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10/2021 “Cryptocurrency Is Bunk”

Updated: Aug 7, 2022

“Coast Guard: 1,200-Foot Ship Dragged Southern California Oil Pipeline”


Lakota Justice:

“Raise up your warrior flag!

Never doubt for a minute the power of what’s in your heart, for it is your heart that will bring you satisfaction, joy and sorrow.

Be satisfied only in the truth. Feel the joy when after you have tried and tried to make something right and you forced the change

Have sorrow in your heart when you speak of what is wrong but you never tried to change it!”

2020-05-07 _F2A3454aaap


“I look both ways before crossing a one-way street. That’s how much faith I have left in humanity.” Tom Hardy


“I don’t really care if people forget me. My legacy wasn’t about me. It was about everything I could do for another. When that sinks in …well, you try a little harder. You dream a litter broader. Your heart stretches a little farther and you find that you can’t go back to the same place and make it fit. You become a person of ideas and seek out your own kind. And then it happens: One day you discover that staying the same is scary. Changing has become your new home.” Shannon L. Alder


“Cryptocurrency Is Bunk”


“How Italy's high-speed trains helped kill Alitalia”

“This is a story about how rail really can displace air travel, while being a pleasant experience and lower emissions.

Would you consider a rail journey instead of flying? What changes need to be made to help your decision?

What experience would you miss without flying and airports?”


“Workers make the world run. Workers should run the world.”


“Vanishing: Sawfishes Are Weird and Wonderful — But Important, Too

A conservation scientist would miss these delightfully bizarre fish if they went extinct, but there’s more to saving them than their looks.”


“Raising Pressure on Biden, Dozens of Indigenous Activists Occupy Bureau of Indian Affairs and Climate Justice Advocates Decry Gulf ‘Sacrifice Zones’

Since Monday, activists have racked up 585 arrests at protests in Washington, D.C., while pushing the President to declare a climate emergency ahead of international climate negotiations.”


Alan MacLeod:

“This is your brain on capitalism.

“Goldman Sachs asks in biotech research report: ‘Is curing patients a sustainable business mode?”


They control the American Government along with Koch:

“This company owns the world (and it's our fault) – BlackRock”


“Could Property Law Help Achieve ‘Rights of Nature’ for Wild Animals?

A new legal theory proposes granting property rights to wildlife to protect them from habitat destruction.”


"If studying history always makes you feel proud and happy, you probably aren't studying history."

“Let’s say it again…

Studying history will sometimes disturb you.

Studying history will sometimes upset you.

Studying history will sometimes make you furious.

If studying history always makes you feel proud and happy, you probably aren't studying history.


Kevin Hester:

“Business is booming because collapse is unfolding.”

“The elites are prepping for a major event”

“SHOCKING! Dire Warning From Worlds Top Bunker Contractor”


“The “good” in our world begins when we refuse to comply with social values that would have us harmfully exploit others for personal gain. The moment we choose to abide by our won moral sensibilities is the moment we no longer legitimize, reinforce and perpetuate a culture of self-serving exploitation in all of its negligent and destructive forms>”


“Slavery wasn’t abolished it was redesigned”


Steadman Uhlich:

“I enjoyed seeing this very good longer (about 18 minutes) interview segment with Matt Stoller who talked about monopolies and how the Pandemic has allowed monopolies to jack up prices.

They talk about beef prices, about pandemic impact on the supply chain, and about Walmart and other large businesses that control a large part of the consumer market, etc.

Good segment.”

“Matt Stoller: How CORRUPT Monopolists Inflate Prices | Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar”

“Krystal and Saagar are joined by policy expert Matt Stoller to understand the methods used by monopolists across American industries to inflate prices for consumers and dominate markets”


It’s not so much “it takes a village” as it is “you get a village”:

“Attention Satanic Socialists!!!

This is the home of a PATRIOTIC Christian Family!

We work hard and pay taxes!

We do not celebrate Satan’s Day

We do not give away free candy to lazy entitled freeloaders

No Handouts! Welcome to AMERICA!!

If you want candy GET A JOB!!


2020 5/7 _F2A3454aaa

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