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1/2023 “Davos elites need to wake up to ‘megathreats’ the world is facing”? They have - genocide

Updated: Jan 23, 2023


Today's Fourth Reich is sharpening their message and strategies and make NO mistake of the fact that they are discussing purifying the human gene pool going forward. Today's tools of the ruling cabal's holocaust are biosphere collapse and the target population is the non-rich. If the target population was a skin color or specific religion perhaps it would be easier for people to understand. But these are fascists - wealth is the deciding trait of

EVERYTHING. It makes complete sense the target population is the non-rich throughout the globe. Worse yet, they've pretty much succeeded.

We are on borrowed time as the extremely fatal set of environmental circumstances they have achieved come to fruition, your death, and it can't really be changed.

Instead of the SS we have experienced Big Oil and Conservatism

First order of business: keep up the environments decay and fob off the consequences on the little people.

“Davos: Gates, Schwab, Global Elites Face Growing Criticism of Their ‘Master the Future’ Agenda

Thousands of prominent political and business figures are congregating in Davos, Switzerland, this week for the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum, as critics accused them of “centralizing power into the possession of hand-picked global elites.””


They have woken up.

And they have a use for it, that’s the problem it’s called social eugenics, social engineering, genocide, holocaust, it goes by many titles but it is always driven by the acquisition of more wealth and power.:

“Davos elites need to wake up to ‘megathreats’ the world is facing”

“IMF and others have warned we face the most acute economic and financial challenges in decades”

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