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11/2021 “Not all racists Burn crosses Some hide behind them”

Updated: Dec 23, 2023

Xavier Rosseel Flash Droughts:

“Flash drought is characterized by a period of rapid drought intensification with impacts on agriculture, water resources, ecosystems, and the human environment. Addressing these challenges requires a fundamental understanding of flash drought occurrence. This study identifies global hotspots for flash drought from 1980–2015 via anomalies in evaporative stress and the standardized evaporative stress ratio. Flash drought hotspots exist over Brazil, the Sahel, the Great Rift Valley, and India, with notable local hotspots over the central United States, southwestern Russia, and northeastern China. Six of the fifteen study regions experienced a statistically significant increase in flash drought during 1980–2015. In contrast, three study regions witnessed a significant decline in flash drought frequency. Finally, the results illustrate that multiple pathways of research are needed to further our understanding of the regional drivers of flash drought and the complex interactions between flash drought and socioeconomic impacts.”

Global distribution, trends, and drivers of flash drought occurrence


“Another empty pledge with no teeth which does not curb industrial activities in the ocean.”

“Pledge to protect oceans to fight climate change is 'weak' – NGO”


“I think a full investigation would show that Trump didn’t actually win the election in 2016. He lost the election, and he was put into office because the Russians interfered on his behalf.” Jimmy Carter

Straw Besma (Besma endropiaria)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

F:\2018 Photos\OldPhotoZ2012\0001_IMG_5994_99999aaa.jpg

“Trump did not bring fascism; it brought him.

“Fascism is capitalism’s harsh, savage response to the divisive social crises it imposes on society (depressions, extreme racial and economic inequalities, etc.)…Capitalism will likely confront us with fascism again. Unless system change intervenes.” Richard D. Wolff


“With “net zero 2050” and 1.5°C in same breath, Glasgow reeks of cognitive dissonance” - by David Spratt

“With “net zero 2050” and 1.5°C in same breath, Glasgow reeks of cognitive dissonance”


I gotta wonder if in reality Democrats NEVER ever truly meant ANYTHING for the people. All this Infrastructure Bill blah, blah, it’s reduction etc was all theater topped off with manchin and sinema falling on their swords for the party.

"The ignominious collapse of the Biden administration’s social reform ***pretenses*** has dealt a blow to the fiction that the Democratic Party can be a vehicle for progressive social change."”

“Jacobin magazine, the Democratic Socialists of America and the collapse of Biden’s social reform bill”


“I miss peace. But indifference is just temporary comfort. We can choose to ignore what’s happening to others and do nothing only when we have the choice and luxury to do so.

Reality hist when the choice is taken away, as knowledge in information projects, the problem spreads to your doorstep. In justice prevails; you were never prepared to defend yourself because you were too busy judging the “angry” people when the rights were being violated. This happens on a daily basis to thousands of people that had to find out the hard way.

I do not demand involvement from anyone. It is a heavy burden; the attacks are non stop from all angles. But to sit in privilege and judge the people involved in the front lines helping others, that’s just being a douche. Just get out of the way so we can fight for you to remain in privileged peace.

And love is not exclusive to pacifists. Love is also having the courage to take direct action to demand justice. Love is universal to our differences; it does not belong to any individual’s limited interpretation to fit a limited agenda. We are not in children’s book. Liberation is an act of love that costs many lives. The abolition of slavery is an act of love, many died at it’s cots. This was not achieved by falling in love with slavers nor indifference.

I miss peach and I have the privilege to still have it. I can log off, not care and be happy 24/7. There is nothing easier in life than a world that already gives you that choice. But I choose to fight for those that do not have that choice.” Alvaro Rodriguez


“Right-wing Democrats gut social program budget after Biden refuses to fight”


“A reminder that @TedCruz is being paid $174,000/yr, $14,500/month, $3,346/wk, $669/day to be on Paid Sick Leave but wants YOU to believe that providing Paid Sick Leave to anyone earning $7.25/hr, $290/wk, $1,255.70/month, $15,080/yr is Socialism.

Also @TedCruz gig is PART-TIME.”


