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1/2023 El-Nino's return coinciding with a Blue Ocean Event may be mankind's termination event

Updated: Feb 1, 2023

Bearing in mind that a population of seals recently suffocated to death - on land - because there was so much methane in the atmosphere. the coming convergence of El-Nino and a BOE could be the push that sends Earth's atmosphere's ability to support life into an abrupt cataclysmic collapse. The methane clathrate gun going off and feedback mechanisms will trip into overdrive. Tipping points will be crossed like a falling line of dominoes.

At it's worst, mercifully, it will be quick. Not even the bunker crowd will make it. In reality, they'll probably end up wishing they had died swiftly with the rest of us.

Alternatively, at its best, it doesn't kill us but it will get hot, hotter and hotter.

2022-06-07 _F2A6048aaap

“WOW can you believe that the US is actually having an influence on other country " The raid has raised fears that the conservative government is reverting to dictatorship-era methods of attacking labor"

The only thing is, in the US we also have the Democratic party against the Unions also. Example is Joe Biden put a stop on The Workers Rail Strike where the workers wanted a lousy 7 days of Sick Pay from their employer who made 20 Billion $'s in Profit in 2022;”

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The raid has raised fears that the conservative government is reverting to dictatorship-era methods of attacking labor.”

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