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11/2021 American Petroleum Institute (API), ALEC, foundations and think tanks are tax exempt

Updated: Dec 24, 2023

“Wall Street is not only rigging markets it’s also rigging the outcome of its private trials”


Caitlin Johnstone:

“Rag-to-riches stories of people clawing their way to the top from nothing are just the modern day equivalent of fairy tales about peasants discovering they’re actually royalty: wildly improbably fantasies to let the commoners image the system could one day work for them, too.”

The Scribbler (Cladara atroliturata)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2015-04-21 011aaaaVsn6p

“New research into life expectancy across England’s richest and poorest areas reveals the real cost of social inequality: a decade of life.”

“Poverty Shortens Your Life”


“Why Thanksgiving is a National Day of Mourning for Native Americans”


Beloit, WI:

“Dallas officials stand by removing crime data from public view; more redactions possible

City officials said the changes, which were made Oct. 14 without City Council or community input, had been discussed for about a year.


Picture about Biden says a thousand words.


“This I learned in Auschwitz: There are two races. The race of the decent and the race of the indecent.” Victor Frankl


“It’s Time to Make Your Escape Plan From a Collapsing America

Fascism’s Back. Democracy’s Not Going to Survive It. Are You?”


“America’s Looming Housing Crisis”

“Working Americans are being priced out of the housing market, rent is skyrocketing, and investment firms are snatching up all the homes to turn into rental properties. What's going on here? Why is all this happening, and is there anything we can do to stop it? In this episode, we'll discuss some of the factors that are contributing to this perfect storm of looming economic disaster, and consider what actions normal Americans can take to ease the suffering of their neighbors and fight back against the predatory status quo.”


The privatize our schools by making us pay so a private operator can purchase a school we already paid to build. They made us upgrade Air Traffic Control equipment to the tune of billions and then they flipped Air Traffic Control to privatization. The BBB makes us pay to upgrade public roads, bridges and other assets so that they can turn them over so private for-profit enterprise can benefit from the upgrades by charging us to use them. And now, billionaire parasites can benefit from the decades of research and development to commercialize the work down by NASA:

“Narcissists in Space”


“People who dismiss the unemployed and dependent as “parasites” fail to understand economics and parasitism. A successful parasite is one that is not recognized by its host, one that can make its host work for it without appearing as a burden. Such is the ruling class in a capitalist society.” Jason Read.


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez:

“I don’t think people who are taking money from pharmaceutical companies should be drafing healthcare legislation. I don’t think people who are taking money from oil and gas companies should be drafting climate legislation.”

I agree. Then AOC\Dems need to do something about it. They need to do whatever it takes. They need to use the Republicans’ model of getting nefarious things done if they have to. But Democrats do need to do something about,…or shut up.


“CEO compensation has grown 1322% since 1978. But pay for the average worker? It’s only increased by a measly 18% Corporate greed is suffocating the working class.”


“In Denmark, there are libraries where you can borrow a person instead of a book to listen to their life story for 30 minutes. The aim is to fight against prejudices. Each person has a title – “unemployed”, “refugee”, “bipolar”, etc. – but by listening to their story you realize how much you shouldn’t “judge a book by its cover”. This innovative and brilliant project is active in more than 50 countries. It’s called “The Human Library”.


Oil industry responds to COP26:

“summits such as this have never been agents for real change. They have been about making concerned sounding speeches and posturing”


The American Petroleum Institute (API), ALEC, and foundations and think tanks that are tax exempt because they aren’t involved in politics ALL need to get the corporate death penalty:

“COP26: Fossil fuel industry has largest delegation at climate summit”


“The worker who votes the Republican or Democratic ticket does worse than throw his vote away.

He is a deserter of his class and his own worst enemy.” Eugene Debs


The more oppressive the government, the less likely will you find people concerned about Climate Change:

“What the world thinks about climate change in 7 charts”


“Democrats’ shorting everyone in the country by $600 and gaslighting anyone who noticed really set the tone for the Biden presidency.”

