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10/2021 Eco-anxiety: 75% of young people say ‘the future is frightening

Updated: Jun 20, 2022

“Both parties are dead to me, not even on the radar. And they don’t care if they win, only that the interests of the rich are served:

If Democrats allow Manchin and Sinema to downsize the budget plan, abandoning FDR's legacy, they will lose not just the battle but the war.”

“When Democrats Go Small, They Lose Big

If Democrats allow corporate-aligned “centrists” to downsize the budget plan, abandoning FDR’s legacy, they will lose not just the battle but the war.”

2016 7/8 263aaa


“Please Teach Your Children About Corporate Criminals”

“Definitely don’t expect schools to do so.

“Today, school children are engulfed by corporate apps and software, textbooks biased toward the corporate definitions of an economy, and myths about "free markets." For years free school materials and videos produced or sponsored by business groups, including the coal and nuclear industries, have flooded elementary classes. Our report: Hucksters in the Classroom: A Review of Industry Propaganda in Schools by Sheila Harty (1979), documented this mercantile assault on education. Students even take tests designed by corporate institutions.””


“Eco-anxiety: 75% of young people say ‘the future is frightening’”


“Windy Fire has destroyed more than two dozen giant sequoia trees -- and that's just an early assessment”


Turn both manchin and sinema over time The Hague.,,yesterday. If you don’t live in America, ask your country to action against manchin and sinema. These are the self-interested shameless few killing your children. Ask that they be arrested on ecocide should they ever leave America and set foot on a foreign nation. But do NOT count on America governing itself as a responsible global citizen or even a responsible country. Their addiction to greed has turned them into animals:

“Which side are you on?” Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema is getting heat from fellow congressional Democrats and environmental activists who fear she has become the biggest obstacle to U.S. climate policy.”

“With Sen. Kyrsten Sinema’s Snubbing of the Democrats’ Reconciliation Plans, Environmental Advocates Ask, ‘Which Side Are You On?’”


“Joe Manchin is threatening to kill the reconciliation bill for promoting an "entitlement mentality," almost exactly 13 years after he pushed for a Wall Street bailout. It would be nice if bankers ever had to show a little "personal responsibility."”

“Joe Manchin: Bailouts for Me, But Not for Thee”


“When corrupt politicians start going to prison, we will begin trusting our government.”


“Tribes want ‘immediate action’ to reverse Trump’s cut to Bears Ears National Monument”


Average price of one vial of insulin:

🇦🇺: $6.94

🇬🇧: $7.52

🇫🇷: $9.08

🇩🇪: $11

🇨🇦: $12

🇯🇵: $14.40

🇺🇸: $98.70



As the the ice melts, its weight decreases which causes the earth's crust to rise (aka isostatic rebound). What the model makers forgot is that the rising crust tips more and more water in to the oceans. It is another example of amplification causing acceleration.


The scientific community is not the only one feeling the reverberations of these findings. Even if a centimeter feels small, 20 percent more water flowing out of the ice sheet over the next eight decades could alter coastal climates and weather patterns.”

“Raising the Estimate of Sea-Level Rise

The effect of post-glacial rebound was overlooked in the West Antarctic”


“The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) Explained by Al Gore #AMOC


“Gate to Hell Growing Larger”

“And yearly thawing now exacerbates its growth”


Subsidizing the wealth accumulation of the earth takes many forms in American Society:

“In Orland, California, residents breathed smoke an average of 82 days a year between 2016 and 2020, an analysis found. Worsening air quality due to smoke and particulate matter from wildfires is a growing health risk across the nation.”

“Dangerous Air: As California Burns, America Breathes Toxic Smoke

Americans across the country are breathing more wildfire smoke—and the harmful particles it carries—than they did 10 years ago, and their health is suffering the consequences.”


“The climate crisis is destroying the human rights of those least responsible for it”


Nature Bats Last:

“Science Update: Young People Experiencing Climate Anxiety”


“Someone with passions is an intimidating force on the physical plane. Because they throw passion on whatever catches their attention. And the system doesn’t like that, eventually a passionate person will see through the bullshit and rebel with a soul on fire.” And then like AOC, they get a check from Pelosi,…


“Sounds of Silence: Extinction Is Erasing the Earth’s Music”


“Hurricane Sam - Tropical & Volcanic Activity increases - 25℉ Above Normal to 15℉ Below normal”

“Uploads from info Peace”

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