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1/2023 The rich are using their killing of the environment to achieve genocide of the nonrich

The actions of the rich reflect a win win strategy - extract profit while achieving social cleansing.

Fascists are all about wealth. They love it and they hate those that don't. Including those human beings who can no longer play a role in their wealth accumulation. The acts of the Rich reflect full knowledge of their killing the nonrich,...and no government will stop them.

2022-06-17 _F2A7245aaap

A lot is going with today’s world that has a sense of finality about it. Here’s my two cents.

If it is not eugenics that motivates them, then they are pursuing a pattern of putting very little value on the lives of the nonrich (ie. social murder) in order to serve the wealth of the select few and that’s not any better. It’s eugenics through allegedly legal means.

Some might fault me for not being willing to sacrifice for the country’s prosperity. That’s not necessarily the case. But I would be more prone to sacrifice if what I was sacrificing for were fore the general of the public and not a country were all the economic prosperity is routed to a few.

Insulating and building the wealth of the few politically connected is not in the interest of the general public. Concentrated wealth leads to an economy that performs poorly. Specifically it results in an economy whose size is smaller than what is achievable had the distribution of wealth more closely resembled a standard normal curve. This is to say that any sacrifice would have to be supported by science and hard objective numerical fact rather than ideology.

Big oil wouldn’t have lied about the consequences of its products if their products had truly been in the best interest of the general public. Big Oil has and will continue to claim many lives in many ways.

If I had wanted to give my life for the prosperity of the country, including in matters of genuine security and sovereignty, I would have joined the military. However, America has a problem with confusing the well being of the few for that of the country. I wouldn’t want to die in a war were I had no vested interest in the outcome. And American government has seen fit to make sure I have no vested interest in any matters pertaining to the country’s well being.

But since death and destruction so readily converts to profits for the few American government has turned to social murder. Human sacrifice. Involuntary conscription and unstated consent of everyday American’s to die in profit schemes. This clearly places a very low value on human life and I don’t agree with it.

The involuntary sacrifice of the lives of those citizens you deem least desirable as part of a plan to accumulate wealth and power for the few has historically gone by another name – genocide.

And in today’s world genocide is administered by hiding behind social murder. White collar genocide as it were. That is the American government claims, like most all murderous regimes before it, to have the legal right to enact policies - eg. Climate denial, obstructing green house gas abatement measures, etc. - that result in mass and effect genocide.

The masses desperately need representation. Already 100’s of millions, probably even the Pentagon’s estimated billions, of us are already dead from the damage to date that has yet to come to fruition. And now we are expected to obediently struggle and scrimp our way through increasing levels of their social murder until the planet’s lethal workings - enhanced by them - claim our loved ones and ourselves.

“The global pandemic killed millions and disrupted billions of lives. But things have been great for the zillionaire class. Since March 2020, the top 1% has accumulated nearly two-thirds of all new wealth created worldwide. That’s $1.7 million for every $1 of wealth gained by a person in the bottom 90%.”

“The richest 1% of people amassed almost two-thirds of new wealth created the last two years, Oxfam says”


Davos - 4th Reich’s leadership

“Change on climate and inequality is unlikely to emerge from the WEF. Major corporations and opinion formers at Davos are focused on short-term results and shareholder demands for strong returns. As with climate, there is little new: inequalities are becoming extreme as the dominance of market fundamentalism fosters an environment of runaway wealth. Don't expect change from the people who benefit from the problems.”

“Davos elite won’t tackle climate crisis and global inequalities

OPINION: Change on crucial issues of climate and inequality is unlikely to emerge from the World Economic Forum”


They already have, it’s just not fully expressed:

"They are prioritizing self greed, corporate greed, and short-term economic profits above people and above planet," she charged. "We seem to be listening to them rather than the people who are actually affected by the climate crisis, the people who are living on the frontlines, and that kind of tells us the situation, how absurd this is."

“Greta Thunberg Warns Davos Elite Will Throw Humanity 'Under the Bus' for Profits

"As long as they can get away with it, they will continue to invest in fossil fuels," the Swedish climate activist said. "We need to build and create a critical mass of people who demand change, who demand justice."”


A craven, infirm minded, sycophant president allowed corporations’ pricing to feed at will upon those that survived a deadly pandemic neglected by their govt. When the rich cried for more he gave them higher unemployment to beat back labor.

All the while Big Oil destroyed the planet and raped consumers. Turning the profits over to a publicly traded stock market owned disproportionately by the wealthiest private citizens already flush from spoils of the rest of their greedflation.

And it is getting much much worse. The Davos elite have chosen not to be bothered by climate change. They can afford to survive it. The nonrich will die from it. Fascists hate the nonrich. The Davos elite are conducting a genocide.

“The global elite gathered in the alpine resort of Davos to attend the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting. It’s basically a convention of James Bond villains in real life. Almost every room has expensive air filtration and purification devices. They have special Covid tests. You can’t attend events if you’re sick. Your badge deactivates. The elite know the value of clean air in the 21st century. It’s not just about Covid, either. It’s about other diseases.It’s about pollution.

They’re hiding it.”

“Clean Air for Them, None for You

The global elite know how dangerous Covid is”

“The global elite gathered in the alpine resort town of Davos this week to attend the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting. It’s basically a convention of James Bond villains in real life, but more boring. Anyway, there’s something especially interesting about this year’s conference.”


Conservatives are now relying more on women to achieve their goals. They are guilty of ecocide regardless of their sex:

“More evidence the company’s net-zero plan is ‘total greenwashing,’ says one disinformation expert.”

“Shell Canada’s Latest President Spent Years on Board of Climate Denier Group”

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