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11/2021 Blah, blah, blah,…give Biden a check and you can do what you want

Updated: Dec 24, 2023

“Siberia’s stark warning to Scotland for Cop26: climate change in the planet’s last great wilderness”


“Well, it’s day 275 of Build Back Better…”


“99.9 percent of peer-reviewed articles agree that climate change is caused by humans.”


“In America, they call it “lobbying.”

Everywhere else in the world they call it, “Bribery & Corruption.”

Curve-toothed Geometer (Eutrapela clemataria)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

F:\2018 Photos\OldPhotoZ2012\0001_IMG_2521_99999aaaREPOST.jpg


Blah, blah, blah,…give Biden a check and you can do what you want. And even if the do act it out, it should not mean they can’t stand trial for deforestation to date:

“Cop26: world leaders agree deal to end deforestation

Historic declaration at Cop26 commits countries to ending major cause of CO2 emissions”


“Those claiming that science is just another form of religion or extremism do not understand the basic premise of scientific method

Distinguishing healthy skepticism from denialism is very important – denialism means rejecting all empirical evidence, while skepticism welcomes and indeed requires all empirical evidence and available data. Whilst science is empirical and welcomes change and systemic learning, denialism can be related absolutist views.

Science is therefore essentially the opposite of “believing in an absolute authority”, as claimed incorrectly by so many who either misunderstand the above, or by those wishing to deliberately case doubt on science as a means of strengthening their arguments.”


“I’m going to lower prescription drugs by 60%, and that’s the truth.

But by the way, how are you going to do it, Joe? Because these wealthy people are going to start paying their fair share.” Biden 11/02/20



Romeu Peitinho:

“The self-regenerating cyclical free market spin.

“There’s just one problem with all of this. The premise is nonsense. Even a quick glance at the Fraser Institute’s report reveals that the numbers that emerge from their methodology are flatly irrelevant to anything in dispute between social democrats, socialists, and defenders of laissez-faire capitalism.

First, though, it’s worth pausing to talk about definitions. Many socialists think that a fully socialist society would be one where workers controlled the means of production. Since there’s never been a society where even a significant portion of the economy was put under workers’ control, the degree to which a society is socialist in this sense is hard to measure. Other socialists, though, have thought that state ownership of the bulk of the economy would be sufficient. That can be measured. There have been societies like the USSR where pretty much the entire economy was state-owned, countries like the United States with little state ownership, and countries like Norway (where almost a third of the workforce works in the public sector and the state holds shares in many companies) that are somewhere in between.”

“Conservatives and libertarians love to cite studies ranking different countries’ levels of “economic freedom” as evidence for the glories of capitalism. There’s just one problem: the rankings are nonsense.”


“A rigged economy is when an 18-year-old student can get a $100k unsecured student loan at 6% - but not a $100k secured home loan at 3%. When billionaires get a $2T tax cut – but working people get $7.25/hr. These rigged rules restrict economic mobility & promote economic servitude.”


“Any kid born after 2035


Sunbleached rags

Moisture catcher

150 rated suncare

Radiation detector


Crypto guide

Bonus: Good luck card signed by Elon Musk & Jeff Bezos


“The Democratic Party seems genuinely surprised that African Americans don’t turn out ot the polls in record numbers when you promise so much – then deliver next to nothing.

People are tired of that shit.

Young Black voters in particular smell the bullshit & want nothing of it.


“Leftists think centrists are bad people and vice versa, but leftists think centrists are bad bc their ideology lets people die if they don’t have health insurance, while centrists think leftists are bad bc we’re rude about the whole letting people die thing.”


“Inside COP there are politicians pretending to take our future seriously. Change is not going to come from inside there. That is not leadership. THIS, is leadership. THIS, is what leadership looks like.”

“We say not more blah-blah-blah, no more exploitation of people, nature and the planet. No more whatever the fuck they’re doing inside there.” – Greta Thunberg.


Here in Wisconsin, Trump’s Sinclair Broadcasting is debuting a new “nazi news” show on FOX titled “The National Desk”

“A decade of partisan conflict has turned a once-purple battleground into two states in one — deeply red vs. deeply blue — as 2022 and 2024 elections loom.”

“Wisconsin: The incubator for America’s tribal politics”


“Albert Einstein warned in 1949 that the time would come when the very rich so controlled the means of communication that it would be almost impossible for ordinary people to make informed decisions; and so democracy would be broken

We live in the time Einstein warned about.”


Noam Chomsky:

“If capital is privately controlled, then people are going to have to sell themselves in order to survive.

Now, you can say, “they rent themselves freely, it’s a free contract” – but that’s a joke.”

[by the rich controlling government policy, the rich impose the following choice on people]

“If your choice is, “do what I tell you or starve,” that’s not a choice – it’s in fact what was commonly referred to as “wage slavery” in more civilized times, like the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.”


“Permafrost melt from global warming is set to activate pathogens not seen before.”

“Russian scientists defrosted several prehistoric worms, which were frozen in Arctic permafrost for around 40,000 years, and two of them woke up. After thawing, the two worms began moving and eating. One is estimated to be about 32,000 years old, while the other is around 41,700 years old.”

“Ancient Roundworms Allegedly Resurrected From Russian Permafrost”


America’s Judiciary is obscenity and Charles Koch is largely responsible:

“Black woman unknowingly votes when she’s banned – vote never counted…5 years in prison

White woman takes private jet to commit deadly insurrection – brags about it…60 days in jail.

This is what institutional white supremacy looks like.


“Not There Yet: Greater Cuts Are Still Needed at COP26 Climate Negotiations

The math shows that warming will exceed dangerous thresholds unless countries promise to further tighten emissions”


“After the possible $650 million U.S. missile sale to Saudi Arabia was announced, the peace group CodePink noted that "one Yemeni child continues to die every ten minutes as a result of the humanitarian crisis caused by the Saudi-led war on Yemen."”

“Warnings of 'More Death and Suffering' in Yemen as US Moves to Sell Saudis Missiles”


“Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.” Dwight D. Eisenhower


In their pursuit for ever more$, they will render civilization incapable of producing anything at all. Greed is blind addiction.


Democrats will allow the country to plunge into deep fascism before they turn it over to “mob rule” by the non-superrich.

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