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10/2021 BOTH parties will benefit when the country goes full authoritarian with new US Constitution

Updated: Aug 7, 2022

“Means Testing Is Inhumane, Divisive, and Very Bad Politics”

“People like David Shor are not "telling Democrats what they don't want to hear." The claims of so-called "centrists" are music to the ears of corporate Democrats who will lead the nation right back to Trump.”

2015-10-17 492aaaap


American’s political parties are lead by self-interested out-of-date fools operated by and for the rich. Parties that will BOTH benefit$ when the country goes full authoritarian with a newly rewritten US Constitution::

“President Biden -----

WHY AREN'T YOU DEFENDING WOLVES like you promised ---or was the story of your granddaughter asking you why they are killing the wolves just another lie---This is why your poll numbers are tanking among Democrats and Independents.

FOR God's sake ---look in a mirror---you are also going to cost the democrats control of both chambers because of your multiple broken promises to protect wildlife and public lands .

Keep your promises ---next time that you pray, do it in front of a mirror---search your soul.

contact the white house ---we have to start putting a lot of pressure on Biden and tell him to keep his promise of protecting wolves and restoring them to the ESA.”


“Facing floods and fires, undocumented immigrants have nowhere to turn for help

Most emergency funds after climate-related disasters still exclude undocumented immigrants. Can we change that?”

“Everyone deserves safety and relief from climate disasters, period. Denying aid to people based on their immigration status is beyond cruel.”


Criminal representation by Sinema and Manchin – Democrats death blow to our democracy:

Paul Krugman: Moderate Democrats need to "wake up" and realize "we're not in 1999 anymore"

Liberal economist offers brutal assessments of Democrats trying to water down Biden's Build Back Better agenda”


“Right now, a 125,000-gallon oil spill is annihilating wildlife and destroying California’s coastline. If we don’t fight back now against corporate interests and big oil, we will continue to see catastrophes like this. Donate now to help Greenpeace USA stop the drilling. It’s the only way to prevent more oil spills!”

Facebook removed: “This content isn't available right now”


“Tell the Army Corps of Engineers: Conduct real environmental oversight of the Dakota Access pipeline:

“Get Big Oil Out of DAPL Environmental Oversight

Stand with the Standing Rock, Cheyenne River, and Oglala Nations. Tell the Army Corps of Engineers: Conduct real environmental oversight of the Dakota Access pipeline — free of contractors beholden to Big Oil and inclusive of expertise from the Department of the Interior.”

“Trusting a company affiliated with Big Oil to review DAPL’s Impact on the Environment is like trusting a fox to review his environmental impact on chickens”


“Eating less meat or giving up flying are simple ways people can help mitigate climate change. But how much does personal action matter? Listen to the debate on “To a Lesser Degree””

“How important is personal action to combating climate change?”


We continue to understate the consequences of Warming:

“Every single last analogue is worse than expected, it's the only constant.”

“It’s Getting Hot in Here, Scientists Warn

The urban heat problem is worse than we thought, new study finds”


“Should not covert plans for the state-sanctioned murder of an award-winning journalist attract sustained, wall-to-wall media coverage?”

“The Grotesque Silence of Journalists Who Say Nothing About CIA Plans to Assassinate Julian Assange

A recent bombshell report was met by Western establishment media with ghoulish indifference—a damning indictment of an industry that feverishly condemns attacks on press freedom in Official Enemy states.”


And what have we done for them?:

“Indigenous resistance cut US & Canada emissions by 25%

Study: Indigenous resistance has staved off 25% of U.S. and Canada’s annual emissions

That's the pollution equivalent of approximately 400 new coal-fired power plants.”

"It’s more than just stopping fracking development and pipelines and it’s more than just developing clean energy, it’s about actually fundamentally changing how we see the world itself.”


"While nonnative grass dies during droughts, native grass goes dormant and the roots — up to 15 feet deep — hold soil."

“Farmers restore native grasslands as groundwater disappears”


“The secret to actually taxing the rich”

Imagine what programs we could fund, how many people we could help, if the IRS was able to recoup that $163 billion that the top 1 percent shorts the government every year. Fully funding the IRS should be a no-brainer.

By Robert Reich

September 30, 2021

Nation of Change”



As children we were taught to memorize this year with pride and joy as the year people began living full and imaginative lives on the continent of North America.

Actually, people had been living full and imaginative lives on the continent of North America for hundreds of years before that. 1492 was simply the year sea pirates began to rob, cheat, and kill them.”

Kurt Vonnegut, Breakfast of Champions


Gates should trade places with Assange

“Philanthropy Is a Scam

The superrich often claim their philanthropy is meant to “change the world.” But it’s really meant to keep it exactly the way it is.”


DeJoy is still destroying USPS; Koch still owns Judiciary & SCOTUS; Racist Voter Suppression unfazed; Global Environment has collapsed; food prices soaring; No M4A; and now Trump is running in 2024,....Dems plans for pushing the country in the direction of an authoritarian regime are on track!


Biden\Trump had his widly earned moment when an entire stadium told Biden to get f**ked:

“Washington Examiner

Banners fly as fans cry, 'Let's go Brandon' and 'F*** Joe Biden,' chants inspire new viral song”

image from 2015

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