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04/2022 the Social Cleansing of Democrats' Georgia Guidestones will be realized

Updated: Dec 24, 2023

“Climate Collapse or Nuclear Winter, Take Your Pick”

Rose Hooktip (Oreta rosea)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

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America desperately needs environmental leadership and common sense

“This is a honey bee. The pollen on her legs is from dandelions. Her tongue is sticking out due to what killed her that was on the dandelions.

It’s spring, dandelions are the bees first food. This bee is dead from weed killer spread on what we see as weeds, but what nature sees as food. Please don’t spray for weeds until you see the blackberries blooming. In this area, weeds, flowers and fruit trees are bees only source of food until middle of June. There are FAR more weeds than flowers or fruit trees, so it's their only food source. No bees, no food crops for us and we all starve.”


“Most consumed type of meat by country”


“The Cultural Iceberg”


“Trump’s Border Wall Is the ‘Biggest Threat’ to Southwest Wildlife, Government Emails Reveal”


“Explore locations and severity of #hurricanes and tropical cyclones recorded around the world since 1842 with this interactive mapping tool.”


“U.N.: Nearly 2,300 Civilians Killed in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo So Far in 2022”


“CarbonTracker CT2019B

CarbonTracker is a CO2 measurement and modeling system developed by NOAA to keep track of sources (emissions to the atmosphere) and sinks (removal from the atmosphere) of carbon dioxide around the world. CarbonTracker uses atmospheric CO2 observations from a host of collaborators and simulated atmospheric transport to estimate these surface fluxes of CO2. The current release of CarbonTracker, CT2019B, provides global estimates of surface-atmosphere fluxes of CO2 from January 2000 through December 2018.”


“So Russia has only 'invaded/been at war' with like 4 nations/regions since WW2? Afghanistan, Georgia, Chechnya, and now Ukraine. When I mean 'at war' I mean direct conflicts, so I'm not including Russia's support in Syria for example. So 4 conflicts since WW2?

Now how many invasions have the US carried out? How many governments overthrown? How many illegal wars and millions dead? The USA have attempted to overthrow over 55 foreign governments since WW2!!! Latin America, Africa, Middle-East, Central-Asia, Eastern Europe. Hundreds of millions killed in imperialist wars.

Why and how is this equalisation between US and Russia in regards to fighting wars allowed to continue? It is nowhere near equal. There is no comparison at all. The double standards of this conflict is sobering and infuriating.”


Peter Carter\Sam Carana:

“Stratospheric ozone depletion and tropospheric ozone increase drive Southern Ocean interior warming That's bad for the ocean carbon sink #climate


“Rising amounts of greenhouse gases are preventing heat radiated from Earth’s surface from escaping into space as freely as it used to. Most of the excess atmospheric heat is passed back to the ocean. As a result, upper ocean heat content has increased significantly over the past few decades. Learn more at “

“Climate Change: Ocean Heat Content”

Mark Trewick:

“7 Hiroshima bombs equivalent of heat baking into the oceans every second.

1 year =

31 556 926 seconds.

× 7 = 220,898,482.”


Zelensky guilty of inflaming Putin:

“After publication of footage allegedly showing Ukrainian troops shooting Russian prisoners, @hrw's @aisreidy says "all the information in the videos that suggests abuse, and maybe worse, of POWs needs to be subject to an effective investigation."”

“Rights Group Says Ukraine Torture or Killing of Russian POWs Would Be Clear 'War Crime'

"All the information in the videos that suggests abuse, and maybe worse, of POWs needs to be subject to an effective investigation."”


“'It could happen tomorrow': Experts know disaster upon disaster looms for West Coast”

“A massive quake could strike the San Francisco Bay area at any moment. And when it does, the city will never be the same.

Scientists have drawn up several disaster scenarios to prepare for impending catastrophes, including earthquakes and megastorms on the West Coast. Depending on the scenario, thousands of people are expected to die. Hundreds of thousands more could be left without shelter. And those impacts will be disproportionately felt.”


“ECONOMYIMF admits US dollar hegemony declining, due to rise of Chinese yuan, sanctions on Russia”

“The US-dominated International Monetary Fund (IMF) has acknowledged that the hegemony of the dollar is in noticeable decline.

At the same time, the Chinese currency, the yuan or renminbi, is slowly growing in influence, along with other currencies, according to the IMF.

In 2000, roughly 70% of global foreign exchange reserves were held in US dollars. As of 2021, that figure had fallen to just under 60%.

Meanwhile, the IMF noted that there is a rise in “nontraditional currencies” from smaller countries being held in international reserves.

The United States has veto power over IMF decisions, and the institution is notorious for acting as an instrument of US political influence.

Economist Michael Hudson has explained that “the IMF was created as an arm of US foreign policy,” and that Washington has historically weaponized the fund “to use debt leverage to force other countries to impose austerity on their populations, and to essentially say we will control what government you have, because if your government does something that the United States officials don’t like, we’re just going to raid your currency, force of austerity on you, and you’ll be voted out of power.”

The IMF has helped maintain the US dollar as the de facto global reserve currency since the fund was created in the 1944 Bretton Woods Agreement.

Hudson showed in his book “Super Imperialism: The Economic Strategy of American Empire” that Washington has used the power of this global reserve currency status to essentially make other countries pay for its wars.

But the dollar’s power is eroding, and even the IMF has begun to publicly acknowledge this fact.”


“Christianity in the Image of Capitalism - Economic Update with Richard Wolff”

"Since about 100 years now— maybe 80, 90 years—a lot of money has been spent on shaping conservative Christianity in the image of capitalism, making it ever more conservative."

Prof. Joerg Rieger from the Institute for Christian Socialism shows us how Christianity in the U.S. was used to spread the word of capitalism on the latest #EconomicUpdate.


The short sidedness of this is staggering:

“Wood-Pellet Manufacturing in a Rainforest - by Robert Hunziker”


“Americans are right to be pissed. Trickle downers have screwed people over for decades by lowering taxes on the rich, deregulating banks and other powerful corporations, and by convincing people that lower wages are good for the economy.

Here’s the thing: TRICKLE DOWN IS A SCAM that benefits rich guys like me while screwing everyone else. DON’T BUY IT.”

Nick Hanauer, Venture Capitalist


And since many are publicly traded that profit will be distributed to the already rich

“Corporate profits soared to a record high of nearly $3 trillion in 2021, as working-class Americans struggled with high inflation.”


The recent extraordinary heatwave in Antarctica appears to have set a new World Record for the largest temperature excess above normal (+38.5 °C / +69.3 °F) ever measured at an established weather station.

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