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11/2021 Pelosi officiating the extravagant wedding of Ivy Getty, daughter & heiress of Oil tycoon

Updated: Feb 3, 2023

“For anyone that needs the explanation: This is Democrat party House Speaker and multi-millionaire Nancy Pelosi, pictured at the top across from amazing investigative journalist Abby Martin of Empire Files. Martin asked Pelosi at the recent COP26 global conference on climate change this month what she plans to do about the fact the Pentagon is the world's #1 polluter and destroyer of the environment.

The bottom picture is Pelosi officiating the extravagant wedding of Ivy Getty, daughter and heiress to multi-billionaire oil tycoon John Paul Getty, in San Francisco last weekend (coverage here: This is for anyone that actually believed Democrats had any intention of lifting a finger to keep us from speeding off the impending cliff.

2020-06-06 _F2A5377aaa

“Obama: “My administration opened up millions of acres for gas & oil exploration in 23 states. We’re opening over 75% of our oil resources offshore. We quadrupled the # of operating rigs to a record high. We’ve added enough new oil & gas pipeline to encircle the earth & then some.”

The New York Times:

“Vote like your life depends on it, because it does,” said former President Barack Obama in an address to young people at the Cop26 climate summit in Glasgow, urging them to engage in activism to push world leaders into…”


Biden Promises check list showing overwhelming failure:


Democrats are hemorrhaging voters from all walks of life:

“STUDY: Dems Losing 'Normal' Voters Of ALL Races | Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar”


“Methane: The Climate Monster”


“The zionist propaganda machine going into full hysteria. Not new, but always worth denouncing.

“It is perhaps unsurprising that a political class hellbent on clamping down on civil liberties instinctively denounced the protestors. But drawing cynical comparisons between a pogrom against Jews carried out by paramilitary forces and with the support of the state and the protesting of an ambassador with extreme views and fascistic tendencies shows the lengths that are taken to neutralise Palestinian solidarity. Indeed, a closer inspection of Hotovely’s history lays bare why her presence was so controversial.

Hotovely joined Israel’s Knesset in 2009 as part of Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party. In 2011, she invited far-right group Lehava—a group whose members have chanted ‘death to Arabs’ during their marches—to speak in the Knesset in 2011. Her justification for doing so was that it was ‘important to check systems to prevent mixed marriages’.””

“Protesting Apartheid Is a Moral Duty”


Ken Hranicky

“This is an EXCELLENT resource to gain a daily flavor of how climate change is impacting us around the world. His blog covers news stories on climatic and economic issues from around the world. No commentary. Just summary and links to the stories. You will be happy with your decision to check out his efforts.”

“Today’s Round-Up of Climate News”


““Hell on Earth”: Millions of Afghans Face Starvation as U.S. & West Freeze Billions in Gov’t Funds”


The root of Inflation:

“Market concentration has increased in three-quarters of nonfinancial sectors since 2000 and is up by about 60 percent. Some companies have been able to go unchecked by the federal government for so long that, in many ways, they’re now monopolies that run pseudo-private governments of their own. They set their own rules and regulations for who gets to use their products and services and how; they set their own tolls and taxes. The mantra isn’t so much “move fast and break things.” It’s “grow as fast and as big as you can so that you can then act as a gatekeeper and make others bend to your will.” "If you’re a growth-oriented business right now, the pathway seems to be that you either become a monopoly or you get acquired by one," said Nidhi Hegde, director of strategy and programs at the American Economic Liberties Project.

An increasing number of industries — from airlines to beer to hospitals — are controlled by just a handful of players. What sometimes gets lost is what it means for the other companies trying to get a foot in the door or survive.

“All entrepreneurs and businesses should have access to markets to launch and grow new businesses, but today — and the way markets are structured — dominant corporations are a major barrier,” Hegde said. “And that is one of the reasons we’re seeing entrepreneurship and small business growth declining.”

Unraveling the way dominant corporations use their power, often in order to stunt competition and small business, is much more a question of policy and enforcement question than of individual decision.

“There’s a whole suite of things that can be done, and I think one good place to start is reinvigorating our antitrust laws. We have laws against unfair methods of competition and monopolization, and they have not been enforced. We need to enforce them,” Hegde said.”

“Small business is the back bone of our economy (John Oliver)”


The Rich & their politicians think they’re being clever hiding behind the delay afforded by using the environment to commit social murder against us inferiors, but they’re going to find out they can’t control what they’ve put in motion


John Berbatis

“The aerosol cooling effect.

