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1/2023 Washington allowing Big Pesticide to self regulate seen as contributing to mass extinction

Updated: Jan 31, 2023

2022-05-18 _F2A4716aaap

“Ecological importance of rotting logs”


“Yes, well, I suppose just try not to think about it”

“Antarctic Sea ice”


2013 - “Bubble trouble for East Siberian Arctic Shelf

New study warns of methane escaping from the sea floor due to degradation of submarine permafrost.

'Increasing storminess and rapid sea-ice retreat causing increased methane fluxes from the sea are a possible new climate-change-driven processes'. Picture: “


The correct goal is 80% by 2025, but either way America will fail$ it:

“8 ways the Biden admin can pursue the goal of protecting 30% of U.S. lands and waters by 2030 - Center for American Progress reports. #AmericaTheBeautiful

“Executive Action vs. the Nature Crisis: Top 8 Opportunities President Biden Should Pursue To Meet His America the Beautiful Commitment

President Joe Biden committed to putting the United States on a path to conserve 30 percent of its lands and waters by 2030; here are eight major opportunities he must pursue immediately to achieve this goal.”


A saying that is catching on amongst modern Americans for a variety of reasons:

““If there is a God, he will have to beg for my forgiveness.” Carved on a wall of a building in Auschwitz.”


A contributing for is the fact that America allows pesticide companies to effectively self regulate and permit:

“Many entomologists are warning that an “insect Armageddon” is under way in response to habitat destruction, overuse of pesticides and other factors.”

““Insect Populations Are Declining Around the World. How Worried Should We Be?”

A decline in insect biomass and diversity has experts concerned and calling for more research to understand why.”

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