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10/2021 Democrats WILL let Republicans walk away with the country instead of yielding to the People

Updated: Jul 30, 2022

Ray Taylor:

“"We are currently emitting upwards of 598mt of methane per year, and the upper stratosphere is sinking some where near 576mt"

'Earth’s ... tropospheric hydroxyl cyclic engine breaks down methane, powered by water vapour and UV energy from the Sun.'

"If we can generate massive amounts of ozone and hydroxyl ... from power plants at the arctic in the winter months and channel it up into the upper stratosphere annually in the winter months then we can get ozone (O3) and hydroxyl (OH) into the upper atmosphere this should then be able to supplement Earths methane breakdown engine and readdress this critical balance of O3, OH and CH4 in the upper stratosphere."

“Saving Mother Earth — Restabilizing Gaia’s Methane breakdown process engine”

2019 5/16 Four White Wildflowers aaa


5 years starting with 2021 and ending with 2026:

“We have just observed the hottest (or joint hottest) October days in recorded history for 4 countries.

Iran 46.0°C (new record)

Morocco 43.5°C (new record)

China 38.9°C (tied record)

South Korea 32.3°C (new record)”


“Analysis: Which countries are historically responsible for climate change?”

“We’ve already emitted 89% of the CO2 budget that gives us a 66% chance of staying below 1,5°C. That’s why historic emissions not only count - they nearly make up the entire climate crisis. And yet they’re still being almost completely ignored by media and people in power.

US 509GtCO2

CN 284

RU 172

BR 113

ID 103

DE 88

IN 86

UK 74

JP 68

CA 65”


Kirk Norring


Global Average Temperatures do not have to change by 20°C to annihilate humans from the surface of the planet.

A rapid rise of just a few degrees is enough to kill us all off.

The average summer temperatures does not have to reach 50°C. Only the prolonged summer heatwaves need to reach those sort of temperatures which sadly has already begun.

Desert like temperatures should not ever exist in forested areas.

We saw what happens when that happens as it did in Lytton, BC.

Those sort of temperatures kills and it burns down forested areas.

If these sort of heatwaves becomes common occurrences then that is enough to wipe us out.

Remember that if you cannot survive the summers then you don't really need to worry about the rest of the year.

So we really don't need a runaway greenhouse effect that would turn this planet in another Venus to wipe us out.

All is needed is a rapid rise of a few degrees.

And that is already baked in.”

“Mind-blowing pyrocumulonimbus plumes within British Columbia wildfires”


“In Brazilian Amazon, savannization and climate change will expose 12 million to lethal heat stress”


“Deforestation and climate change are projected to increase heat stress risk in the Brazilian Amazon” - by Beatriz Fátima Alves de Oliveira et al.


Understand that Democrats WILL let Republicans walk away with the country instead of yielding to a Bernie Sanders for the People person:

"What the United States did not have before 2020 was a large national movement willing to justify mob violence to claim political power. Now it does."

“The strange death of American democracy

A constitutional crisis looms as Trump tightens his grip on the Republicans ahead of 2024”


“Yahoo News AustraliaYahoo News Australia

‘What a mess’: David Suzuki rates the planet's chances of survival”


The average American’s biggest threat is not from a foreign country:

“Which rich person or corporation has done more for old people than Social Security has?

Has done more for Black people than the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act? Has done more for women than suffrage? This idea that solving things through policy is inefficient is straight up corporate propaganda.”


“Last week, the new chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court sought to reopen a previously suspended investigation in Afghanistan, but with a caveat. The probe would not include conduct by the U.S. and its allies.”


The International Criminal Court’s decision to “deprioritize” a probe into crimes by the U.S. and its allies came after years of U.S. obstruction.”


Karina Scharenberg

“Just finished reading this thorough article including links to papers and sources on the Arctic Methane Timebomb. There are 2 camps each with different perspectives:

Camp 1: "A widely cited 2011 Nature review dismissed such a catastrophic scenario as implausible because methane "gas hydrates occur at low saturations and in sediments at such great depths below the seafloor or onshore permafrost that they will barely be affected by [contemporary levels of] warming over even [1,000] yr."

Camp 2: "But this study and others like it completely ignore the new empirical evidence on permafrost-associated shallow water methane hydrates on the Arctic shelf. Scientific reviews that have accounted for the empirically-observed dynamics of permafrost-associated methane come to the opposite conclusion"”

“Seven facts you need to know about the Arctic methane timebomb

Dismissals of catastrophic methane danger ignore robust science in favour of outdated mythology of climate safety”


“Siberia’s Hot Streak”

“"Meaning, certain aspects of climate change are already at the year 2090 when compared to climate models. Does this mean that climate science and policymakers for major countries are behind the eight ball, by a lot, really by a lot? Answer: Yes, it does!

Of particular interest and of more than passing concern, the Moscow Times article claims the nuclear facility Bilibino Nuclear Power Plant, as well as numerous hydro dams around Magadan (far northeastern Russia) are threatened with collapse because of cascading permafrost. It should be noted that Russia is home to 10% of the world’s hydro resources, mostly in Siberia."”


“Earth is dimming due to climate change”

“Warming oceans cause fewer bright clouds to reflect sunlight into space, admitting even more energy into earth's climate system”


Karina scharenberg

The Eemian (prior interglacial period f/130,000 to 115,000 years ago) has been used as an analogue by scientists for modeling current climate. This period was warmer than the Holocene ( current interglacial). Based on the the recent Bova & Colleagues revised temps for the Eemian (linked below), the Eemian approached temps up to what they are today... So the assumption has been that the Arctic should have been ice free in the Eemian summers, however, this might not have been the case based on their findings in regards to the development in the Arctic Ocean. I quote from link below: "The samples from the Atlantic delivered the higher-than-Holocene temperature signals so typical for the Eemian. The tests from the Nordic Seas, however, tell quite another story. 'The found foraminifers of Eemian time indicate comparatively cold conditions". So what's the point of this post? I quote from Nafeez Ahmed's article "7 Facts You Need to Know about the Arctic Methane Timbomb" (linked below): "Both studies [A new Nature Study] and [2012 Geophysical Letters] suggest that the Arctic sea ice simply had not retreated enough to expose permafrost".

“Warm climate -- cold Arctic? The Eemian is a poor analogue for current climate change”

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