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1/2023 “Welcoming the End of Our World...the revolt against humanity"

2022-06-07 _F2A5873aaa

“What is moral is everything that is the source of solidarity;

Everything that forces man to regulate his actions by something other than his own egoism.”

Emile Durkeim


John Templeton Foundation:

“Is the human race hurtling toward extinction?

Most people experience an instinctive aversion to this question — but a growing group looks forward to the end of humanity.

Read more:”

“Welcoming the End of Our World

A conversation with author Adam Kirsch about the revolt against humanity”


“If you stopped worrying about a border wall

And started getting outraged at your government staging coups and overthrowing foreign democracies.

No one would be crossing the border!”


“Native North American Bees need our help! Here are planting guides for every area of the country LINK:

Here's a free book about our native bees LINK:


"After an amputation, a salamander bleeds very little and seals off the wound within hours. Cells then migrate to the wound site and form a blob called a blastema. Most of these recruits seem to be cells from nearby that have turned back their own internal clocks to an unspecialized or 'dedifferentiated' state more like that seen in embryos. But it’s unclear whether and to what extent the animal also calls on reserves of stem cells, the class of undifferentiated cells that organisms maintain to help with healing. Whatever their origin, the blastema cells redifferentiate into new bone, muscle and other tissues. A perfect new limb forms in miniature, then enlarges to the exact right size for its owner. A blastema cut off and transplanted elsewhere on the body can still become the limb it was meant to be. But no new limb will grow unless nerves reach the blastema during an early critical period: If a limb’s nerve is severed, an amputation will simply heal over."

“Salamander’s Genome Guards Secrets of Limb Regrowth”


“WIKILEAKS AWARDS” (and there are many of them)

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