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11/2021 Another Feedback Loop! We have to be up to at least 70 by now!

Updated: Dec 31, 2023

“'We're doomed': Mayer Hillman on the climate reality no one else will dare mention”

“The 86-year-old social scientist says accepting the impending end of most life on Earth might be the very thing needed to help us prolong it”

Milbert's Tortoiseshell (Aglais milberti)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2011-10-04-1826-53 IMG_5613aaaap


Douglas Gibbens:

“The only chance of survival for the human race I see is a supervolcano eruption before runaway climate change happens.”

“The Global Effects of a Supervolcano Eruption”


“We’re On Track For The Global Collapse Predicted By The Club Of Rome In 1972

I love it when a plan comes together”

“All previous civilisations collapsed due to a myriad of complexities like overshoot, resource depletion, climate change, military adventurism that has it's numerous costs and sociopathic leaders.

Complexity and abrupt climate change are our 'Achillies Heal'

Collapse is the only realistic scenario;”


“Western governments have tried to blame China and India for the COP26 flop. But it was the rich capitalist states of Europe and North America that refused to accept the just demands of the world’s poorest nations, leaving us still on course for disaster.”

“The COP26 Deal Was Another Betrayal of Climate Justice”


Biden & Democrats are auctioning off 80 million more acres for further oil and gas exploitation

Sign the petition today and tell President Biden to cancel Oil Lease Sale 257, which currently offers more than 80 million acres of the Gulf of Mexico to Big Oil. That’s more area than the Trump Administration initially proposed.”

“Cancel Oil Lease Sale 257 in the Gulf of Mexico!”


Another Feedback Loop! We have to be up to at least 70 by now! (We really are going out in stupendous style):

“Increased Rain and Increased Rain Temperatures Increases Permafrost Thawing”


Nancy Pelosi = Destroyer of Worlds = lies when she breathes:

America can NOT claim progress on the collapse of the Climate’s ability to support life while shoveling money in the direction of the American Military (whose greenhouse gas emissions are larger than 140 countries).

Here is Nancy Pelosi doing just that. “@AbbyMartin confronts Nancy Pelosi at #COP26 for overseeing massive increases in the Pentagon budget – a bigger polluter than 140 countries combined – while touting “historic” leadership on climate change”

“Abby Martin Confronts Nancy Pelosi Over Pentagon Spending at #COP26


“Forests Can’t Handle All the Net-Zero Emissions Plans: Companies and Countries Expect Nature to Offset Too Much Carbon”


“The Oceans Are Losing Their Ability to Absorb CO2 as they Heat Up”


There is no coming back from this:

“Methane Venting - Climate Apocalypse”


COP out 26:

“Cop26: world on track for disastrous heating of more than 2.4C, says key report

Research from world’s top climate analysis coalition contrasts sharply with last week’s optimism”


“Jet Stream Collapses on USA”


“#NASA: we will cross +1,5C at least once by 2026!

#COP26: humanity can wait.

Wait for what? The Armageddon!?”


“This is from the Summary for Policymakers in the 2019 IPCC 1.5C Document. Now, remember when you see these...most accounts say that we are *currently* at 1.23C above pre-industrial levels. Some people may, for different reasons, believe it's more than that. Where you stand on that issue, see where you think we are currently in with each section. As you see, at 1.23C we are in the yellow to orange range for most of the stuff. Also look at the "Warm-Water Coral" part thats all the way in the Purple. That, my friends, is inevitable biosphere collapse.

So, just fyi.


“SPECIAL REPORT: GLOBAL WARMING OF 1.5 ºCCH - Summary for Policymakers”


“Corporations Would Literally Kill You to Turn a Profit”


Sam Carana:

“Global Temperatures Over Last 24,000 Years Show Today's Warming 'Unprecedented'”

“A UArizona team created maps of global temperatures for each 200-year interval since the last ice age.”


“Globally resolved surface temperatures since the Last Glacial Maximum” - by Matthew Osman et al.


“Carbon dioxide emissions from forest fires in 2020 may have exceeded the annual capacity for forests and soil to take up carbon dioxide (land sink).”

“Fire season 2021 is mostly over. It occured to be record high. AIRS/Aqua detected record high CO in the hemisphere (see monthly anomalies, last point is 2021.10). If one recalculate CO into CO2, this year forest fires CO2 emissions compensated absorption by forest and soil.”


“COP26: The Transportation Sector”

“Transportation is responsible for 24% of Global Carbon Emissions”


Sam Carana:


The October 2021 temperature anomaly shows that the Arctic is heating up enormously, with anomalies up to 9.1°C (first image).

