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1/2023 UAE oil chief to head COP28: slow shift away & otherwise diminish its efficacy for profit

Updated: Jan 26, 2023

John Kerry openly praised this selection. We owe oil producing countries nothing. And that includes allowing them a chance to get-out-in-front of the next energy wave. Which if they are allowed to do will slow the conversion and otherwise diminish its efficacy out of deference to their profit motive

Cop is nonsense. Washington either gets off their asses or be charged with willful damage to the country and be prosecuted accordingly:

“UAE names oil chief to head COP28 climate talks”

Quote: “The head of the United Arab Emirates' national oil company was named Thursday as president of this year's COP28 climate talks, prompting fierce criticism from environmental activists.”

2019-08-13 _F2A9149aaa

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Lula for President of the United States 2024:

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Over shoot = runaway death spiral:

“William E. Rees: "The Fundamental Issue - Overshoot" | The Great Simplification #53


Right out of Joe manchin and Biden’s play book:

“Eskom poisoning raises fears for South Africa’s energy transition”

“Outgoing chief Andre De Ruyter survived an attempt on his life last month, as coal-friendly minister Gwede Mantashe took control of Eskom”


Democrats won’t save use from social cuts if republicans threaten to sink the country. Democrats are vile. They are just like Republicans. They both aren’t even human:

“The debt ceiling is a red herring”

“With congressional Republicans planning to use the debt ceiling to extract spending cuts and other concessions from the Democrats, everyone seems to agree that another political crisis is in the making. Once again, an easily avoided outcome over a fake issue could become a self-fulfilling prophecy.”


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Refinance western economic development debt thru China:

“Rescuing Economic Growth in Highly Indebted Developing Countries”

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