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11/2021 Rittenhouse crying = SCOTUS Justice Brett Kavanaugh crying

Updated: Aug 7, 2022

Rittenhouse crying = SCOTUS Justice Brett Kavanaugh crying


“The judiciary of America, the planet’s newest tribal third world”

“Wendy Rittenhouse dressed him as a KKK child to attend her KKK Christian church. She bought him plenty of baby guns and rifles, and she drove him WELL ARMED with an AK-15 rifle attached to his body to Kenosha, "to protect the businesses" from THREE (3) WHITE MEN chasing Kyle Rittenhouse for randomly running and killing with his AR-15 rifle.

She praised Judge Schroeder, calling him a "fair" judge for whom she has "respect."”

2012-10-11-0904-16 IMG_1361aaap


It’s the Democrats’ judiciary now:

Eject all Judges appointed by Trump,…and then some.

“Rittenhouse judge ‘constantly interferes’ in the prosecution: ex-federal prosecutor”


Currently this is a distraction, but remember it:

“It’s hard to take the tears of Kyle Rittenhouse seriously seeing how just a few months ago he was partying in a bar with the Proud Boys flashing their secret “white power” symbol while wearing a T-shirt that said ‘free as f*ck.’”


“'Strange' judge in Kyle Rittenhouse trial has previously been accused of overstepping his authority”


Trevor Noah:

“Nobody drives into a city with guns because they love someone else’s business that much. That’s some bullsh**t. No onehas ever thought, “oh, it’smy solemn duty to pick up a rifle and protect that T.J. Maxx.” They do it because they’re hoping to shoot someone.”


“Bingo!!! Matt Taibbi gets it!!!

Key Passage:

Corporate profits in the second quarter of 2020 sat at $1.58 trillion. One year later, that number was $2.69 trillion, a roughly 71% increase. How many stories have you read in the last year telling you about how well the top end of the income distribution has been doing, while the rest of the country seemed to be falling apart?

Compared with how often you heard pundits rage about the “insurrection,” how regularly did you hear that billionaire wealth has risen 70% or $2.1 trillion since the pandemic began? How much did you hear about last year’s accelerated payments to defense contractors, who immediately poured the “rescue” cash into a buyback orgy, or about the record underwriting revenues for banks in 2020, or the “embarrassment of profits” for health carriers in the same year, or the huge rises in revenue for pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson, all during a period of massive net job losses? The economic news at the top hasn’t just been good, it’s been record-setting good, during a time of severe cultural crisis.”

“As America Falls Apart, Profits Soar

As the country again prepares to go to war with itself, this time over a high-profile trial, a bigger story goes unnoticed”


Infrastructure Bill = Privatization of water & roads.

Oldest trick in the book: spend TAXPAYERS’ money on improving it while transferring a revenue stream\possession of it to PRIVATE for-profit entities to get donations\kickbacks


When you think about the DemGOP’s pathetic Infrastructure Bill you may want to remember 2017 and the Air Traffic Control privatization.

Anyway, Democrats Infrastructure Bill exemplifies oldest trick in the book – Govt uses Taxpayer money to upgrade while flipping the new, best-practices, state-of-the-art whatever to private for-profit special interests for a kickback$:

And when is Washington going to stop making us pay twice for school facilities that are being privatized?! Of course, what about the environment and climate?

DemGOPs gave Wall St $1 Trillion\day. The size of their Infrastructure Bill spits in the face of the Nonrich, and the privatization provisions is just their rubbing salt in the wound while raising the basic cost of living! And climate?!

Also, Sinema and Manchin’s position on destroying the bill’s provisions to help nonrich are shared by ALL Democrats. Sinema and Manchin voicing it all was meant to contain the damage to other members of the Democratic Party. Don’t fall for it.


“It’s been two years since the right-wing coup against Evo Morales’s socialist government. One of his former ministers tells Jacobin about how the US war on drugs helped create a Bolivian military free from popular control.”

“How the US War on Drugs Subverted Bolivian Democracy”


“Nearly 1 in 3 people experienced a weather disaster this summer in the U.S. — but did you know that protecting and connecting public lands and waters can help mitigate extreme weather impacts like flooding, drought, heat waves and storm surges AND help reduce a significant chunk of the nation's climate pollution?

