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10/2021 Deb haaland, farce Biden’s Secretary of the Interior, should be expelled from her tribe

Updated: Jun 20, 2022

Outlaw AIPAC in America and zero aid of any type to Israel until they stop treating Palastinians poorly for 1 continuous uninterrupted year:

“Hammam Chott is famed in UK media as the Tunis cemetery where Jeremy Corbyn supposedly laid a wreath to terrorists. But “wreathgate” was a lie — and it erased the real crime that happened here on October 1, 1985, when Israeli jets murdered 60 people.”

“After Palestinians Buried Their Martyrs, Western Media Buried Israel’s Crimes”

2016 4/18 0001_085_999992aa 2-12-18


“The Ivory-Billed Woodpecker And More Than 20 Other Species Have Gone Extinct”


“Nearly one-third of the newly extinct species in the US are from Hawaii

“It’s heartbreaking that Hawaii is known as the ‘extinction capital of the world,’ ” said the Hawaii director of the Center for Biological Diversity.”


“Study: Birds Are Linked to Happiness Levels”


Mike Pompeo, the good Christian:

The news that the Trump inner circle considered assassinating Julian Assange came as a shock to MAGA land, but not to anyone else who’d been paying the slightest attention to Trump’s hand-picked CIA director Mike Pompeo, who had publicly declared Wikileaks, and its founder, “a non-state hostile intelligence service.”

“Roaming Charges: The Dirtiest Word of All”


“Thousands In Louisiana Are Still Without Power 1 Month After Ida Landfall”


Paul Franz:

“People don’t have a strong intuitive sense of how much bigger 1 billion is than 1 million. 1 million seconds is about 11 days. 1 billion seconds is about 31.5 years.”


So much of Washington’s policies come right of Hitler’s playbook, or was it the other way around?! Indistinguishable?!:

Like America where we are making teaching about racism illegal

“Today's understanding of the British Empire has been shaped by state secrecy and the destruction of historical records.”

“Erasing Empire”


“No amount of bluster from the Western capitals can obscure the plain fact that 20 years of support from the “international community” resulted in virtually no economic and social development in Afghanistan.”

“Afghanistan’s Impoverished People Live Amid Enormous Riches”


“The cost of child care in” every State:


“Exclusive: A network of health care providers pocketed millions of dollars selling hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, and online consultations, according to hacked data provided to The Intercept.

The data show that vast sums of money are being extracted from people concerned about or suffering from Covid-19 but resistant to vaccinations or other recommendations of public health authorities.”


The data also reveals that 72,000 people paid at least $6.7 million for Covid-19 consultations promoted by America’s Frontline Doctors and vaccine conspiracist Simone Gold.”


As predicted by science, the destruction of the Amazon is destroying the climate in my part of the Midwest - hot & dry day after day after day


“Corporate landlords are hoarding real estate and holding it ransom to capitalize on the housing crisis.

The world's largest private landlord, Blackstone, holds more than $300 billion in real estate assets under management (AUM). In one deal this past June, Blackstone bought 17,000 single-family homes across the US to extract rental income from tenants. That same month, Brookfield acquired a controlling stake in a landlord which owns more than 10,000 U.S. rental homes. The ten largest managers account for 37% of total global AUM. Each of these companies posted total AUMs of over $90 billion.”

“The World’s Biggest Landlords”


“BREAKING: Highest U.N. Human Rights Body Rules U.S. Government Must Release Steven Donziger from “Arbitrary” Detention and Compensate Him for Legal Violations”


“Global neglect of indigenous peoples”


Both WILD and domesticated to serve corporations that is. And you can give American insects all the habitat in the world, but if you don’t ban the pesticides corporations have been using it won’t matter. The infrastructure bill’s aid to pollinators is wildly inadequate:

“Infrastructure for Insects: Congress Should Invest in Bees and Butterflies

The new infrastructure bill would fund new habitat for pollinators — and help people and wildlife in the process.”


“When your boss’s income has risen 937% since 1978 and yours has increased by only 5.7%, it’s time to stop blaming minorities for your woes.” David Yankovich


“This is what structural racism looks like and it is rampant in the United States of America”

Making the teaching of racism illegal in American schools is not the solution, just an idea ripped off from Hitler’s Nazi Party.”


“People of all political backgrounds are threatened by water pollution from factory farms - which means they're coming together in broad coalitions to fight concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) and the other harms caused by Big Ag!”

“Tourism vs. CAFOs: A New Front in the Fight Against Industrial Animal Ag

In rural communities, residents and family farmers are increasingly pitting the need to protect their waterways and natural areas for outdoor recreation against factory farms, which they say pollute the environment and threaten tourism dollars.”


Deb haaland, farce Biden’s Secretary of the Interior, is a vile disgrace. She should be expelled from her tribe

“Help Stop Idaho's Wolf Slaughter”

Idaho has passed a horrific new law removing nearly all limits on wolf hunting and authorizing extermination of 90% of the state's wolf population. Help fight back by pressing the Fish & Wildlife Service to disqualify Idaho from millions in federal conservation funds unless it repeals its wolf-extermination law—sign the petition now.

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