Vice President Rittenhouse?! Democrat\Republican’s next Supreme Court Justice?:

“Rittenhouse stops at Mar-a-Lago for meeting with Trump”


La Palma’s continued volcanic eruption could send a mega tsunami the would destroy the entire east coast of America:

“Are the power companies practicing contingency plans for all the nuclear plants on the East Coast of the United States in case La Palma slides into the ocean??”


“Percentage of People Saying They Trust Climate Scientists”


“The water from a 2-inch downpour – more than 54,000 gallons per acre – is captured almost entirely by an oak forest’s leaf litter and the organic humus it creates. Litter and humus don’t hold this water indefinitely, but they do corral it on-site just long enough for it to seep into the ground, replenishing the water table on which so many of us depend. In areas with no leaf litter, the same 2-ince rainstorm causes a flood.” - The Nature of Oaks by Doug Tallamy, PhD


“Don't chop up pollinators. You may be destroying eggs, caterpillars, and chrysalis along with the leaves. We suggest that leaves in garden beds and lawn edges be left whole. Where space allows, consider creating a leaf pile or 'Wild Area' in the back of your property allowing leaves to break down naturally,”


“If you need a flat, grassy area... make it a flowering lawn...hopefully with native flowers.

A French court banned the sale of Roundup Pro 360 to professional gardeners and farmers in France. The ruling came less than a month after France banned all pesticides from public green spaces, and also banned over-the-counter sales of pesticides to home gardeners.

Try this:


“Wildfires in California Killed Thousands of Giant Sequoias

The past 15 months have been devastating for the majestic trees, as fires destroyed an estimated 13 to 19 percent of their population, officials said.”


“American Holocaust, One hundred million Native Americans Killed”


James Eagle Standingcloud is with Allen Will.


HERE IS THE TRUE STORY OF THE FIRST THANKSGIVING! The Pequot War was one of the bloodiest Indian wars ever fought. In 1637 near present day Groton, Connecticut, over 700 men, women and children of the Pequot Tribe had gathered for their annual Green Corn Festival which is our Thanksgiving celebration. In the predawn hours the sleeping Indians were surrounded by English and Dutch mercenaries who ordered them to come outside. Those who came out were shot or clubbed to death while the terrified women and children who huddled inside the longhouse were burned alive.

The next day, John Winthrop (1588-1649), the governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony declared "A Day Of Thanksgiving" because 700 unarmed men, women and children had been murdered. Cheered by their "victory", the brave colonists and their Indian allies attacked village after village. Women and children over 14 were sold into slavery while the rest were murdered. Boats loaded with as many as 500 slaves regularly left the ports of New England. Bounties were paid for Indian scalps to encourage as many deaths as possible. Following an especially successful raid against the Pequot in what is now Stamford, Connecticut, the churches announced a second day of "thanksgiving" to celebrate victory over the heathen savages.

During the feasting, the hacked off heads of Natives were kicked through the streets like soccer balls. Even the friendly Wampanoag did not escape the madness. Their chief was beheaded, and his head impaled on a pole in Plymouth, Massachusetts -- where it remained on display for 24 years. The killings became more and more frenzied, with days of thanksgiving feasts being held after each successful massacre. George Washington finally suggested that only one day of Thanksgiving per year be set aside instead of celebrating each and every massacre. Later Abraham Lincoln decreed Thanksgiving Day to be a legal national holiday during the Civil War -- on the same day he ordered troops to march against the starving Sioux in Minnesota, Abraham Lincoln approved 38 Dakota hanged on December 26, 1862, in the largest one-day execution in American history. This story doesn't have quite the same fuzzy feelings associated with it as the one where the Indians and Pilgrims are all sitting down together at the big feast. But we need to learn our true history ! ! ! NO MORE LIES ! ! !”


