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11/2021 Musk: Campaign donations typically Politicians laundering public money through the Rich

Updated: Aug 7, 2022

“Black Friday Blackout – General Strike”


“Cautionary Lessons From The Obama Era

Can Democrats break from their corporate donors and learn from their past mistakes?”


“As a child I never imagined that all the real monster in the world would be human.”

2015-07-08 104aaaap


Every American should read this: Hamdi Ulukaya for President!

“…he’s an immigrant. And a Muslim.


“They didn’t die for Freedom

They died for Banks Corporations War Profiteers”


“Emission Reductions From Pandemic Had Unexpected Effects on Atmosphere”


“Societal shifts due to COVID-19 reveal large-scale complexities and feedbacks between atmospheric chemistry and climate change” - by Joshua Laughner et al.


“The Young Climate Diplomats Fighting to Save Their Countries

They grew up witnessing damages from climate change in Rwanda and Ethiopia and are calling on wealthy countries to fund adaptation and pay for losses already suffered.”


This is the goal of Washington’s messaging. Their aim is to install in us the necessity of the unnecessary sacrifice of our environment for businesses. But our falling for it only adds to the profits of the rich. By corporations not having to recognize all the costs of their operations they can achieve extraordinary profits


Filibuster, Voting Rights, USPS, M4A, etc. Democrats will NOT stop America's current slide into deep FASCISM


Democrats lie on Postal privatization as Trump’s multi-millionaire DeJoy quietly receives $75,000 Performance Bonus & more in perks$$$

“Graves: Tell Biden Not To Renew Bloom, Barger On The USPS Board Of Governors”


Deceive, inveigle, and obfuscate - DEMOCRATS ARE LYING ON USPS

They are whole heatedly behind privatizing the postal service into the hands of, specifically, private equity actors.

“This article was originally published by the Center for Public Integrity, a nonprofit newsroom based in Washington, D.C.”

“This year at USPS: Mail Slowdowns. Big Executive Bonuses for DeJoy and others”



Washington is using Jan 6 coup attempt to strip Americans of civil rights

The hyperventilating about the incursion into the capital, often described by its critics as an attempted insurrection and coup, has effectively shut down questions about whether proposed responses for dealing with the January 6 mob incursion into the U.S. Capital. There is a collective chant by the Democratic Party leadership and many in the media for the censoring and criminalizing of those that embrace the right-wing ideology and its conspiracy theories. The Biden administration is pushing a bill authored by Rep. Adam Schiff, a member of the Select Committee on January 6, to open a second war on terror against domestic enemies. The rhetoric, and the rush to push through legislation that will severely circumscribe our ability to dissent, echoes what we heard in the immediate aftermath of the attacks of 9/11.

Those, such as Glenn Greenwald, who warn that such overreach is excessive, unconstitutional, and dangerously weakens of our already anemic civil liberties are excoriated as closet sympathizers with the right-wing. Greenwald, a Pulitzer Prize winning reporter, who is also an attorney, was one of the first and most important voices to decry the draconian provisions instituted under the Patriot Act and the anti-terrorism laws passed in the wake of 9/11. He sees a similar lack of proportionality or legality in the government actions being carried out after the January incursion with, perhaps, even more dire consequences.

“Chris Hedges and Glenn Greenwald on the Second War on Terror (Video)”


“No, the Richest One Percent Don’t Pay 40 Percent of the Taxes.”


Democrats have a kickback$ set up with Musk. A chunk of the $4.9 billion Washington gave him comes back to Democrats in the form of campaign donations.

And, with this particular parasite (Musk), Democrats get to privatize NASA which is surely worth some kickbacks. The privatization also manipulates economic statistics. When you move NASA’s economic activity out of the government column and put into the for-profit industry column where Biden can claim it as jobs created, growth in the economy, etc.

“Elon Musk, Welfare King!

The tech billionaire isn't alone among the mega-wealthy in getting piles of money from government at all levels, say the authors of Welfare for the Rich.”

Nina Turner:

“Elon Musk’s growing empire is fueled by $4.9 billion in government subsidies”

“Do Not Welcome Our New Billionaire Overlords”

“Billionaires now hold so much of the world’s wealth, their apologists argue, there’s no choice but to rely on them for philanthropy. But we can’t take our eyes off the ball: We need to tax the ultrarich out of existence.”


July 2020 mere months before Jan 6:

“‘We Will Coup Whoever We Want’: Elon Musk and the Overthrow of Democracy in Bolivia”


“'Inappropriate Giveaway of Galactic Proportions': Outrage Over $10 Billion Taxpayer Gift to Bezos Space Obsession

"No," said Sen Bernie Sanders. "Congress should not provide a $10 billion handout to Jeff Bezos for space exploration as part of the defense spending bill. Unbelievable."”



