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10/2021 next 30 years of heating are locked in

Updated: Jul 30, 2022

The next 30 years of heating are locked in.

And we would do well to think of Washington’s Environmental Holocaust not only in terms of only higher temperatures and sea levels. For instance, volcanic activity, famine, mass death, diseases, etc. AND WASHINGTON IS RESPONSIBLE FOR IT ALL

“MegaDrought Mexico - People so Hot their Organs Cook”


2016 5/26 400aaa

“‘Green growth’ doesn’t exist – less of everything is the only way to avert catastrophe”

“The only way for us to survive is our governments finally admitting that "economic 'growth' via 3-4 billion purely systemic and/or redundant, non-contributing #bullshitjobs" was the opposite of an economy and destroyed our biosphere and millions of lives.

And it's mostly "less of nonsense employment" not necessarily "less of everything". If we act now, and manage to prevent total environmental collapse, we can still preserve our standard of living. Just without systemic traffic and infrastructure that never contributed anything to society.”


Democrats under Biden are slavishly selling out the environment to rich special interests and punishing anybody who reports it:


“In response to a whistleblower complaint alleging corruption within the EPA’s New Chemicals Division, agency officials immediately notified those accused of misconduct.”


“July ranked as the hottest month globally in recorded human history. The prospect that this could be the coldest summer of the rest of our lives is nothing short of terrifying, writes our reporter, Soumya Karlamangla.”


Caitlin Johnstone:

“I mean if you can’t trust institutions that are deliberately constructed to subvert the common good for the benefit of the wealthy and powerful at every turn, who can you trust?”


“The World’s Sustainable Development Goals Aren’t Sustainable

There are big problems with the most important metric used to assess progress toward the U.N.'s environmental goals.”


If US defaults on its debt you could see an American version of PROMESA overseen by Rich who used money from tax breaks & govt scams to buy US debt - financial overthrow of our govt


“For an industry that already gets an egregious number of tax breaks, the fossil fuel lobby sure is melting down over the prospects of having to pay a little bit more in taxes and facing a little bit of accountability!”

“In Anti-Reconciliation Blitz, Exxon Spent $275,000 on Facebook Ads in One Week”


“Sources of Arctic Methane | Igor Semiletov | Unseen footage of methane plumes from 2020 voyage | pt1”

“Karina scherenberg

"Lots of helpful info. in this Nick Breeze video which I had to re-listen a few times in order not to miss anything coming from Igor Semiletov, who along with Natalia Shakhova and colleagues have spent more than 20 years conducting field research and gathering extensive methane data in the ESAS. It’s great to see more international interest and collaboration particularly with this recent scientific expedition in late 2020 that included 69 scientists from 10 countries. Their work (along with the work of their international collaborators) has been published in peer reviewed journals and more is coming! To understand basics, for me it was helpful to read "Understanding the Permafrost–Hydrate System and Associated Methane Releases in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf".

Quoting from video: “Semiletov defines 2 different scales of seep sites where methane is visibly seen reaching the surface”…...”we already mapped more than 2000 large seeps and mega seeps”…”Large seeps we mean bubbling methane in release areas with a horizontal scale in 100’s of meters and mega seeps......"its a thousand meters plus".

“but what we can do, we just detect what we can see beneath the vessel; its just a tiny fraction of what we found so what my grandmother told me if you saw 1 mouse in your house it means 100’s of them so I think that if we detected more than 2000 that means hundred thousands of seepage areas”.

“We have revisited several mega seeps and we have found that all revisited mega-seeps, they are growing”…. “and some of them”…...“3, 4 times during 5 years I mean increasing horizontal scale”.”


No matter in the world you live, know the enemy(ies) of Humanity operating out of Washington and America’s State Capitals:

“Bill McKibben: Senator Joe Manchin [and Kyrsten Sinema] is "holding a gun to the planet’s head."


“Joe Manchin's Truly Brutal Ransom Note

Time's running out in DC, on the climate (and also on free Friday posts...)”


It is still ok to blame Manchin & Sinema, but not only them because it was decided by party leadership that Manchin and Sinema would be the two people who could throw a wrench in the legislation but yet still be most likely re-elected.

"Ignoring the brutal fiscal reality of the working class for decades has made West Virginia one of the poorest states in America," Warren Gunnels retorted.

“Critics Slam Manchin for Invoking 'Brutal Fiscal Reality' to Defend Tanking of Biden Agenda”


“‘Historical’ Western Drought Is Likely to Persist

The severe dry conditions have left critical reservoirs depleted and helped fuel intense wildfires”


Robert Reich:

“Who would have thought that the entire Democratic agenda – from climate change to children – would depend on just 2 heretofore little-known Democratic senators who are really Republicans, Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin?”


“Let us put this clearly: We’re not interested in Kyrsten Sinema’s opinions on what we can or can’t afford after she took $750,000 from Big Pharma and medical device manufacturers.”


“Oh the never ending greed that rules our governments...putting the fox in charge of the hen house”

“Joe Manchin, America’s climate decider-in-chief, is a coal baron”


Ecocide criminal killing American children for profit

“Joe Manchin owns millions of dollars in coal stocks. Shouldn't he recuse himself from US climate talks?”


Christian Baker:

“A "Life Economy" starts with a monetary system that is not deliberately impoverishing the world and that's not forcing us to "earn" _numbers_ by doing nonsense.

A "Life Economy" starts with acknowledging that central banks, "economists" and our governments are still selling us the same financial eco- and genocide that fucked up banking families implemented in fucking 1830.

A "Life Economy" starts with realizing that the resulting 3-4 billion #bullshitjobs destroyed our entire biosphere while contributing nothing to society. They need to go. It might seem radical but nobody is going to miss "marketing" nor "tax accounting".

A "Life Economy" starts with switching to non-negative-sum currencies and a #basicincome. So we can finally cooperate instead of wasting our entire fucking lives doing horse shit no sane civilization would even consider.

"I take heart in the knowledge that for most of human history our ancestors created social-governmental-economic systems that focused on long-term benefits for people and nature and were themselves renewable resources.

The Indigenous people who still live that way were and are urging us to transform the Death Economy into one that cleans up pollution, regenerates destroyed ecosystems, recycles, and creates technologies that restore resources and that benefit, rather than ravage, the environment - a Life Economy." -- John Perkins”

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