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11/2021 “Stop Ecocide Foundation: Statement to ICC Assembly of States Parties 2020”

Updated: Dec 23, 2023


Ecocide laws must be embraced and past and present government and business actors must be rigorously pursued and stripped of their freedom as well as stripped of their wealth (to aid planetary reconstruction and restitution):

“Stop Ecocide International @ COP26 Glasgow: Events Fundraiser”

Horrid Zale (Zale horrida)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2015-06-04 New-Out99999_397_398_99998aaaaap









“Stop Ecocide Foundation: Statement to ICC Assembly of States Parties 2020”


“The Top 1% of Americans Have Taken $50 Trillion From the Bottom 90%—And That's Made the U.S. Less Secure”


“Elites Are Using Climate Hysteria to Immiserate the Working Class | Opinion”



Supreme Court ‘s illegitimate ruling on Abortion a distraction as Clinton’s Stephanopoulos refuses to mention SCOTUS blessing of racist voter suppression laws on TV news. Main stream media failing.


COP26 snowjob:

Biden forgets he just approved Russian pipeline for Germany, something Trump wouldn’t even do. The USA is biggest exporter of greenhouse gas emitting fuels & satisfying USA’s consumption wildly inflates other countries (eg China’s) emissions. COP26 is one big publicity pulpit for politicians.

COVID-USA19 global death toll reaches 5 million as Dems\Reps once again frustrates climate talks at COP while refusing to sign international agreement on preservation of Biodiversity.

Earth’s 6th Mass Extinction is a Mass Extinction by choice, by choice of the rich and their two political parties


US has 3,750 Nuclear Warheads, China could have 1,000 by 2030. Democrats clearly losing ground in 2 elections so they promptly take to the air to demonize China. To win elections Dems have to help Rich compete with China?!

In any event, US rapes & pillages others at will and now, with Trump’s 2nd term inevitable, China accelerates nuclear weapons program. It is more likely cash politics has made US a wildly irresponsible global citizen & we blame the world’s rational response


John Cleese:

“If the judge in the Rittenhouse case doesn’t like the word ‘victim’, perhaps the phrase ‘unarmed person shot to death’ might to the trick”


Caitlin Johnstone:

“Corporations are legally required to act like sociopaths; they’re required to maximize shareholder profits even if it means ruining lives, destroying the ecosystem, etc. Companies controlled by workers instead of blind profit motive would have human interests as a driving factor.”

Durga Adriane:

“And there is your argument for socialism: Workers owning the means of production means workers' interests are at the center of what corporations produce, how much they produce, how ethically and environmentally responsibly they produce, how much they charge, and how much they pay the people producing it. You cannot do that under a capitalist system. The best compromise is a strong labor union presence, but that was clobbered into oblivion by Reagan. But the union ship has sailed at this point. It's too late to try and get back what was only a compromise solution to avoid full socialism anyway. Capitalism cannot continue to exist in a world of finite resources on the brink of climate extinction. It's as simple as that.”


The campaign to brainwash the masses into permanent subservience using schools continues:

“Not sure where this “parents-should-control-what-is taught-in-schools-because-they-are-our-kids” is originating, but parents do have the option to choose to send their kids to a hand-selected private school at their own expense if this is what they desire.

The purpose of public education in a public school is not to teach kids only what parents want them to be taught. It is to teach them what society needs them to know. The client of the public school is not the parent, but the entire community, the public”

And if you and your child don’t want to be in the community of the public then you shouldn’t be an American.


“Corporatism is not capitalism

Corporatism is the destruction of the free market and the creation of corporate monopolies achieved through the regulatory and monopoly power of strong central government.”


“How about this for a demand? You work for six years and you get a whole paid year off to do whatever the hell you want.”

“One Year Off, Every Seven Years”


“McDonald’s made $6.2 billion this quarter in sales which is 14% more than previous years. But, they’re still increasing menu costs and blaming workers. How much is enough!?”

“McDonald's is doing great. McDonald's executives are doing amazing. McDonald's workers are still struggling.”


“"Bernie Sanders


According to media reports, Democratic negotiators are working on a repeal of the SALT deduction cap for up to five years, which would cost $475 billion and give the richest 5% $400 billion in tax cuts.

4:52 PM · Nov 2, 2021"

"Democrats campaigned and won on an agenda that demands that the very wealthy finally pay their fair share, not one that gives them more tax breaks," Sanders (I-Vt.) said in a statement opposing the proposal. "I am open to a compromise approach which protects the middle class in high-tax states."

"I will not support more tax breaks for billionaires," he added.

Sanders (I-Vt.) blasted it as "beyond unacceptable." Common Dreams”

“They say there is no money for schools, no money for hospitals, no money for a pay raise. So how is there always money for war?”


“Scientists working to save giant sequoias”


“Do not let anyone tell you that the only way to be productive is by working.

Self-care is productive. Going to dr appointments & running errands is productive. Spending time with loved ones is productive. Surviving is productive. Productive does not necessarily mean “labor”.


“After being in the United States for only one year, Ronald Reagan made this Australian [Rupert Murdoch] a citizen. Then he had his FCC Chairman scrap the Fairness Doctrine which kept newspapers and television programs from lying to the American people. Ever since, Rupert Murdoch has been brainwashing Americans into believing our legitimate press is lying like lies. Fox News is not news, it is propaganda that the oligarchs use to poison the minds of American. It is time we treated it as such.”


Here in Wisconsin Kochland Trump’s Sinclair Broadcasting is debuting a new “news” show on FOX called the “The National Desk”.


Christopher Joyce:

“Here's an important piece by Jim Acosta about Pucker Carlson's new series, "Patriot Purge" filled with inaccuracies and falsehoods. He also asks why the Murdoch family, which came here from Australia, would be allowing this to happen, and why are they doing this to America? He also has a news channel still in Australia, Sky News, which is just as bad, if not worse, than Faux. They focus primarily on questioning President Biden's mental condition and pumping up tRump. An important watch, about 7 minutes or so, to see what kind of BS is being perpetrated on us by these folks. It's getting more and more dangerous out there. Stay vigilant!”

“CNN’s Jim Acosta To Murdochs: “Why Are You Doing This To Us?””


“In Finland, they have an average of 161 weeks of paid family leave for mothers.

In Hungary it’s 160 weeks

In Norway it’s 90 weeks

In Germany it’s 58 weeks

In Sweden it’s 55 weeks

In the United States, it’s 0. ZERO WEEKS.”

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