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10/2021 Judge: Men shot by Rittenhouse can be described as ‘rioters’ & ‘looters’ but not ‘victims,'

Updated: Aug 14, 2022

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“Norilsk starts cooling the ground to preserve buildings on thawing permafrost”

Val Eisman:

“"Rising Arctic temperatures are causing permafrost to thaw, putting the world’s largest city built on frozen ground in deep trouble.

"Regional authorities this week inspected the buildings in Norilsk and looked at needs for reconstruction, the official portal of the Krasnoyarsk Krai informs.

News agency TASS reports that thermal stabilisation of soils under 10 apartment buildings in Norilsk, whose foundations are under threat due to thawing permafrost, will be carried out in 2021-2024. 650 million rubles (€7,9 million) will be invested in the thermal stabilisation program."

In 2019 and 2020, soil cooling systems were installed along the contour of two houses aimed to freeze the foundations in the ground. The system consists of a network of pipes through which the refrigerant circulates."”


“The sketchy rhetorical tricks of politicians, celebs, and con men—and how they work.”

“How Donald Trump, Elon Musk, and Gwyneth Paltrow Short-Circuit Your Ability to Reason”

2016-02-27 025aaaap


“Most accurate description of trickle-down yet”


“Wealth breeds…

A class of people for whom human beings are disposable commodities…

Once oligarchs achieve unchecked economic power, as they have in the United States,

The citizens too become disposable.”

Chris Hedges Source:


“A word to the 1%...

“You control our world. You’ve poisoned the air we breathe, contaminated the water we drink, and copy-righted the food we eat.

We fight in your wars, die for your causes, and sacrifice our freedoms to protect you.

You’ve liquidated our savings, destroyed our middle class, and used our tax dollars to bailout your unending greed.

We are slaves to your corporations, zombies to your airwaves, servants to you decadence.

You’ve stolen our elections, assassinated our leaders, and abolished our basic rights as human beings.

You own our property, shipped away our jobs, and shredded our unions.

You’ve profited off of disaster, destabilized our currencies, and raised our cost of living.

You’ve monopolized our freedom, stripped away our education, and have almost extinguished our flame.

We are hit…we are bleeding…but we ain’t go time to bleed.

We will bring the giants to their knees and you will witness our revolution!”

Jesse Ventura


America’s society in a picture using birds


“It’s time we were honest about who the real welfare queens are – not the desperate for work, or the working poor, or the ailing middle class, but the Ultra Rich and Corporations who gent the benefits of a strong government without every paying for it in taxes.”


“These animals are made possible by fallen leaves”

“Leave Leaves alone

Don’t blow! Leave the leaves in your planting beds and mow-mulch your leaves into the lawn. Use an electric blower if you must.


“Elon Musk Opposes Billionaire Tax While Making a Record $36 Billion in One Day”


Yet they continue to make law!?:

“The "Insurrection Seven" exposed”


“Nesting season for these turtles is February through August, meaning the beach absolutely could have had turtle eggs, hatchlings, or mamas on it.”

“You tuber Jake Paul appears to have driven through beaches protected for endangered turtle nesting! No only is this illegal, but he may have crushed rare turtle eggs just for social media clout. Demand that Puerto Rican authorities hold him accountable!”


“NASA uncovers hidden system of mysteriously draining lakes under Antarctica”


“Knowledge makes a man unfit to be a slave.” Frederick Douglass




“Feds accused of blocking public’s view in massive wild horse roundup”

“"The American Wild Horse Campaign is alleging that the U.S. Bureau of Land Management has placed unlawful restrictions on the public viewing of the largest federal wild horse roundup in history."”


Oil and Gas Propaganda:

“Sustainable solutions for a changing planet

The companies that make plastics are accelerating circular solutions to keep materials in use and out of our environment.”



“La Palma eruption update: Enormous pressure is building up under the volcano as ground inflates 17cm in 24 hours – Possible violent explosion in the next few days”


“Amazon has a long history of using its huge size to shut out competitors and limit options for consumers. Now, the company wants to dominate streaming video by purchasing MGM. Tell the FTC to block the Amazon-MGM deal now!”

“Tell the FTC to Block the Amazon-MGM Deal!”


“Without action, a 3 C temperature rise is a likely outcome of for the world”


“White rage has always gotten a free pass

Tulsa 1921 and D.C. 2021”


America’s Judiciary is vile abject disgrace:

“Men shot by Rittenhouse can be described as ‘rioters’ and ‘looters’ but not ‘victims,’ judge rules ahead of trail.”


Screwed with eyes wide open that is:

“When House progressives joined in an unprecedented show of strength last month to fight for a strong Build Back Better reconciliation bill, many were taken by surprise. But not The Intercept’s D.C. Bureau Chief Ryan Grim, who’s been chronicling the rise of the party’s insurgent wing for years and wrote that “the progressive flex was a long time coming.”

What comes next for congressional Democrats will be even more important. Can they overcome an army of corporate lobbyists to enact Medicare expansion and Green New Deal programs? Or will they waffle and splinter — allowing Biden’s agenda to languish, breeding yet more public cynicism?

A year before the midterm elections — and the day after critical elections in Virginia, New Jersey, and Massachusetts — join Grim, investigative reporter Lee Fang, and Washington editor Nausicaa Renner for a live discussion about the struggle for the future of the Democratic Party.”


"Despite animal agriculture being one of the largest contributors to climate change (animal agriculture) is largely neglected by countries around the world in climate change mitigation strategies and commitments."

“More than 50 global NGOs call on COP26 to formally acknowledge animal agriculture as major climate change contributor at this year’s conference

Climate change conference can no longer ignore climate impacts of industrialised animal agriculture”


“Elon Musk’s net worth is currently $255 billion.


If someone handed you a bag containing $5,000 every day, 365 days a year, you’d be as rich as him…in 139,726 years.

Some useful context for the “billionaire tax” arguments.”


“Biology Team Studies Climate’s ‘Hidden’ Effects

“Elevated temperature and browning increase dietary methylmercury, but decrease essential fatty acids at the base of lake food webs” - by Pianpian Wu et al.


“Deadly US Sanctions Are Exacerbating the Pandemic Globally”


Californians living within miles of oil and gas wells have toxic air

"For many years, communities have been complaining about how oil drilling in their neighborhoods is harmful. Now we have numbers to back that up."

“Upstream oil and gas production and ambient air pollution in California” - by David Gonzalez et al.


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