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10/2021 Privatization after hurricane Maria has put disaster capitalism on full display

Updated: Jul 15, 2022

“West Coast Hit By Strongest Storm Ever Recorded - Burn Scar Flooding - Landslides - Power Failures”


“Permafrost: a ticking carbon time bomb”

2019 5/16 _F2A3287aaa


Not interested in America, just pigs at the trough:

“The Fed Under Fire For Insider Trading”

“MMT expert Steve Grumbine, host of Macro N Cheese podcast shares relatable experiences from a personal perspective with Political Misfits regarding money, capital, and wealth. As top officials at the Federal Reserve are under investigation by the SEC and the Fed’s own Inspector General, will those in power finally be held accountable for their questionable trading practices? Or will Jerome Powell and others continue to profit at the expense of fairness, integrity, and the law? Steve calls for greater scrutiny from institutions tasked with enforcing regulations and preventing corruption at the highest levels in the U.S. financial system. Steve makes relevant, though stark observations as to current economic conditions while the global pandemic rages on, as well as the political state of affairs for leftists. “


“A Nose for Science: Conservation Dogs May Help in Search for Endangered Franklin’s Bumblebee

Handlers hope a mutt named Filson can sniff out a pollinator no one has seen in 15 years.”


“The Weather Channel Graphics Dept isnt Fooling Around”


“Who has the most oil”


Planetary Warming depends on the before and after measuring periods and government is playing fast and loose to understate the problem:

Kris Van Steenbergen:

So, from there on we’ll run the model:

1981-2010 vs 1881-1903: 0.64 C

2006-2015 vs 1881-1903: 0.87 C

2011-2020 vs 1881-1903: 1.03 C

2016-2020 vs 1881-1903: 1.15 C

2020 vs 1881-1903: 1.1.9 C

And last but not least:

A pure scientific (but no controversial value to think about --- >1.85 C

Warmer compared to baseline 1720-1780.



"It's discouraging to see Sen. Menendez is on the wrong side of this fight rather than leading the charge for more affordable, accessible healthcare for all," laments Maura Collinsgru of New Jersey Citizen Action.”

“Critics See Menendez Villainy Equal to Sinema's on Medicare Drug Pricing Fight”


“You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make” Jane Goodall

“IMO every single action we engage in, no matter how small, impacts the world around us. For example, if we rake the dead leaves on our lawns and burn them, we add carbon to the atmosphere. We are also destroying the habitats of countless tiny critters that need the cover to survive the winter. And if we further reduce the number of insects, because we want to have a tidy yard, we also decide to deprive the birds from food come spring. And if the birds in our neighbourhoods die of starvation, we are poorer, we impact a number of other wildlife, causing inevitable mass extinction. These are just insignificant act we engage in thoughtlessly, with significant consequences.


Richard Wolff:

“The extreme inequality of the US deprives the middle 45% of “the American Dream” and turns it into a nightmare for the bottom 45%. Source: Prof. Gabriel Zucman, University of California, Berkeley

Graph showing “wealth of the top 400 wealthiest Americans (top 0.00025%)” as a % of US GDP


Richard Wolff:

“Great Depression of 1930s: capitalism collapsed, people fought for and won less inequality. By 1978, capitalists retook control, resumed system’s basic drive to ever greater inequality. This time people need to change the system.”

Graph showing “Inequality in selected countries, Income share of the top 1 percent of earners”


“Species Spotlight: The Elusive Snow Leopard

Efforts to broaden local participation for the conservation of this rare cat are currently ongoing across its global range.”


Phlanthropic donations by the super rich are a tax scam:

“Billionaires like Phil Knight, who is worth an estimated $58 billion according to the latest Forbes analysis, are the largest beneficiaries of the tax reductions provided in our tax code. As we’ve documented, for every dollar a billionaire like Phil Knight gives to charity, taxpayers chip in 74 cents in lost tax revenue. Yet for billionaires like Knight, charitable giving becomes an extension of their tax reduction planning and power and influence.

Most of Knight’s philanthropy is directed to his own private family foundation, however, and his donations come in the form of appreciated Nike stock.”

“Phil Knight’s Billion-Dollar Philanthropy: Generosity or Self-Service?”


Money has made American Government dysfunctional:

“Our democracy is in crisis, and the Freedom to Vote Act is an essential reform to fix it.

But Mitch McConnell and his fellow Republicans have used the filibuster to block everything from equal pay to debt-free college, and they aren't afraid to use it again.

In order to pass this critical legislation and save our democracy, we need to eliminate the filibuster.

Call your senator and let them know that it's time to stop the filibuster getting in our way. We don’t have time to waste.”

The filibuster stands in the way of our most important progressive priorities:

- Climate change legislation

- Gun violence prevention legislation

- Voting rights

- Medicare for all

- Debt-free college

- The dream act

- Universal pre-k

- Equal pay


“Wolf management in Michigan should set good example”


Privatization after hurricane Maria has put disaster capitalism on full display:

“Puerto Ricans say a record amount of incoming federal aid provides a once-in-a-generation opportunity to transition the island to clean energy after Hurricane Maria devastated the electrical grid. So far, those funds are mostly going to natural gas.”

“Plagued by Daily Blackouts, Puerto Ricans Are Calling for an Energy Revolution. Will the Biden Administration Listen?”


“Want Butterflies Next Spring? Don’t Rake Your Fall Leaves, National Wildlife Federation Urges”

2018 0001_IMG_9897_99999aaaa3

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