We will continue down this dangerous path if Congress doesn't prioritize climate change legislation, but can reverse course if they do.”


Robert Reich:

“What’s really driving inflation? Corporate power.

The biggest culprit for rising prices that’s not being talked about is the increasing economic concentration of the American economy in the hands of a relative few giant big corporations with the power to raise prices.” [full script on his fb page]


“America is on Strike

A record 4.4 million Americans quit their jobs in September.

Call this what it is: an unofficial general strike.”


“Funny how no one in the corporate media is talking about the REAL inflationary impact of the $8 trillion Pentagon budget over the next decade with ZERO offsets, while obsessing on the BOGUS inflationary impact of the Build Back Better Act fully paid for by taxing the rich.”

“We are reaching peak levels of gaslighting over this bullshit inflation scare”

Something to consider: “Steve Greenberg

Removing money from the system is not specific enough. You have to know whose hands you are taking the money from, and if those are the people who are driving the inflation. The rich drove the stock market inflation. Spending by workers is causing consumer price inflation. The solution to consumer price inflation is not in decreasing demand, but it is in expanding supply. The people impoverishing the port truckers need to be stopped so that we can move the goods faster. If you pay truckers enough, there will be enough of them to move the goods.”

Democrats’ “crisis” with inflation is that erodes the purchasing of all the money held by the rich & to “cure” it for the 99% would require reversing climate collapse


Rising food prices contributes to obesity:

“Costs associated with obesity may account for 3.6% of GDP by 2060”


“Last paragraph is true. Any time you want to stop your suffering and strife....

A recent RAND Corporation study of wealth and income inequality in America makes it very clear that there has been a quiet, sub rosa class war in the United States waged by the American oligarchy against the average working people of America since the early 1970s. This “reverse distribution” of income and wealth upwards, really a massive $2.5 TRILLION annual theft — and THEFT is not too strong a word for it — by the American oligarchy from the average working people of America explains why so many Americans are struggling financially, flat broke, working multiple low wage, often part time jobs, are mired deeply in debt, and it explains much of the social unrest and discontent in America over the last 50 years.

In the early 1970s, the far right wing backlash and counterrevolution to the reforms of the New Deal, the post-WWII era, the Civil Rights Movement, and the Great Society began. It started with the infamous Powell Memorandum to the US Chamber of Commerce of 1971 that served as a blueprint of how the American oligarchy could undermine the power that the American middle class had gained for itself and restore the primacy the oligarchy had prior to the Great Depression of the 1930s. The American oligarchy has followed the instructions of the Powell Memorandum closely for nearly 50 years now, regained the power and influence it had lost, and shifted the political discourse and struggle in America dramatically to the right.

In 1973, began the Great Uncoupling of increases in American wages and salaries from increases in corporate productivity and profitability. Except for measly, grudging pay increases to cover inflation, and to be told that they were lucky they still had jobs, the average working people of America ceased to share in the tremendous wealth that their labor created for the bosses and the shareholders. Forty-eight years is a LONG time to go without a REAL pay increase, and it explains much of the social discontent in America in the years since.

Much of this reactionary counterrevolution occurred quietly and secretly, through profound, but stealthy economic moves that occurred in corporate executive suites and boardrooms, and in right wing scholarly studies and propaganda coming out of the work of a small, but dedicated cadre of right wing academics, and most effectively and tellingly, in the huge sums of money that the American oligarchy used to first undermine moderate center-right conservative politicians in the Republican Party, then to buy off business oriented politicians in the Democratic Party and push the “party of the people” hard to the right. There is today no real, effective leftist political party in America, other than the small, vocal, but outnumbered and largely neutralized “progressive” wing of the Democratic Party.

Sad to say, but most average working people in America have been kept in the dark about what was happening, like frogs in a pot of water that was being heated slowly, but surely, until it was too late to respond effectively. Also, caught up in the day-to-day struggle to make a living, which became increasingly more difficult as the years went by, the average working people of America were simply too distracted and exhausted to pay much attention to politics and its effects on their socioeconomic standing.

