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11/2021 COP26: Pictures of world “leaders” sleeping in the audience

Updated: Dec 24, 2023

“Methane and other Ticking Time-Bombs in the Arctic: Official COP26 Glasgow press conference…”


COP26: Pictures of world “leaders” sleeping in the audience

The People MUST enforce ECOCIDE against Politicians and Business bad actors

Midnight Oil - Beds Are Burning with Lyrics


We are to die in place:

“World’s Most Polluting Nations Spend Twice as Much on Border Militarization Than Climate Crisis”

“The worst offenders are Canada, the U.S., Australia and the U.K. Additionally, the world’s largest fossil fuel companies are employing the same companies that receive government contracts to militarize their borders.”


“Volcanic Eruptions May 'Escalate' Into Global Catastrophe”

“October 31, 2021: Most of the concern centers around the probability of a giant explosion from a super volcanic eruption, but the more likely risks would come from the active hotspots that could actually disable international communications, trade networks, and transportation centers.”

Rose Hooktip (Oreta rosea)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA


“Behold and Beware! The Age of Trillionaires Is Coming”

"Implicitly, we've decided that the further accumulation of billionaire fortunes—and the imminent arrival of our first trillionaires—make for good public policy."


# Top climate scientists are skeptical that nations will rein in global warming

“A Nature survey reveals that many authors of the latest IPCC climate-science report are anxious about the future and expect to see catastrophic changes in their lifetimes.”


What is most disconcerting, and telling, is that they are still using Big Oil’s year 2100 “End of the Century” benchmark. Inveigle, beguile and obfuscate using the horn of uncertainty. When by every measure we are several decades a head of schedule meeting original end of century conditions:

+3C = extinction of humans (and I thought the year 2100 bologna was waaaay over with?! Isn’t 2040 more realistic?)

“Six in ten of the respondents said that they expect the world to warm by at least 3 °C by the end of the century, compared with what conditions were like before the Industrial Revolution.”


“See what three degrees of global warming looks like | The Economist”


“As world leaders continue working in Glasgow/UN Climate Change Conference, here is our postcard from Siberia, highlighting recent major changes: bubbling methane in the Arctic, peat fires burning at -50C, giant craters peppering the Yamal peninsula - and a lot more”


“Cop26: Indigenous campaigners arrive in Glasgow to fight for their survival”


”Armies are crated to protect an established system, not people.

In the future, an educated humanity will not stand for war.”

Jacque Fresco


Dear Marc Pocan, Congressperson from Wisconsin:

“Will the IRS be showing us all bank transactions of congress members over $600 – so we can figure out how they all leave Washington as multi-millionaires?”


“Climate Change Impacting ‘Most’ Species on Earth Down to Their Genomes – Scientific studies have revealed just how devastating climate change is to life on Earth.”

“Three recent studies point to just how broad, bizarre, and potentially devastating climate change is to life on Earth. And we’ve only seen one degree Celsius of warming so far.”


“Climate change happening faster than many animals can adapt, study finds.”


The rich consider “nature” expendable in their pursuit of money and power. COVID has shown otherwise. What’s more, specifically heating of the planet, is proving to trigger heretofore unseen consequences in other of earth’s systems that are waaaay beyond our ability to stop much less control. Again, the Rich have started a something that they can’t control and in the end it will take them to:

“Humans Are Speeding Extinction and Altering the Natural World at an ‘Unprecedented’ Pace”


"Right now, we are facing a man-made disaster of global scale," said Sir David Attenborough. "Our greatest threat in thousands of years. Climate change. If we don't take action, the collapse of our civilizations and the extinction of much of the natural world is on the horizon."

“Sir David Attenborough: Climate change 'our greatest threat'”


Humanity will die as it lived – period:

"Climate change is profoundly impacting wildlife and ecosystems - from higher temperatures, increasing droughts and fire and more intense storms and floods to more favorable conditions for diseases and pests. Species with low or declining populations...or adapted to cold temperatures...are especially vulnerable."

“Will the World Rise to the Climate Challenge at COP26?”


Talk is cheap. It is more likely the announcement is meant as a shake down$$$ of the effected special interests. Anyway, it’s sounds like a tacit permission slip to timber harvesters to speed up and get all you can by 2030. It should have been “by the end of the week” (and even then Bolsonaro can could do a lot more damage):

“Over 100 leaders make landmark pledge to end deforestation at COP26

More than 100 leaders will commit to halt and reverse forest loss and land degradation by 2030.”


“The Democrats are, quite literally, the only institution on the planet capable of losing to an institution as repulsive as the Republicans, and we’re supposed to believe it’s not by design?”


“Modern slaves are not in chains, they are in debt.”


As in the Middle East and elsewhere, violence boils down to religious beliefs. Evangelicals have been politically radicalized. Religion is the ring in the nose of bull the rich use to turn us to us to their advantage:

This video addresses a very disturbing and concerning development in the evangelic church of the USA. Evangelical churches have been politically radicalized. IMO once people believe that their faith absolves them of all wrongdoing since they are "saved" and judge all others as evil if they do not believe exactly as they do, then they are capable of causing great harm and even murder in the name of "God's will".

How is this any different from Jihadist's fanatical terrorism?”

“An (Un)Civil War: The Evangelical Divide | CBSN Originals”


“Capitalism keeps poor people busy by making us struggle to meet our basic needs. When we are struggling to eat, to live, we can’t find time or energy to be political, to organize, to disrupt.”


“the poor and middle class are paying taxes, the rich are paying accountants, and the wealthy are paying politicians.”


“Good morning there’s a reason why dems always fiercely protect manchin from primary challenges, y’know *sips coffee*

When your whole game relies on convincing people your hands are tied, you’ll invest heavily in good rope.”

“Voting blue no matter who will get you President Joe Manchin”


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