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1/2023 Key Environment Panel staffed with Big Oil insiders

Updated: Dec 31, 2023

Compton Tortoiseshell (Nymphalis vaualbum or N. l-album)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2021 Photos\2021-06-27 _F2A8202aaa2p

Democrats won’t save use from social cuts if republicans threaten to sink the country. Democrats are vile. They are just like Republicans. They both aren’t even human:

“The debt ceiling is a red herring”

“With congressional Republicans planning to use the debt ceiling to extract spending cuts and other concessions from the Democrats, everyone seems to agree that another political crisis is in the making. Once again, an easily avoided outcome over a fake issue could become a self-fulfilling prophecy.”

“What is the debt ceiling, and what happens if the U.S. its it?”


“Thousands of protestors fought the expansion of a German coal mine — in vain

Police dispersed hundreds of protestors rallying to save a tiny village from demolition.”


McCarthy is but one of the many architects of today's Environmental Holocaust\Genocide::

“'Investment Already Paying Off': McCarthy Assigns Big Oil Favorites to Key Environment Panel

"Instead of holding Big Oil executives accountable for price gouging consumers at the pump, the committee will be dominated by the interests of extractive industries," said one government transparency advocate.”


“Honest Government Ad | The Supreme Court 🇺🇸”


“Honest Government Ad | Carbon Credits & Offsets”


Democrats are the enemy of the People the world over. Biden is hypocrite with an infirm mind

““Out of the Lab and Into the Streets”: Meet Earth Scientist Fired After Engaging in Climate Protests”


"We’re talking about the head of the oil company being named the head of the U.N. COP for next year in UAE, and Biden’s climate envoy, former Senator John Kerry, hailing him as a great leader of the COP, endorsing that decision. And under the Biden administration, you have been fired."


“Growing Dust from Desert Wind Storms Has Curbed Warming, Study Finds”


Debt Ceiling standoff is all bullshit. It's just used to extort austerity against the non-rich and if that happens its ALL on the Democrats. Again, it will be the Democrats fault.

Ref. Janet Yellen and

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