"The president of the Pacific island state of Palau has told the Cop26 summit that parallels could be drawn between the climate crisis and the traditional Palau story of a boy who grew into a giant and 'wouldn’t stop growing ... depleting all the natural resources'. Surangel Whipps Jr said the story was 'eerily reminiscent' of today’s climate crisis. Speaking about the environmental impact on island nations, he added: 'There is no dignity to a slow and painful death: you might as well bomb our islands'"

Val EismanArctic news

“Cop26: 'You might as well bomb us,' says president of Palau – video”


“Mass civil disruption to save ourselves is all we have left.” Chris Hedges


“So pretty much a lot of folks voted for Biden to get rid of Trump, just so we can end up with Trump’s policies from Biden and a 2nd Trump Presidency in 2024?

You “harm reduction” folks are the dumbest fucking ppl on the planet.”


“Meltwater runoff from Greenland becoming more erratic”



“Not all racists Burn crosses

Some hide behind them”


“Earthquakes Volcanoes Catastrophic Weather Breaking News & Pole Shift!!!!”


No! If you think the planet’s atmosphere is conducive to raising a centuries old sequoia to maturity you’re daft

“Hope after wildfire: Tiny sequoias could grow into giants”


"Joe Manchin giving a master class in gaslighting and says he will not vote on the reconciliation bill if the House holds bipartisan bill hostage"

“Manchin Gaslights Entire Country In Press Conference”

“Joe Manchin is at it again and this time he’s gaslighting the American people by pushing for a vote on the bipartisan infrastructure bill before he thinks about voting ‘yes’ on the reconciliation bill.”


“Killing the Host” by Author Hudson, Michael:

““The financial sector’s political mission is to replace democratically elected governments and public planning with technocrats appointed by the banks.

The first six years of Quantitative Easing saw the Federal Reserve create money to bail out Wall Street but not to finance tangible growth or demand writedowns of the household debt and the junk mortgages that triggered the breakdown.

The broad strategy of the banksters is to use economic distress as an opportunity to grab assets from the public domain, along with the government’s taxing and money-creating ability. Instead of taxing rentier wealth and spending to rebuild infrastructure, federal and local governments are being pressed to sell public roads for buyers to turn into toll roads, much as they have transformed the health care system into rent-extraction opportunities.”

“Asset-Price Inflation

By far the fastest growing category of wealth is asset-price gains for real estate, stocks and bonds, not profits made by producing goods and services. Until 2008 these gains outstripped the rise of income, making them the main source of new “wealth creation.” They are taxed at a much lower rate than wages or profits, and over three quarters of such gains are reaped by the One Percent.

These beneficiaries evidently are so embarrassed by this fact that they have drawn a cloak of invisibility around wealth in property and financial assets, discouraging official statistics from estimating such gains. As Chapter 5 has explained, they appear nowhere in the national statistics – neither in the NIPA nor in the Federal Reserve’s flow-of-funds report on the economy’s balance sheet. Yet on an economy-wide level, capital gains (or since 2008, losses) often overshadow the entire change in national income or GDP. The most important aim of investors in today’s financialized economy has been shielded from public scrutiny: the total returns at which today’s investors aim, defined as current income (interest, dividends and rent) plus capital gains.”

“Marxism diagnosed the main inner contradiction of industrial capitalism to be that its drive to increase profit by paying labor as little as possible would dry up the domestic market. The inner contradiction of finance capitalism is similar: Debt deflation strips away the economy’s land rent, natural resource rent, industrial profits, disposable personal income and tax revenue – leaving economies unable to carry their exponential rise in credit. Austerity leads to default, as we are seeing today in Greece.”

Excerpt From: Hudson, Michael. “Killing the Host.””

“Giving more money to the rich didn’t work. So, we need to give more money to the rich.”


“So effective has this construction of belief been, and so powerful is its priesthood, that capitalism has achieved a similar status to that of religion a few centuries ago. Its claims have become a holy writ. Those who question or challenge it are blasphemers.” George Monbiot


“420 thousand of us died stopping a man who spoke like Trump.

You betray everything we stood for by continuing to support this nightmare.”


“The Democratic Party is corrupt. That’s why they don’t deliver for voters.

It’s CORRUPTION. Not incompetence.”

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