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04/2022 Secret Service paying over $30K per month for Malibu mansion to protect Hunter Biden

Updated: Aug 7, 2022

The craven geriatric leadership class are the parasite class

“Secret Service paying over $30K per month for Malibu mansion to protect Hunter Biden

The luxury rental property has "gorgeous ocean views," according to its listing.”

image 2021 4/20 _F2A2239aaa


America, the new Sahara:

“AMERICA IN PROLONGED SEVERE DROUGHT Past 6 months of North America drought (at today's 1.2C) showing annual drought at 1.5C (IPCC AR6 WG1)”


Nina Turner

“If we can cut $1.7 trillion in taxes for 600 billionaires,

we can cancel $1.8 trillion in student debt for 45 million Americans.”


“The future of energy will require citizens to make sacrifices. Just ask Tokyo residents.”

“Not since the 1970s have governments around the world been under so much pressure to ask their citizens to cut energy consumption. On Tuesday, Tokyo got another crash course in conservation.”


“The GOP is the gallows party

The longer violent rhetoric is allowed to persist the more actual violence is likely to occur”

““I’ve said we need to build more gallows.”

Those words were spoken last month by a Republican state senator from Arizona, Wendy Rogers, at a white nationalist rally. The topic was the execution of political enemies.”


“When the highest ranking, most decorated marine at the time writes a book explaining how war is a racket but you still don’t get it, it’s called BRAINWASHING”



“The average age of a United States Senator is 63.

2/3 of the U.S. Senate are millionaires and billionaires.

I am not beholden to any corporate interests and will make the Senate younger and poorer.”


When a politician bashes China, they are providing cover to poorly competing Western Special Interests as well as wealthy western oligarchs\Corporations. When they bash = proof there are corporatists for the wealth.


Richard T. Allen:

“As long as he owns your tools he owns your job, and if he owns your job he is the master of your fate. You are in no sense a free man. You are subject to his interest and to his will. He decides whether you shall work or not. Therefore, he decides whether you shall live or die. And in that humiliating position any one who tries to persuade you that you are a free man is guilty of insulting your intelligence.”

~ Eugene V. Debs


Kirk Brent Norring:

“What would happen if half of Canada was to undergo a heatwave of 48-50°C for a week?

First whatever forests are in the regions affected would burn just like they did around Lytton B.C.

The CO2 released from those wildfires would quickly warm the rest of Canada so it too would undergo a severe heatwave and cause those forests to burn as well.

It doesn't take much to cause the world to burn. All you need is the right amount of heat.”


Ben Karimi:

“NPR, as one of the Establishment Media, is admitting that police reform not only is not working-or mush being done in that regard, but also most states have actually increased their budget for police departments.”


"Together, BP, Chevron, ExxonMobil, and Shell amassed more than $65 billion in profits in 2021."

“Big Oil's Hypocrisy Laid Bare by Russia's War on Ukraine

One way to hold them accountable is for Congress to continue to expose and challenge their self-serving deception and pursue clean energy solutions that truly benefit people in the United States and around the world.”


“Mark Trewick:

“IPCC'S 6th Assessment Report fact sheet.”


“Rich companies are using a quiet tactic to block lawsuits: bankruptcy”

“Bankruptcies and other forms of restructuring such as mergers are not just to avoid lawsuit liabilities but also pension liabilities and nullifying union contracts to impose wage and benefit cuts.

“The judge’s priority is the successful restructuring of the company, not the welfare of retirees,” said Joseph Tiberi, a communications official at the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers”


Putin’s destruction of Ukraine = (Military Industrial profits$ + Reconstruction profit$).

We started the war. Now you can expect Washington to launder taxpayers’ cash to the rich thru Ukraine in the name of our sense of decency

Protecting the head of the snake: where is Zelensky that his people are all in parkas and he is always in a T-shirt?

Ukraine: no doubt people are dying, big doubts about the circumstances. They are playing off American’s sense of decency to augment war profiteering & reinstate imperialistic pilfering

+5C here we come: Wisconsin just approved construction of a new natural gas powered power plant


“Tell BlackRock to adopt a No Deforestation Policy!”


“Looking for “Good Guys” on Ukraine?”


“Gaza’s Forthcoming Crisis Might Be Worse than Anything We Have Ever Seen”

image 2021 4/20 _F2A2239aaa

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