If we suddenly stopped burning coal, it would take 10-30 years for the reduction in CO2 to make a difference to the climate, but only 2-6 weeks for the loss of aerosol cooling to impact the climate.

We've painted ourselves into a corner. Right now, we're adding 2 ish degrees C of COOLING by polluting the atmosphere and blocking some sunlight.

If we suddenly stopped doing that, we'd heat up extremely quickly and accelerate all the in-progress feedback loops.

It sounds absurd, but continuing to burn dirty fuels actually keeps us alive for longer at this late stage of the game.

We should be using that time to live with excellence. Not to talk about 2050 and 1.5C targets.”


Alliance against Democrat Establishment Hypocrisy:

“Less than a year into his administration, the Biden honeymoon is already tarnished under the large scale crises facing ordinary people and his lack of meaningful response to those crises. Driven by deep discontent, broad layers of working people have started to realize how unacceptable the working and living standards they’ve been conditioned to accept for so long are.

The need for a new working class party is stark as progressive politicians fail to fight the weak handling of the infrastructure and reconciliation bills. The Democratic party has been proven entirely undemocratic, with rich donars completely usurping the party and blatantly calling the shots.

This is why we are fighting so hard to defeat the right wing, racist recall in Seattle which seeks to remove the foremost independent socialist in the country, councilmember Kshama Sawant. Socialist Alternative is using this struggle to highlight what independent working politics can achieve as part of laying the basis for a new party in the next period.

With a clear understanding that democratic mass movements are how we change society, we need a party whose power rests in its ability to cultivate and guide movements, not its ability to deceive them.

Head to our website to read more.”


“Pelosi solicited($?) 13 Republicans to vote for the breakout vote on Infrastructure and used their vote to defeat the progressive wing in her own party.”


“How Corporate Dems Out-Maneuvered House Progressives”


“Of course the agency has enough dirt on the President to sink his administration – the trouble is we also have enough dirt on everybody else in the Washington establishment to make it so if we pull on that thread the only people left to govern will be the ones who clean the toilets and take ou the garbage, at which point we’ll be stuck with a representative Democracy and this country just isn’t set up for that.”


The Tongass National Forest is in danger:

“It’s fact-check time! The #Tongass got its own segment on ABC World News Tonight with David Muir — “Tug of war over Alaska's Tongass National Forest, called the 'lungs of America'”

A lot was shared, including some misinformation, so let’s review the facts.”

“View the segment at And see more details for the “Climate Crisis: Saving “Tomorrow” series here:

“Tug of war over Alaska's Tongass National Forest, called the 'lungs of America'

ABC News' Linsey Davis travels to Tongass National Forest, where conservation advocates and loggers are divided over protecting against climate change and boosting the economy.”


“The grocery and food processing industries have "created an illusion of choice and efficiency to disguise their profiteering off of the American consumer, who is unwillingly asked to trade abundance for resilience."”

“New Report on 'Grocery Cartels' Details Exploitive Retailer Monopolies”




Time to wake up: Manchin and Sinema are the lightening rods for a position on bbb that A L L Democrats are in favor of


“For people who say ‘don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good’ to pass legislation, consider why no one tells that to the Dems who killed passage of Rx drug pricing and Universal Pre-K this week over small process demands from safe Dem seats in places like NY and Hawaii,” Ocasio-Cortez wrote, referring to conservative Democrats like Rep. Kathleen Rice (New York) who opposed crucial elements of the Build Back Better Act.

“The reason platitudes like this are insulting is because they are exclusively employed to deny the working class, POC, and youth’s basic demands for livability. Like affordable rx drugs,” she continued. “No one says this to the safe-seat Dems who derailed climate action and healthcare over a [Congressional Budget Office (CBO)] table.”


“Wall Street is not only rigging markets it’s also rigging the outcome of its private trials”


Picture about Biden says a thousand words.


“It’s Time to Make Your Escape Plan From a Collapsing America

Fascism’s Back. Democracy’s Not Going to Survive It. Are You?”


Oil industry responds to COP26:

“summits such as this have never been agents for real change. They have been about making concerned sounding speeches and posturing”


The American Petroleum Institute (API), ALEC, and foundations and think tanks that are tax exempt because they aren’t involved in politics ALL need to get the corporate death penalty:

“COP26: Fossil fuel industry has largest delegation at climate summit”

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