The second image shows anomalies from 1900-1920. Globally, the temperature over the past century, i.e. from 1920 to 2020, has risen by 1.3°C. When adjusting data to reflect a pre-industrial base, ocean air (2m) temperatures and higher polar anomalies, temperatures may have crossed 2°C long ago.

The third image shows two trends, based on NASA 1880-October 2021 data, adjusted to reflect a pre-industrial base, ocean air (2m) temperatures and higher polar anomalies. The linear trend (green) misses the point that the temperature rise is accelerating. The polynomial trend (black) shows the potential for 3°C to be crossed by 2026.

Acceleration of the temperature rise may speed up further soon, for reasons including aerosols, sunspots and El Niño, further decline of Arctic snow and ice, seafloor methane and more.

The fourth image shows three trends, i.e. the same black polynomial and green linear trends, based on NASA 1880-October 2021 data, and a blue polynomial trend based on 2015-October 2021 data. Data are again adjusted to reflect a pre-industrial base, ocean air (2m) temperatures and higher polar anomalies.

The blue polynomial trend better reflects short-term climate forcing such as from aerosols, sunspots and an upcoming El Niño. The blue trend also shows the potential for 3°C to be crossed by the end of 2022.

Given that humans may go extinct with a 3°C rise, and a 5°C rise will likely end most life on Earth, the COP26 summit in Glasgow could have acted more decidedly.

From the post 'Human Extinction by 2022?', at:”

“The NASA image below shows the October 2021 temperature anomaly. The Arctic is heating up enormously, with anomalies showing up of up to 9.1°C.”


“Food Going Away”

“Global Food Chain Collapse - Extinction Level Event in Progress”


Zack Labe:

“November temperature anomalies in the #Arctic 1950-2020 (click on image to view animation)”


“Earth has seen five mass extinction events. What can we learn from them?” - by Daniel Rothman

“How such catastrophes occur remains mysterious. But research suggests that Earth may experience a cascade of disruptions when stressed”


“The road to zero emissions is strewn with "alternative facts" - by Andrew Glikson

Once again, the hopes of billions have been raised, only to be dashed, this time by the cruel joke of COP26, the reality being that “By 2030, governments are planning to extract 110% more fossil fuels than their Paris Agreement pledge to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels would permit”.

Given that future emissions and temperatures may exceed what current policies would lead to, growth in the use of fossil fuels combined with the lack of effective methods of reducing the concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere can only have catastrophic consequences.

This means that unless civilization moves to a war-like footing, such as in pre-world war II, in an attempt to reduce carbon emissions from all sectors and to sequester greenhouse gas levels, large parts of the Earth may become uninhabitable.

From the post 'The road to zero emissions is strewn with "alternative facts" - by Andrew Glikson', at:”

“The road to zero emissions is strewn with "alternative facts"”


DemGOPs and their Judiciary are an abomination:

“This is THE problem. We are controlled by the most greedy, manipulative, self-serving people on the Planet.

So many have misidentified who is victimizing them. The things they see as the issues are merely mirages. They are completely unaware they are being manipulated by the moneyed interests of Big Business. Big Pharma, Energy, Defense, Industrial, Financiers, Developers, Agriculture and their campaign donations, Political Action Committees, Lobbyists and Government Bureaucrats, and Future Lobbyists.

Indeed this story outlines the in and out of our Revolving Door system of Government:

"About half of retiring senators and a third of retiring House members register as lobbyists. That's up from less than 5 percent in the 1970s."

By Lee Drutman; VOX Jan 15, 2016, 2:40pm EST “

“And so, while the end-of-the-world scenario will be rife with unimaginable horrors, we believe that the pre-end period will be filled with unprecedented opportunities for profit.”


DemGops’ to American Elderly = DIE:

“US announces big hike in Medicare premiums”

“Not just no MC4A, but profiteering off SENIORS! SHAME ON THEM!”

I am sure all the Biden voters will be orgasmic to see this. Especially the older ones, who have their Medicare payment deducted from their meager Social Security.

I did not contribute to this. I voted Green.


“In the last 12 years, Deductibles in job-based health plans have nearly quadrupled.

We pay more, they cover less.

It is beyond obvious: Private insurance is failing Americans.”

…but a small handful of people won’ permit M4A/


“Water Going Away - MegaDrought: Himalayas”


“MegaDrought USA & Earth”


“MegaDrought: South Africa”


“'Infuriating' Report Reveals 'Breathtaking Cover-Up' of US Airstrike That Killed Syrian Civilians”

"This NYT report on the cover-up of U.S. war crimes in Syria should make your blood boil," says CodePink's Medea Benjamin. "The U.S. wantonly kills civilians, covers it up, and then tells other countries how 'democracy' works. Infuriating."


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