Val Eisman:

“"They’re “concerned” but not concerned enough to do much about it

It is only proper to acknowledge when progress, however meager, is made, although the bar set by recent conferences is woefully low. Congratulations don’t seem to be in order here. The one tangible accomplishment is that many of the governments representing the world’s biggest contributors to global warming did agree to strengthen their goals to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions. The bad news is that the new commitments remain well short of meeting stated goals. The worse news is that the commitments still have no enforcement mechanisms. Peer pressure appears to remain the preferred methodology, which thus far has not imbued the world’s environmentalists with confidence. For sound reasons.

For example, an effort to have the COP26 negotiators agree to a “phase out” of coal was watered down to a “phase down,” a vague formulation with no specific meaning, and financial transfers from industrialized countries to underdeveloped countries most at risk (which are often the least culpable) have been below what has been promised and well less than what would be sufficient to mitigate damages. Mary Robinson, the former United Nations commissioner for human rights, wrote, “This represents a failure of leadership and a failure of diplomacy. World leaders must be held accountable for the climate disaster playing out on their watch. It is time to call out those who have obstructed the negotiations in Glasgow, and those who continue to downplay the climate emergency.”

That would be difficult to argue against, although moral arguments have had limited effect thus far. Unfortunately, the final text from COP26 is full of the “concerns” and “notes” that past conferences have featured. For example, the final text states that it “Expresses alarm and utmost concern that human activities have caused around 1.1 °C of warming to date, that impacts are already being felt in every region, and that carbon budgets consistent with achieving the Paris Agreement temperature goal are now small and being rapidly depleted.” Furthermore, the text “Urges Parties that have not yet communicated new or updated nationally determined contributions to do so as soon as possible” and “Acknowledges the importance of coherent action to respond to the scale of needs caused by the adverse impacts of climate change.”

That will show the atmosphere!

The context here is that the world’s governments agreed at the Paris Climate Summit in 2015 to hold the global temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius above the pre-Industrial Age average, a change from the previous commitment of 2 degrees, although no corresponding pledges were made to reach either goal. Following COP25 two years ago (COP26 was postponed a year due to the Covid-19 pandemic), the pledges then in existence by the world’s governments, were they honored in full, would have allowed global warming to reach 3 degrees, a catastrophic result. This was the conference in which the world’s governments were to have committed themselves to reach the Paris Climate Summit goal.

Temperature goal remains on paper, not in real world

What was actually achieved with the latest round of promises? Climate Action Tracker reports that 123 countries and the European Union submitted new NDC (nationally determined contributions) targets, although a dozen did not strengthen their commitments, a list that includes Australia, Brazil and Russia, each among the world’s biggest contributors of greenhouse gases. An analysis by the Tracker, a collaboration between Climate Analytics and NewClimate Institute, has found that were there to be full implementation of submitted and binding long-term targets and 2030 targets, the world’s temperature would increase by 1.7 to 2.6 degrees Celsius from the pre-Industrial Age average. That is well above the 1.5-degree goal.

Full implementation of just the goals set for 2030 would be enough for the world’s temperature to rise by 1.9 to 3 degrees. Worse, what the Tracker calls “real world action based on current polices” would result in a temperature increase of 2 to 3.7 degrees. The report concludes, “It is clear there is a massive credibility, action and commitment gap that casts a long and dark shadow of doubt over the net zero goals put forward by more than 140 countries, covering 90% of global emissions.” Furthermore:"”

“COP26: What You’d Expect When Oil Companies Are in and Environmentalists Are Out”

“Glasgow’s 2030 credibility gap: net zero’s lip service to climate action”


Jack Lindblad:

"...cooling scenario seems to have been what happened before the effects of the Siberian Traps eruptions hit – and it means scientists are looking at a more complex combination of events making up the EPME..."

“A Mass Extinction 250 Million Years Ago Seems to Have Had Multiple Causes”


“UMBC’s Glenn Wolfe develops new method to gauge atmosphere’s ability to clear methane, a potent greenhouse gas”


“Mapping hydroxyl variability throughout the global remote troposphere via synthesis of airborne and satellite formaldehyde observations” - by Glenn Wolfe


A friend offered the following metaphor to describe the global environment:

“We’ve fully gone from “flirting” with man’s extinction, to “making babies” with it”


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