2018-10-21 _F2A0439aaap
“Red 3 food dye is banned for use in lipstick, yet it’s in our food.
The Food and Drug Administration has the power to change that.
Add your name to fight to remove cancer-causing Red 3 from our food supply.”
“Help ban cancer-causing Red 3”
Caitlin Johnstone:
“The West Is Incentivizing Russia To Hit Back”
“What Schools should teach students:
How to grow food
Seed saving
Food preservation
Medical herbs
Mushroom ID
First Aid
Water Conservation
Waste Management”
“Seize his wealth to pay for climate damage
The longest flight, recorded on July 18, was from Mykonos to Austin, Texas. Musk is likely to have been on board as he was pictured in Greece two days earlier.”
“Elon Musk's private jet made 134 flights in 2022 — with the shortest trip lasting just 6 minutes”
“What does censorship reveal? It reveals fear.” Julian Assange
“The Mass Media Used To Publish Perspectives On Ukraine They Would Never Publish Today
Going Rogue With Caitlin Johnstone”
“Explain to future generations it was good for the economy. [and that the economy was rigged to benefit just a small few families and not the country].
When they can’t farm the land, breathe the air, and drink the water.”