Today, the American oligarchy has pretty much succeeded in defanging and neutralizing the American political process as any sort of realistic threat to their power and wealth. The pathetic and limited choice at the election polls is, sadly, between two right wing bourgeois political parties: the neoliberal corporatist Democrats and the reactionary, increasingly fascist and bat shit crazy Republicans. Any “reforms” offered to the beleaguered working people of America are generally tepid, underfunded, incremental half measures at best. More often than not, the bourgeois blowhards of Washington, DC expend a great deal of energy creating political heat, without necessarily generating much political light or real action. Political gridlock and inaction isn’t just the result — it’s pretty much the intention.

Any REAL reform here in the United States will only occur when millions of Americans take to the streets participating in mass demonstrations and general strikes that paralyze America, bring the American oligarchy to its knees, and their bourgeois politicians to the bargaining table offering the REAL reforms and meaningful government policy changes that the American people so desperately need and want.”


“Why life is harder now than in the 60s”


“5 Big Agriculture companies are blocking climate action to protect their factory farms:




Cargill, and


Tell them to stop funding anti-climate bills today!

In 2020 Big Agriculture spent over $140 MILLION lobbying political officials, using their money to get in the way of effective climate change legislation.

Big Ag's factory farms (aka CAFOs) create massive amounts of manure. This manure emits methane and nitrous oxide, two greenhouse gases that are much more powerful than carbon dioxide.

Instead of doing eliminating factory farming to curb their contribution to climate change Big Ag would rather spend big bucks to continue to pollute as they please.

That’s why we’re calling on 5 major Big Ag companies—Purdue, JBS, Tyson, Cargill, and Smithfield—to stop lobbying against climate change and clean up their greenhouse gas-producing CAFOs

It’s time to hold these companies accountable. Will you demand that these corporations stop prioritizing profit over people and STOP lobbying against climate action?”


Xavier Rosseel:

“We are only just beginning to uncover the multiple strands of this newly discovered sense. There are likely hundreds, if not thousands, more species capable of aerial electroreception, and in many more ecological contexts; perhaps a prey animal can detect its approaching predators by the static charge on the predator, or vice versa. There is so much more to be discovered.

Possibly even more important though, is to assess to impact of human activity on this electric ecology.

The magnitude of many human-made electricity sources are comparable, if not greater, than the natural sources of electricity. We might be swamping the electrical senses of key pollinators or interfering with the natural world in other, as yet unknown, ways. While the discovery of this electrical sense is incredibly exciting, it also highlights how little we really know about the ways in which we could be hurting and disturbing the natural world.”

“Electric ecology: we’re discovering how animals and plants use electricity in ingenious ways”


Democrats also lost New Jersey Governorship when they lost Virginia. But they don’t really care as it was in service to the rich and they are essentially Republicans anyway....and they are rich enough not to be inconvenienced by the coming Republican tsunami of further fascist policy.

“NJ Senate president Sweeney concedes in dramatic upset”


“Neofascist seizure of America’s state governments”


“Democrats will NOT stop our plunge into deep fascism, but rather will facilitate the transition. Think of that when you see no change in SCOTUS, USPS, or Elimination of the filibuster etc etc”

“Gloomy landscape for Democrats in midterms as Biden’s approval drops to 38% in USA TODAY/Suffolk poll”

“If only there was something they could do”


“EPI's Josh Bivens takes a look back at the American Rescue Plan's impact on inflation and what it means for the Build Back Better Act.

In short: Passing the ARP was the right move in early 2021, and passing the BBBA is the right move now.”


Conservative Republican Horror Show (in addition to the 2 parties executing life on earth) - over 210,000 children in Texas have COVID


“The third world is not poor. You don’t go to poor countries to make money. Most countries are rich. Only the people are poor. Ordinary people pay the costs of empire. These countries aren’t underdeveloped, they are over exploited.”


“In the battle to slow down climate change, countries like Barbados are on the frontline. But adapting to the impacts of climate change, to build defenses and repair the damage from hurricanes, will cost money that Barbados, with a national debt ratio of 144% of GDP, does not have. Here’s their leader’s message from COP26.

TIME's Climate Report 2021 is Presented by CITIZEN”

“Barbados' Prime Minister Has a Message for Rich Countries”


“'Whole meeting is doomed': David Suzuki on COP26”

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