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11/2021 It’s Time To Stop Shortchanging Endangered Species

Updated: Aug 7, 2022

Their silence is Washington’s tacit approval of the Rittenhouse\Schroeder white nationalist ruling.


Caitlan Johnstone:

“Not that anyone cares but FYI methane has begun hemorrhaging into the atmosphere from thawing arctic permafrost and methane is a far more potent greenhouse gas than carbon in the short term. Also the US is ramping up cold war brinkmanship with not one but two nuclear powers.”

“Permafrost Thaw in Siberia Creates a Ticking ‘Methane Bomb’ of Greenhouse Gases, Scientists Warn

In 2020, temperatures in the region rose nearly 11 degrees Fahrenheit above normal, causing the limestone to release ancient methane deposits”

2020-06-15 _F2A6567aaa


“Observance of customs and laws can very easily be a cloak for a lie so subtle that our fellow human beings are unable to detect it.

It may help us escape criticism, we may even be able to deceive ourselves in the belief of our obvious righteousness.

But deep down, below the surface of the average man’s conscience, he hears a voice whispering, “there is something not right,” no matter how much this rightness is supported by public opinion or by the moral code.” Carl Gustav Jung, in the introduction of Frances G. Wickes’ “The Inner World of Children” (1931)



“Today’s verdict means there is no accountability for the person who murdered our son. It sends the unacceptable message that armed civilians can show up in any town, incite violence, and then use the danger they have created to justify shooting people in the street. We hope that decent people will join us in forcefully rejecting that message and demanding more of our laws, our officials, and our justice system.” Anthony Huber’s parents

[What would happen if Rittenhouse’s verdict was appealed to the US Supreme Court in Washington,…yeah, Democrats are failing to take action on a major problem plaguing the nonrich of America.]


“Know your nut jobs!”


“Law and order” is a phrase mouthed by hypocrites to command the obedience of cowards.

The capitalist class buys law, as it does labor, using one to fleece the other, and what it means by “law and order” is cringing submission to slavery.” E.V. Debs.

I would add that Rittenhouse is another example of the fact that if you break the law – even commit murder – in service the ideology used by the rich to manipulate themselves more wealth and power, you will not experience serious repercussions.


Or the rich will get a critical amount of revenue from biz outside America,…

“The rich now own more of the economy than at any time since the 1920s, but only spend a fraction of their wealth.

Lower-income people, on the other hand, spend almost everything they have to survive.

At some point, widening inequality will cause the entire economy to collapse.”


“The American fascists are most easily recognized by their deliberate perversion of truth and fact. Their newspapers and propaganda carefully cultivate every fissure of disunity…The claim to be super-patriots, but they would destroy every liberty guaranteed by the Constitution. They demand free enterprise, but are the spokesmen for monopoly and vested interest. Their final objective toward which all their deceit is directed is to capture political power of the market simultaneously, they may keep the common man in eternal subjection.” Vice President Henry A. Wallace, April 9, 1944


Jason Scherl:

“Im telling you we are all going to die

and it will be something not predicted, like my Father, or Hitler

Make sure you watch the video immediately next in the playlist.. James Anderson 5 of the big climate unknowns, and the ozone layer.. remember the huge hole in the ozone right now, despite banning CFCs 40 years ago, so we know they are no longer a factor

# Finch (2021) **Holes in the Sky** HD Tom Hanks”


“On March 18, 2019, the U.S. Air Force dropped a 500-pound bomb, followed by two 2,000-pound explosives, on a crowd of women and children near the Euphrates River in the Syrian village of Baghuz.”


The aerial campaign in eastern Syria dislodged the terrorist group from the final patch of land it controlled but cost an untold number of lives.”


“The very purpose of journalism is to expose the world for what it is, not to create false political narratives in order to make money.” James O’Keefe


“Project Veritas: how fake news prize went to rightwing group beloved by Trump

James O’Keefe’s organisation specialising in media stings received donations from Trump’s foundation but was caught red-handed peddling a false story”


I’m sick and fucking tired of politicians whose privilege allows them to not have to put up with the shit circumstances for everyday people that their actions\inactions create.

And Dems continue to make it worse

If Dems are not willing to do what it takes to improve regular people’s circumstances JUST GO AWAY ALREADY or at least don’t tax us.


Americans willing to die for freedom join the military, alternatively Americans killed for prosperity are conscripted without notice by the Rich using paper entities & politicians. A common practice is for the perps to further themselves between the cause and effect of social murder by relying on the environment to provide a lag in time.


"The amount of money the United States Fish and Wildlife Service receives to recover endangered species is only about 3.5 percent of what is needed."

Twenty Extraordinary Things You Can Do to Save Endangered Species

“It’s Time To Stop Shortchanging Endangered Species

Instead of weakening the laws that protect our national heritage, we need to redouble our efforts to preserve it.”


“How to Repair the World’s Broken Carbon Offset Markets

Markets that connect businesses hoping to offset their carbon emissions with climate change mitigation projects have been plagued by problems. But an economist and his co-authors argue that carbon markets can be reformed and play a significant role in slowing global warming”


America and her rich and their politicians are destroyers of worlds. There is no justice

Sam Carana


An extra 400 ppm CO₂e due to a methane burst of some 5 Gt would push up temperatures, especially in the Arctic, and consequently cause more sea ice to melt and permafrost to thaw, in turn further pushing up the total CO₂e.

Altogether, the total potential rise in global air temperature from pre-industrial could be more than 18°C by 2026. Keep in mind that humans will likely go extinct with a 3°C rise and most life on Earth will disappear with a 5°C rise.

The Importance of Methane”


Biden and the Democrats just auctioned off 80 million acres of the People’s commons for additional oil and gas development:

Q: What is a lease sale?

A: A lease sale is when the government auctions off the rights to extract natural resources on publicly-owned lands or waters.

“Here’s Why Leasing Public Land to Oil and Gas is a Death Sentence for the Planet

Selling public land to companies that carve it up for fossil fuels is a bad deal for people and the environment.”


“How “Self-Made” Billionaires got their start”


If you can leave America, do it!

“Republican congressional candidates currently hold their largest lead in midterm election vote preferences in ABC News/Washington Post polls date back 40 years, underscoring profound challenges for Democrats hoping to retain their slim majorities in Congress next year.”

“While a year is a lifetime in politics, the Democratic party’s difficulties are deep; they include soaring economic discontent, a president who’s fallen 12 percentage points underwater in job approval and a broad sense that the party is out of touch with the concerns of most Americans –62% say so.”


“Recent information has shown that environmental justice activists are being killed in very large numbers around the world. This brief video explains, although we can guess already, why this is happening.

Environmental justice combines pushing back against colonialist and racist violence, fuelled by economic incentives of resource extraction which culminates in ecological destruction.”

“Environmental Justice: How Capitalism Threatens Humanity”

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