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10/2021 Collapse isn't a single event, it's a process, a process that is well and truly underway.

Updated: Nov 30, 2023

“COP-26: Stopping Climate Change and Other Illusions”

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Conflicts with managing the danger to humans of wet bulb temps?!

Is nature forcing us to choose between death by starvation or death by wet bulb?

Eddie Miller\Arctic News:

“Global warming will force us to maintain much higher relative humidity:

Vapour pressure deficit greatly affects plant growth. Plants usually like a vapour pressure deficit of around 1 kPa. From the following information, would you like to ponder the huge problem that raises its head? Perhaps you can see things I do not. If we do not have suitable vapour pressure deficits forests and crops could be decimated.

In the following situations let us assume the following: A sea temperature of 20 deg C, an atmospheric pressure of 1 atm, a starting relative humidity of 50%. In each case we evaporate enough seawater into 1000 cubic metres of air, by evaporative cooling, to decrease the vapour pressure deficit to 1 kPa.

Starting air temperature is 20 deg C. Then we need to evaporate 0.403 kg of water, the final relative humidity will be 55.02% and the final air temperature will be 19.19 deg C.

Starting air temperature is 25 deg C. Then we need to evaporate 1.167 kg of water, the final relative humidity will be 63.54% and the final air temperature will be 22.6 deg C.

Starting air temperature is 30 deg C. Then we need to evaporate 1.87 kg of water, the final relative humidity will be 70.42% and the final air temperature will be 26.08 deg C.

The huge problem I can see is that to have a vapour pressure deficit of 1 kPa we need to increase the relative humidity dramatically as temperature increases. With dry land temperatures increase a lot because there is little water in the soil for the evaporation that could keep soil cool. So once land dries out there is a big problem and very high relative humidity has to be maintained for good plant growth. Therefore it seems that we need to use wind turbines on the sea to pump seawater high into the air to increase humidity by evaporative cooling. This more humid air will blow to land with sea breezes and so on.”


If you’re reading this, you will live to see the end of human civilization:

“Unusually early Stratospheric Warming event is starting over the North Pole, with more events forecast to follow behind. It will have a yet unknown effect on the Polar Vortex for this upcoming cold season.”


“Ag Weather Forum

La Nina Gets Stronger”

“Early-October Pacific Ocean sea surface temperatures and barometric pressure studies indicate that La Nina is getting stronger as we move further into fall. Sea surface temperatures along the equator are as much as 3 degrees Celsius (about 5.4 degrees Fahrenheit) below average.”


“Collapse of Everything”

Kevin Hester

“Collapse isn't a single event, it's a process, a process that is well and truly underway.

Good luck everyone.”


If you manage to avoid having ambient air temps outside cooking your organs alive, if you imagine you can find food despite the mass extinction eliminating naturally occurring wild sources, if you can find some type of water you can purify to drink, then you’ll probably die from chocking to death from the air you breath.

“Remember who said you might die choking on dust

What the End of The World Will Look Like: Haboob of DOOM”


“Extreme drought in Brazil triggers fatal sand storms”


“HRW: Facebook censors Palestinian posts on Israeli human rights abuses

Human Rights Watch also claimed Facebook designating Hamas and PFLP as "dangerous organizations" is a threat to free expression.”


Bah Bye Washington!:

“North Half of La Palma Rises 4 Inches/North West Coast Sinks 4 Inches”


“Ultrawealthy Americans want you to think their philanthropy will change the world. They should just pay their taxes instead.”


“The climate disaster is here

Earth is already becoming unlivable. Will governments act to stop this disaster from getting worse?”

Christian Baker:

“Our _ONLY_ biosphere is rapidly becoming uninhabitable after just 20-30 years of 3-4 billion #bullshitjobs. Our very governments are still not even addressing root causes. And even if they ditched central banking and the first billion #bullshitjobs within a week ... things will still become much, much worse for many, many years to come ...

... our "leaders" simply ignore that they sold us the opposite of an economy and destroyed our biosphere and future by doing so.”


Is there a “way back” in a time frame meaningful to Mankind?:

December 2018 “Ice Formed by Contact Freezing: Pressure Matters, Not Just Temperature”


“This is huge. The campaign group AllRise is taking the Brazilian President to the International Criminal Court for Climate Crimes against Humanity associated with the policies that cause climate breakdown.”

Remember the following Americans made Bolsonaro’s destruction of the Amazon possible: Stephen Schwartzman, Mitch McConnell, Trump, and Hillary Clinton. Today, Koch, Sinema, Pelosi, Dimon, and Manchin beg to be charged.

American’s need to push for climate justice for the entire planet by purging the 3 branches of government (and those private individuals and lobbyists who operate them) and sending them to the ICC. Whatever, the obstacle, yes we can! It can start by achieving consensus among the masses whose future they’ve destroyed in order to line their pockets!

Justice will not come from the American political and judicial regime that instrumental in creating the problem:

“The contact, Lee Allen says: -

"Also, think it'd be useful to have a campaign of similar videos against key figures across the political economy, beyond just major world leaders, to media, central bank managers (Augustin Carstens at the Bank for International Settlements, for example), fossil finance CEO's, etc.

Asking around for anyone with capacity. Please send anyone you might know my way."

Needless to say, we are getting in touch.”

“Here's a one-minute video and a petition people can sign. “

The petition link:


"The UN’s main human rights body has overwhelmingly voted to recognize the right to a safe, clean, healthy and sustainable environment as a human right."

“Clean environment is a human right, UN council agrees

Human rights council also appoints special rapporteur to monitor impact of climate crisis on rights”

2022 re IMG_0879aaaaVsn3

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