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10/2021 This is what complicity looks like

Updated: Jul 8, 2022

Please understand that the consequences of climate change can stimulate volcanic activity.

They screwed us over when we needed help with Covid, can you imagine what is going to happen when the Yellowstone Super Volcano goes off?!

“Yellowstone System Alert Just Announced The Massive Dome Shaped Uplift Is Still Increasing In Size”

2019 7/27 _F2A3871aaa2


This is what complicity looks like. The Rich want 4 more years of Trump and a new US Constitution and Democrats are loath to stand in the way. I’d hazard a guess the two party’s leadership is already making plans for the transfer. Might help explain why DeJoy is still destroying the Postal Service and Trump’s SCOTUS trash are still on the bench:

“Republicans Are Planning to Hijack the Next Election. Dems Are Squandering Their Chance to Stop Them.

They have no strategy to pass their voting rights bill.”


The third time. The definition of crazy is doing essentially the same thing more than once and expecting a different result. This is what complicity looks like:

“Senate GOP again blocks Democrats' election bill


Let’s be clear about what is going on with America’s Voting right. VOTING RIGHTS: face it, Charles Koch, his 2 political parties and his Supreme Court are NOT going to allow people of color vote in their White Supremacy America


Self-interest has made Joe Manchin an animal. He’s not even human. You may recall that before Manchin’s hostage taking started his wife was first award a lucrative government job by Biden:

“SCOOP: Manchin Tells Associates He’s Considering Leaving the Democratic Party and Has an Exit Plan

He could pull the trigger if he doesn’t get his way on the Build Back Better bill.”


Ecocide in action. If America had any true criminal justice system Manchin and Sinema would be promptly arrested and whisked off to the Hague:

"It’s all a joke to him." Joe Manchin "isn’t negotiating, he is killing the bill and it’s time we all recognized it."

“'He Isn’t Negotiating, He Is Killing the Bill': Ilhan Omar Slams Joe Manchin

"Thanks to the butchering of Manchin, Sinema, and the greed of their corporate lobbyists," said one critic, the Democrats' Build Back Better plan has been slashed down to just $1.9 trillion in spending.”


Earth’s end game for humans continues to take shape:

Jason Scherl:

“o i c now an Alaskan earthquake will kick up 30 GT of methane”

“Past Methane Eruptions - Methane and Seismic Activity”


“Capitalism is a double-edged sword. It is a blessing and a curse. It lifts the human spirit and reinforces our selfish base nature. It improves our welfare and causes abject suffering. It fuels innovation and accentuates negligent opportunism. And because it is both yin and yang, capitalism alone cannot sustain us. That’s why we need to strike a delicate balance between the prudent application of capitalist and socialist principles.”


“Giant 6" Hail - Meteors - Volcanoes - Floods - Wildfires - October 20th Front Lines”


America’s legal system is increasingly premised not on morality but raw fascism:

“Drone Whistleblower Thrown in Pen With Terrorists”


Prof Zenkus:

“Two of the top three investment firms that own MSNBC are the same two investment firms that own Fox and NewsCorp. Literally, Rachel Maddow and Tucker Carlson are owned by the same yucky billionaires. Same two co’s also own Coke and Pepsi. Competition is an illusion. Fancy that.


“the strength of a person’s character can be measured by how much ‘truth’ he could tolerate, or more precisely, to what extent he needs to have it diluted, disguised, sweetened, muted, falsified.”

Friedrich Nietzsche, “Beyond Good and Evil”


“To recommend thrift to the poor is both grotesque and insulting. It is like advising a man who is starving to eat less.” Oscar Wilde


Sounds like a Democrat or Republican:

“The ugliest thing in the world are the entitled, privileged human beings who lack empathy and compassion. Arrogant person who surround themselves with like-minded people that, wearing their own self-deluding masks, legitimize, reinforce and perpetuate on another’s self-serving and morally vacant life choices while remaining willfully ignorant about eh harm they cause.”


“How Money Changes the Way You Think and Feel

Research is uncovering how wealth impacts our sense of morality, our relationships with others, and our mental health.”


“Trophy hunters have long tried to justify killing protected wildlife in Africa by saying that hunting taxes and fees help to pay for conservation efforts.”

“New Analysis: Trophy Hunting Fails to Show Consistent Conservation Benefits”


“Juliana v. United States”

“…lawsuit brought by a group of young people and “future generations” in federal district court in Oregon alleging that the federal government had violated their constitutional rights by contributing to the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.”


“Juliana v. United States

Ninth Circuit Holds that Developing and Supervising Plan to Mitigate Anthropogenic Climate Change Would Exceed Remedial Powers of Article III Court.”

Quote: “…Constitution guarantees an unenumerated fundamental right to a “stable climate system,” the Trust filed suit against the United States in the U.S. District Court for the District of Oregon. The Trust argued that the United States had “continued to permit, authorize, and subsidize fossil fuel extraction . . . [and] consumption” despite these activities’ contributions to global warming. This choice, it continued, had “infringed on” the Trust’s “constitutional rights to life, liberty, and property.” As relief, the Trust demanded (inter alia) an “[o]rder” requiring the United States “to prepare and implement an enforceable national remedial plan to phase out fossil fuel emissions and . . . stabilize the climate system.”


We must face the fact that our three branches of Government is now and was in the past dominated by individuals guilty of Ecocide:

“Juliana v. United States - 947 F.3d 1159 (9th Cir. 2020)”

Quote: “…the government’s act of continuing to “permit, authorize, and subsidize” fossil fuel use despite long being aware of its risks caused various climate-change injuries”


America has an oil and gas intensive infrastructure that Democrats will not only not change but also aggressively defend. Biden’s actions to derail the Climate catastrophe court case brought by Oregon Children qualifies as ECOCIDE.


2020 7/15 _F2A2077aaa

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