Xavier Rosseel: “This work confirms a challenging proposal made by the famous palaeontologist George Gaylord Simpson in his 1944 book Tempo and Mode in Evolution. He looked at the fundamental patterns of evolution in a framework of Darwinian evolution and observed that many fast-evolving species belonged to unstable groups, which were potentially adapting to rapidly changing environments.”

“Rapidly evolving species more likely to go extinct, study suggests”


“COP26: World headed for 2.4C warming despite climate summit – report”


Wealth Inequality:

“A recent RAND Corporation study of wealth and income inequality in America makes it very clear that there has been a quiet, sub rosa class war in the United States waged by the American oligarchy against the average working people of America since the early 1970s. This “reverse distribution” of income and wealth upwards, really a massive $2.5 TRILLION annual theft — and THEFT is not too strong a word for it — by the American oligarchy from the average working people of America explains why so many Americans are struggling financially, flat broke, working multiple low wage, often part time jobs, are mired deeply in debt, and it explains much of the social unrest and discontent in America over the last 50 years.

In the early 1970s, the far right wing backlash and counterrevolution to the reforms of the New Deal, the post-WWII era, the Civil Rights Movement, and the Great Society began. It started with the infamous Powell Memorandum to the US Chamber of Commerce of 1971 that served as a blueprint of how the American oligarchy could undermine the power that the American middle class had gained for itself and restore the primacy the oligarchy had prior to the Great Depression of the 1930s. The American oligarchy has followed the instructions of the Powell Memorandum closely for nearly 50 years now, regained the power and influence it had lost, and shifted the political discourse and struggle in America dramatically to the right.

In 1973, began the Great Uncoupling of increases in American wages and salaries from increases in corporate productivity and profitability. Except for measly, grudging pay increases to cover inflation, and to be told that they were lucky they still had jobs, the average working people of America ceased to share in the tremendous wealth that their labor created for the bosses and the shareholders. Forty-eight years is a LONG time to go without a REAL pay increase, and it explains much of the social discontent in America in the years since.

Much of this reactionary counterrevolution occurred quietly and secretly, through profound, but stealthy economic moves that occurred in corporate executive suites and boardrooms, and in right wing scholarly studies and propaganda coming out of the work of a small, but dedicated cadre of right wing academics, and most effectively and tellingly, in the huge sums of money that the American oligarchy used to first undermine moderate center-right conservative politicians in the Republican Party, then to buy off business oriented politicians in the Democratic Party and push the “party of the people” hard to the right. There is today no real, effective leftist political party in America, other than the small, vocal, but outnumbered and largely neutralized “progressive” wing of the Democratic Party.

Sad to say, but most average working people in America have been kept in the dark about what was happening, like frogs in a pot of water that was being heated slowly, but surely, until it was too late to respond effectively. Also, caught up in the day-to-day struggle to make a living, which became increasingly more difficult as the years went by, the average working people of America were simply too distracted and exhausted to pay much attention to politics and its effects on their socioeconomic standing.

Today, the American oligarchy has pretty much succeeded in defanging and neutralizing the American political process as any sort of realistic threat to their power and wealth. The pathetic and limited choice at the election polls is, sadly, between two right wing bourgeois political parties: the neoliberal corporatist Democrats and the reactionary, increasingly fascist and bat shit crazy Republicans. Any “reforms” offered to the beleaguered working people of America are generally tepid, underfunded, incremental half measures at best. More often than not, the bourgeois blowhards of Washington, DC expend a great deal of energy creating political heat, without necessarily generating much political light or real action. Political gridlock and inaction isn’t just the result — it’s pretty much the intention.

Any REAL reform here in the United States will only occur when millions of Americans take to the streets participating in mass demonstrations and general strikes that paralyze America, bring the American oligarchy to its knees, and their bourgeois politicians to the bargaining table offering the REAL reforms and meaningful government policy changes that the American people so desperately need and want.”

“The US empire is the creepiest thing in the world. This smiley faced serial killer monologuing about freedom and democracy and churning out movies about how fun and happy it is while butchering human beings all around the world. The more you think about it the creepier it gets”


"At the end of the day, you can’t politically align with both sick people and pharmaceutical companies. There’s no squaring the contradictions of a health care system that puts insurance industry profits ahead of human needs, or an economy officially based on “equality of opportunity” that allows a tiny few to ascend to the status of neo-feudal barons while broad swathes of the working class are literally dying daily and defaulting on their bills. There are no “moderate” solutions to climate change. There’s no reasonable, pragmatic compromise to be had between protecting the basic rights of black Americans to vote and allowing the Republican Party to gerrymander the electoral map into one that creates a system of permanent minority rule. You cannot simultaneously seek a mandate for reform while also, as Biden did, promising that “nothing will fundamentally change.”

