope. How dare you!" she said.”

Straight-lined Plagodis (Plagodis phlogosaria)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2017-07-29 181aaap

Wall Street was given $1 trillion per day for a month:

“Chomsky: Build Back Better Fiasco Exposes How Both Parties Serve Corporate Power”


“Manchin DOOMS Democratic Party”


“Evonomics: The Next Evolution of Economics ·

Economist Steven Klees: "Similarly, to argue that the allocation of resources can be “efficient” even if half the world is starving to death is ridiculous, but that is exactly what neoclassical economics says."

“Neoclassical Economics is Dead. What Comes Next?

The answer lies in alternative economic practices.”


The climate lockdown will be the 99% being deprived so all resources are available to the rich and their corporations without inconvenience $$$:

“Any other environmental professionals afraid that we've been hijacked by something that has nothing to do with actually addressing environmental issues?

For example, what is this piece in WBCSD calling for climate lockdowns?

"Under a “climate lockdown,” governments would limit private-vehicle use, ban consumption of red meat, and impose extreme energy-saving measures, while fossil-fuel companies would have to stop drilling"”

“Avoiding a climate lockdown”


Alaska is getting freakish amounts of rain:

“It's official! #Portage Glacier Visitor Center is now the furthest north station in the US to report consecutive days of 8" or more of rain each. The 10.34" that fell on 10/30 was Alaska's first 10" in a single day rainfall since Cannery Creek in 2012. #AKwx


Serve the 99% or give the keys to deep fascism:

“Democrats Have a Choice: Embrace Progressive Populism or Suffer a Trumpian Fascist Future”

“Neoliberalism is a wounded, dying animal. America is returning to populism, whether our politicians want it or not: the big question is will it be progressive or fascist populism?”


“Virginia voters send a message: The Trump party is back”

“After the desecration of the Capitol on Jan. 6, the Republicans were supposed to be in crisis. The Democrats appeared to have a clear field ahead. The country appeared to want a fresh start.

It sure doesn’t look that way now”


More freakish weather in Alaska:

“The Most Snow to Fall in the History of the USA - 25℉ Below Normal - Floods - Jet Stream Collapse”


“Joe Biden demands loyalty from warring Democrats”


“The Hypocrisy of Bailouts | The Problem With The Economy | The Problem With Jon Stewart | Apple TV+”


“There are three branches of government

Your church is NOT one of them.”


“Scooby Doo has great life lessons to teach:

If something evil is happening, its probably an old white man trying to make money.”


Didn’t hear about this on the news:

“Ask a Climatologist: Unwavering atmospheric river soaked Southcentral Alaska”


“10 Seeds Everyone Should Grow and Store in Case of a Global Emergency”


“The exclusion of climate science from COP meetings - by Andrew Glikson

There can be little doubt that, had the US, China and Russia been on the same page, an advanced agreement was likely to be reached at COP26, but since it is not, the collapse can be laid at the feet of human tribalism and eternal conflict since the dawn of civilization, ultimately leading to a mass extinction of species.

Climate scientists have practically been excluded from COP meetings, dominated as they are by economists, lawyers and politicians.

With the exception of David Attenborough and references to “one minute to mid-night”, the science-based projections of global heating have only received faint echoes among the assembly of warring tribes at COP-26, dominated by nationalism, vested interests and sheer ignorance of the current trend, which can only culminate in the end of civilization.

The lessons from climate science indicate:

• While politicians talk about a 1.5°C target, the mean global temperature has already exceeded this level and likely approaches 2°C when the transient short-term masking effects of aerosols are accounted for. Thus Hansen and Sato (2012) estimate aerosol to lower global temperatures by between -1.0°C and -1.2°C, which implies the real mean global temperatures are close to +2°C above pre-industrial level. By contrast, references to the NASA’s ~1.02°C warming can be compared to a measurement of a patient’s body temperature only after they take a dose of aspirin. Furthermore, this NASA anomaly is measured from 1951-1980, whereas the Paris Agreement calls for a pre-industrial base.

• Whereas the critical need for emissions reduction is central to climate negotiations, the effects of cumulative concentration of GHG in the atmosphere (CO₂ + equivalent CH₄, N₂O, etc), which trigger amplifying feedbacks from land and ocean, remains hardly tackled. The current CO₂-equivalent level of >500 ppm (Figure 2), which is near X1.8 times the pre-industrial level of ~280 ppm CO₂, is generating amplifying feedbacks. According to a climate sensitivity estimate of 3 ± 1.5°C per doubling of CO₂ the equilibrium rise in temperature could be approaching +3°C.

• The role of amplifying GHG feedbacks from land and oceans, leading to enhanced heating, appears to be neglected in climate talks, including:

- A decline in the polar albedo (reflection) due to large-scale lateral and vertical melting of ice;

- Reduced CO₂ intake by warming oceans. Currently the oceans absorb between 35-42% of all CO₂ and around 90% of the excess heat;

- Warming, desiccation, deforestation and fires over land areas;

- Release of methane from melting permafrost and from polar sediments;

- An increase in evaporation, particularly in arid zones, raising atmospheric vapor levels, which enhances the greenhouse gas effect.

• IPCC-based climate trends are mostly linear, yielding an impression that overshooting of the warming trend is capable of being reversed within acceptable time scales, projections which neglect the likelihood of tipping points of no return. The time scales for attempts to cool the atmosphere may exceed the longevity of civilization. The weakening of the Arctic jet stream, allowing air and water masses of contrasted temperatures to cross the Arctic boundary, leads to disruptions such as the freezing “beast from the east” fronts that hit North America and Europe and Arctic wildfires. The flow of ice melt water from Greenland and Antarctica into the oceans may result in marked transient temperature reversals in the oceans, extending onto land.

While neglecting the consequences of runaway global warming, discussions continue of the price of mitigation and adaptation, i.e. the price of habitability of Earth, proceeding to huggle in terms akin to corner store grocers. Elsewhere, much of the media appears to be preoccupied with the price of submarines, deadly weapons in futile wars, ironically more suitable for coastal surveys of regions flooded by an inevitable sea level rise on the scale of many meters.

From the post 'The exclusion of climate science from COP meetings', at:”


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