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10/2021 Biden has a legacy - continuation of Trump’s tax scam

Updated: Dec 31, 2023

“Canaries volcano lava reaches sea, raising toxic gas fears”

Compton Tortoiseshell (Nymphalis vaualbum or N. l-album)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2016 7/8 233aaa


Footloose Montana

Advocate for wolves! Sign these two legal petitions to the federal government:

1) US Fish & Wildlife petition to restore federal protections to grey wolves


2) US Dept. of Interior administrative petition to revoke federal tax $$$ to state wildlife agencies that promote wanton killing of wolves, bears and mountain lions


“You only know part of the story. The actual levels of fraud are horrifying.”

“Goldman didn’t tell SEC about mortgage moves for months”

“The Con | Financialization”


All the social ills and injustices represented by Trump’s SCOTUS appointments, DeJoy, & the filibuster are what the Democratic Party is really about,...else they would see it changed


NEVER FORGET, NEVER STOP: 96 y\o Nazi caught for trail!

Prosecution to all ends of the earth,

until the end of time,

for every penny they every had (regardless of its then current form),

taking with them any lawyer or judge in their defense and the

oath of office breakers that represented similar such acts,

that’s what Climate Criminals, Ecocide actors, Oath Of Office Breakers, and war profiteers - today’s deadly equivalent of the Nazi party – deserve

Aren’t your already dead children worth that much?


Biden has a legacy - continuation of Trump’s tax scam for the rich, bullshit COVID aid for millions, and countless examples of not doing what it takes for the people (eg postsl service privatization, SCOTUS, Wolf protection, pesticides, etc)


“Permafrost Thaw - Vice News”


“Emissions from Siberia’s fires are more than Germany’s total annual greenhouse gases.”

“You thought the U.S. fire season was bad. Russia’s is much worse.”


“Since the start of the Afghanistan War in 2001, Pentagon spending has totaled a staggering $14 trillion. And half of it has gone directly to the biggest beneficiaries of US empire: defense contractors.”

“US Empire Is Lining the Pockets of Defense Contractors”


“It is better to be unhappy and know the worst, than to be happy in a fool’s paradise!”


In the end, they are going to slam the door on their luxury bunkers shut on 99% of the people’s faces:

“Enduring and surviving the climate crisis – in pictures”

“When Hitler's "empire" collapsed he was high on drugs and commanding imaginary armies around. When the Roman empire collapsed the "center of power" probably also still pretended to reign supreme; giving orders to their failed kingdom.

And now we got central banks, "economists" and politicians, who forced us to completely destroy our biosphere and future within just 2-3 decades of nonsense employment, talking about "inflation", "green growth" and how our children need to learn how to invest their money within our anti-economy ...

... and well ... you get a very similar picture. Completely insane clowns selling us the axiomatic horse shit they are possessed with. Refusing to acknowledge their total existential failure and the devastation they marketed to us as an "economy" and "progress".

But as billions of people still believe in bogus debt, a "lack" of _numbers_, requiring pointless "jobs" in order to obtain purchasing power and "economic 'growth' via nonsense employment" ... there is no saving this society.

There simply is no external force to liberate us from this insanity on par with witch hunts, the crusades and the 1940 Holocaust. There is nobody to save us from our insane governments; consisting of 30 year old criminal clowns and sleek women with the intellectual capacity, wisdom and empathy of a pack of Twinkies. Criminals on par with Nero and Hitler. Just with better marketing and social media campaigns.”


“Will taxpayers bear the cost of cleaning up America’s abandoned oil wells?”

"New proposals effectively pass the fossil fuel industry’s cleanup costs on to taxpayers and may even enable more drilling."

“Policy experts warn new proposals to plug abandoned oil and gas wells amount to huge subsidy for the fossil fuel industry”


“We do not need to chase rich people dollars to pay for squat. The US is the dollar creator.

Algebra: Order of operations…

1a Save the planet

1B Save the people

2. Make the economy neoliberal proof w/ a Fed Job guarantee

3 Tax the wealthy cuz they are too damn rich


Jet Streat wha?!:

“…one pic doesnt really do it justice, ideally you should go to earth.nullschool and click on 'earth' button, then use air>wind> 250hpa”


“The Arctic’s Largest Delta: Where Siberia’s Lena River meets the Laptev Sea”


"This month, nearly two dozen species have been taken off the endangered list because they are now extinct. That news comes as the Biden administration seeks to improve conservation. The plan is focused in large part on privately held land."

Listen as Wisconsin Deputy State Director Matt Dallman and others discuss with NPR the vital role land conservancies like TNC play when it comes to protecting biodiversity and meeting ambitious--and necessary--conservation goals for the country and the world:”

“To Conserve Vast Areas Of Land, Biden Needs Help From Private Landowners”


The problem with this list is that we are in a Mass Extinction. Medicinal plants are already disappearing and you can’t grow your own food without wild pollinators or for that matter the kinds of temperatures we are going to see.

“Things we should have learned in school but didn’t

1. How to grow food

2. Composting

3. Seed Saving

4. Food Preservation

5. Medicinal Herbs

6. Native plants

7. No-till Permaculture

8. Fermentation

9. Water Filtration

10. Foraging

11. Mushroom ID

12. First Aid

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