“Joe Biden Is Giving Us the Presidency the Left Always Predicted”

“Joe Biden ran for president as the “Stop Bernie” candidate who promised that “nothing would fundamentally change” under his watch. Now, with his ambitious policy agenda being whittled down to a fraction of a loaf, he’s returning to his centrist roots.”


“Dispatches from the COP26 Climate Talks in Glasgow “- by Alex Carlin

". . the word on the street is that “net-zero” is just code for “nyet-zero” (not-zero) – that is, not a zero in any meaningful sense, but rather a cynical ploy by polluters to use carbon removal as an escape hatch to continue polluting."”


It continues to get worse:

“Black carbon aerosols heating Arctic: Large contribution from mid-latitude biomass burning”

“The year-to-year spring variation in Arctic black carbon (BC) aerosol abundance is strongly correlated with biomass burning in the mid-latitudes. Moreover, current models underestimate the contribution of BC from biomass burning by a factor of three.”

“Arctic black carbon during PAMARCMiP 2018 and previous aircraft experiments in spring” - by Sho Ohata et al.


“We have the power…

Our power isn’t in a political system, or a religious system, or in an economic system, or in a military system; these are authoritarian systems…they have power…but it’s not reality. The power of our intelligence, individually or collectively IS the power; this is the power that any industrial ruling class truly fears, clear coherent human beings.” John Trudell


“U.S. lawmakers approve bill to ratchet up pressure on Nicaragua’s”

Ben Norton:

“More US economic warfare on Nicaragua: The House of Representatives just voted 387-35 for the brutal Renacer Act, which will impose devastating sanctions on Nicaragua. The Senate already approved it.

This is bipartisan sadism to punish Nicaraguans for not letting the US colonize them.

The US government supported a brutally violent coup attempt in 2018 to try to overthrow Nicaragua's leftist Sandinista government.

It failed, so the US imposed several rounds of crushing sanctions, and is now trying to discredit Nicaragua's November 7 elections, while blatantly meddling in them and trying to isolate Nicaragua around the world.

The US empire has never forgiven Nicaragua for overthrowing a right-wing puppet dictator in the 1979 revolution.”

"The democrats deserve all the chaos that they are presently experiencing. How many progressives voted for this racist imperialist legislation." Ajamu Baraka”


“Arctic Sea Ice News & Analysis”

“Since the Antarctic maximum sea ice extent was reached on September 1, 2021, ice extent has been in a steep decline. Extent went from being above the interdecile (ninetieth percentile) range to being below the tenth percentile for most of October. As a result, sea ice extent in the Antarctic is currently tracking as the third lowest, behind only 2016 and 1986. Learn more in our latest sea ice analysis post:”


Both candidates in the Virginia governors’ race were closely affiliated with the Carlyle Group, a Private Equity Group.


“Greece Passes Climate Law Banning Fossil Fuel Cars From 2030”


“Jul: Build Back Better

Aug: Build Back Somewhat Better

Sept: Build Back Better But hey let’s not get carried away

Oct: Build Back Better, so long as we check with Corporate America First

Nov: Build Back Better than 1%, then they can decide who gets to live better or die”


“Politics: the art of convincing decent people to forget the lesser of two evils is also evil” Edward Snowden


“COP26: Greta Thunberg tells protest that COP26 has been a 'failure'”


Nina Turner:

“Today, I’ve heard a lot of “centrist” Democratic pundits speculate about what Democrats should to save the party before 2022. Not one mentioned canceling student loan debt for 42.9 million Americans. Joe Biden can do it with the stroke of a pen”

[One of Student Loan collection Queen Betsy DeVos’ flunkies works for Biden]


“Vietnamese authorities teamed up with TRAFFIC to tackle destructive illegal trade of African timber species

To safeguard the sustainability of supply in African tropical timber species, TRAFFIC and Vietnam Administration of Forestry (VNFOREST) provided Viet Nam’s Customs and Forest Protection officials with the most up-to-date information and identification skills through a series of training sessions and a comprehensive guidance manual.”


And so it begins:

“Iraq's extreme heat and water shortages - BBC News”


“Boy sure is infuriating watching the most powerful people in the world pretend they can do nothing about anything”

[The people our politicians gave all the money to are actually the most powerful and they do whatever they want]


“There are so many reasons this is a major disaster.

The loss of an enormous area of albedo guarantees more warming.

Entire down stream cultures lived on the melt waters from these glaciers. Think about those new refugees and remember we will all be those people sooner than much later.”

“World's highest ski resort a Bolivian memory”

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