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10/2021 “You can’t get rich in politics unless you’re a crook” Harry S Truman

Updated: Jul 15, 2022

Washington Theater designed to harm the People:

Schumer knew that once manchin got fossil fuel the legal right to increase C02 emissions and other gifts at the expense of the people, manchin would still vote to undermine clean energy and the safety net despite saying he wouldn’t. Manchin’s fossil fuel bill should not be signed into law:

“Manchin Admits Getting His Bill Passed and Then Tanking Progressive Package Was Always the Plan”

“Sen. Joe Manchin admitted Thursday, ahead of a scheduled House vote on the Senate-passed bipartisan infrastructure bill, that it had been corporate Democrats' plan all along to first secure passage of their fossil fuel-friendly legislation and then undermine the party's more ambitious reconciliation package that proposes investing up to $3.5 trillion over a decade in clean energy and the social safety net.

The conservative West Virginia Democrat told reporters Thursday that on July 28, he secured a signed agreement (pdf) from Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) outlining his conditions for voting on the final reconciliation bill..”

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“Here's David Sirota's insights on Manchin...

Manchin’s declaration comes almost exactly 13 years after he played a pivotal role pushing for a massive Wall Street bailout that funneled hundreds of billions of dollars of public money to the banks whose financial crisis destroyed the global economy and ravaged West Virginia with mass foreclosures.

Bottomline: Electing more Joe Manchins is NOT the road to M4A...We must reject "The Lesser of Two Evils" and think multi-election cycles”

“The West Virginia coal magnate is threatening to kill the reconciliation bill on the anniversary of his pivotal push for a Wall Street bailout”

“Manchin Demanded Bank Bailout Before Slamming “Entitlement Mentality””


"Democrats and the "resistance" have access to the many books, articles, policy briefings, videos and other information that detail how for decades the Republican Party has been planning to overthrow America's multiracial democracy. Too many convinced themselves that those plans were idle fantasy. The horrors are real."

“Democrats have the GOP playbook: They know how to fight back, but just won't do it”


“It is still unclear if the Senate will delay the debt ceiling until December 2022, as the House voted to do last week. If the Senate fails to act, The United States could be just two weeks away from defaulting on its debt for the first time ever.

The debt ceiling has become a kind of apocalyptic Groundhog Day in American life. As our friends at @EconomicPolicy point out, the debt ceiling isn’t tied to any actual economic indicators, and Congress’ raising of the ceiling is entirely ceremonial.

If we wanted to, we could eliminate the debt ceiling once and for all. In the meantime, the only purpose of the debt ceiling is to give Congress an excuse to force the federal government into austerity measures.”

“How Joe Biden could end the debt ceiling — all by himself

Minting the trillion-dollar coin, the 14th Amendment, and other ways to finally kill the debt ceiling.”


“The idea of a debt-ceiling for a currency issuer is laughable. This language is used to keep you brainwashed about federal finance.”


“Agitating for more online censorship has been a leading priority for the Democratic Party ever since they blamed social media platforms (along with WikiLeaks, Russia, Jill Stein, James Comey, The New York Times, and Bernie Bros) for the 2016 defeat of the rightful heir to the White House throne, Hillary Clinton. And this craving for censorship has been elevated into an even more urgent priority for their corporate media allies, due to the same belief that Facebook helped elect Trump but also because free speech on social media prevents them from maintaining a stranglehold on the flow of information by allowing ordinary, uncredentialed serfs to challenge, question and dispute their decrees or build a large audience that they cannot control. Destroying alternatives to their failing platforms is thus a means of self-preservation: realizing that they cannot convince audiences to trust their work or pay attention to it, they seek instead to create captive audiences by destroying or at least controlling any competitors to their pieties.

"Whistleblower" Frances Haugen is a vital media and political asset because she advances their quest for greater control over online political discourse.”

“Democrats and Media Do Not Want to Weaken Facebook, Just Commandeer its Power to Censor”


“The 8 Senate Democrats who voted against raising the minimum wage are collectively worth over $43 million:


“50/50 Senate Republicans and 8/50 Senate Democrats voted against a $15 hourly federal minimum wage:

1. Chris Coons (DE): net worth $10.13 million, 2. Angus King (ME): $9.49 M, 3. Joe Manchin (WV): $7.62 M, 4. Tom Carper (DE): $5.73 M, 5. Jeanne Shaheen (NH): $3.82 M, 6. Jon Tester (MT): $3.67 M, 7. Maggie Hassan (NH): $3.47 M, 8. Kyrsten Sinema (AZ): N/A”


“You can’t get rich in politics unless you’re a crook” Harry S Truman


“Just to set the record straight

I don’t want free healthcare; I want my taxes to pay for it, not for war.

I don’t want money for nothing; I want a job that pays for my basic needs.

I don’t’ want a free place to live; I want affordable housing that costs no more than 30% of my income.

I don’t want corporations to be unprofitable; I want them out of the political election, regulatory and policy-making processes.

I don’t expect elections to deliver the result I want; I want my vote to count.

I don’t want the wealthy to pay for everything; I want them to pay their fair share.”


Under Biden: “Whistle blowers are in jail. Not on 60 minutes.”


“The pharmaceutical industry made $50,000,000,000 in profit last year. Meanwhile 1 in 5 Americans can’t afford life-saving medicine. It’s nothing short of criminal negligence for that to happen.”


“Dance like you no one’s watching

Love like you’ve never been hurt

Make friends like there will be supply chain or social infrastructure collapse and you will have to rely on each other for basic survival”


“The Richer You Are The Creepier You Get: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix”


“Hi. I’m heather bresch, CEO of Mylan. I raised the cost of life-saving epi-pens 600%. I also gave myself a 671% raise. My salary is $18,931,068. My Dad is West Virginia senator Joe Manchin. I have no conscience!”


“Native American tribes call for 'immediate action' to protect Bears Ears National Monument: report”


“Melting permafrost in the Arctic could release radioactive waste and awaken sleeping viruses”


"When almost two in five young people say they may not have children of their own because of the climate crisis, that’s...a sign of pain and distress—and a call for help."

“If Politicians Want to Raise Birth Rates, They Should Pass Climate Policy”


“Who’s financing Fossil Fuels? 2016-2020”

In descending around from biggest culprit

JP Morgan


Wells Fargo

Bank of America

Morgan Stanley

Goldman Sachs

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