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1/2023 Avoid getting sick at all costs. America is a failed State. The nonrich are on their own.

Updated: Jan 25, 2023

Longhorn Beetles (Cerambycidae) south central Wisconsin

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“Tom Lewis has developed a unified field theory that explains everything that is rancid in the industrial world. Excess wealth, he proposes, is the ultimate source of the steady crapification of our political, economic, social and private lives. The problem? Too Much Money out there, in the hands of too few people.”

“A Unified Field Theory of Crapification”


“Even as the state weathers a megadrought, climate change is increasing the risk of catastrophic floods. Take a look at the weather of the future.”

“California’s Devastating Storms Are a Glimpse of the Future

Even as the state weathers a megadrought, climate change is increasing the risk of catastrophic floods.”


John Kerry, the US Climate guy, openly praised the appointment:

“'You Couldn't Make It Up': Head of UAE Oil Company Appointed Chair of UN Climate Summit

The appointment of Sultan al-Jaber is "tantamount to putting the head of a tobacco company in charge of negotiating an anti-smoking treaty," said one campaigner.”


“Dept.of Reality: China has run out of Ibuprofin. Stores are rationing medicine. People are spending hours in line for it. In Britain, a “mysterious” virus is spreading right after the end of the World Cup. British media describes the mystery virus as “worse than Covid. In the US, major pharmacies from Walgreens to CVS are rationing children’s cold medicine. The country has become a failed state. We're on our own.”

“Avoid Getting Sick at All Cost

Things are in free fall.”


“Dept. of Winter Tornadoes: A massive storm system whipping up severe winds and spawning tornadoes cut a path across the U.S. South, killing at least seven people in Georgia and Alabama, where a twister damaged buildings and tossed cars in the streets of historic downtown Selma.”

“Survivors emerge from wreckage after US storms kill 9 people”


So what our 2 parties and failed judiciary won’t do anything about it:

“Exxon Accurately Predicted Global Warming, Years Before Casting Doubt on Climate Science

New research shows the company’s scientists were as “skillful” as independent experts in predicting how the burning of fossil fuels would warm the planet and bring about climate change.”


“Rush to Export Gas Is Making Gulf Coast an Industrial Wasteland, Residents Say

With two terminals already causing pollution, residents say more gas exports will decimate their way of life.”

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