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10/2021 pastor claims Jesus hasn’t returned because people aren’t donating enough money

Updated: Dec 23, 2023

Soon you’ll be able to smell the dead on earth all the way to Mars:

Sam Carana:

“Exposure to Deadly Urban Heat Worldwide Has Tripled in Recent Decades, Says Study”

Large Lace-border (Scopula limboundata)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2017 6/18 059aaa


“After completely destroying our entire biosphere, supply and food chains within just 20-30 years of 3-4 billion non-contributing #bullshitjobs we are now being told that all of this is a "good thing" and the "waking up" of the very anti-economy that is literally getting us all killed right now.

Our governments would need to immediately admit that none of this ever was an economy; lock up Lagarde and all the other clowns, switch to positive money and a #basicincome so we can fade out nonsense employment a.s.a.p. ... but it's just not happening.

Global panic could set in anytime but our "leaders" simply are stupid enough to get their own families killed. It took the most criminal and insane clowns to "govern" us; as only those are still willing to enforce this "nonsense employment and climate collapse or poverty; because 'GDP' and bogus debt" insanity on behalf of central banks.

A whole civilization failing at survival. Nothing could be more insane; but it is happening in front of everybody's eyes.

So all there is left to do is to watch our governments, "economists" and journalists getting us all killed. Including their own families and children.”

“Boris Johnson says shortages are result of ‘giant waking up’ of economy

PM says there is no supply chain crisis and government is addressing ‘big underlying issues’”


Human extinction is about not only how much the planet warms, but also HOW FAST it warms. And even if temps only increase, say, 1.8C if it happens to fast we’re all dead. And guess what?...


“At What Point Do We Realize Bill Gates Is Dangerously Insane?”


“You may not like this but nothing can be done about the problems in this country until we reform campaign finance.

You can’t solve problems if the people you send to Washington are being bought off by those benefitting from the problems.”


“Global urban population exposure to extreme heat” - by Cascade Tuholske et al.


“When the western US burns, the east also gets sick”

“Pollution from smoke is responsible for a higher percentage of health problems in the western u.s. but affects a greater number of people in the east”

“Estimated Mortality and Morbidity Attributable to Smoke Plumes in the United States: Not Just a Western US Problem” - by Katelyn O’Dell et al.



“Is this weather normal? Compare your state's climate over the past 100 years to the 20th century average.”

“Temperatures nationwide over time”

“Where in the US are temperatures hitting monthly extremes?”


“I sit on a man’s back choking him and making him carry me, and yet assure myself and others that I am sorry for him and wish to lighten his load by all means possible….except by getting off his back.” Leo Tolstoy, “What then must we do?”


“Taking things away from people until they say yes is not a choice.”


“Fascism: A History | RT Documentary”


“But how will we pay for it?

Raise the corporate tax rate from 21% to 28% raises $727 billion

Stop heirs of multi-millionaires and billionaires from dodging taxes on inheritances raises $430 billion

Make ultra-millionaires and billionaires pay a two-cent tax on wealth over $50 million raises $3 Trillion

Provide the IRS with the resources it needs to go after wealth tax cheats raises $1 Trillion

End the Trump tax breaks for corporations that ship jobs and profits offshore raises $700 billion

That’s How.”


“Modern monetary realism”

“Galbraith: "Governments create money by spending and extinguish it via taxation."”


“Evangelical pastor claims that the reason Jesus hasn’t returned is because people aren’t donating enough money”


COVID19 originated in AMERICA!:

“The unusual timing of a bat coronavirus grant report suggests that an earlier version may have been revised.”



“UBS and Societe Generale must stop financing trade of Amazon crude oil.”


“Six-Month Sentence for Lawyer Who Took on Chevron Denounced as 'International Outrage'

Conviction of Steven Donziger, said one critic, "perfectly encapsulates how corporate power has twisted the U.S. justice system to protect corporate interests and punish their enemies."”


“Forgive me for noting that conservatives seem to believe that the rich will work harder if we give them more, and the poor will work harder if we give them less.” E.J. Dionne Jr.


“Did you know?

The Mississippi River Basin is home to industrial corn and soybean production — and its runoff, which contains whatever chemical inputs were used.

Glyphosate (RoundUp) was found in >75% of air & water samples in Mississippi — in the rivers, rain, and the air we breathe.

Chronic diseases like cancer are prevalent near farms using these chemical inputs.

Read the blog to learn more!”

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