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02/2022 War is used to divert American public attention from government corruption and incompetence

Updated: Nov 27, 2023

Sam Carana:

“Dead or alive: Seagrasses con­tinue to release meth­ane after their die-off”

“Methane is formed and re­leased from seagrass mead­ows, even dec­ades after the plants died off.

“Diverse methylotrophic methanogenic archaea cause high methane emissions from seagrass meadows”- by Sina Schorn et al.

Gray Hairstreak (Strymon melinus)

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- Carbon dioxide -

Recent carbon dioxide (CO₂) levels are well above 420 parts per million (ppm) at Mauna Lao, Hawaii. The most recent daily average on the first image shows a CO₂ level that is likely unprecedented in millions of years.

Carbon dioxide levels are even higher at high latitudes north. Another image shows that carbon dioxide levels are approaching 430 ppm at Barrow, Alaska.

Carbon dioxide levels typically reach their annual maximum in May, so we can still expect higher levels over the next few months.

- Methane -

NOAA's monthly global mean reading for October 2021 for methane (CH₄) is 1907.2 parts per billion (ppb), which is 17.1 ppb higher than the reading for October 2020. By comparison, NOAA's annual global mean methane increase of 15.74 ppb for 2020 was the highest on record at the time and the increase for 2021 looks to be even higher.

Keep in mind that NOAA's data are for marine surface measurements; more methane tends to accumulate at higher altitudes.

Furthermore, keep in mind that the above 1907.2 ppb reading is for October 2021; it now is February 2022. Another image shows that recent methane levels are approaching 1940 ppb at Mauna Loa, Hawaii.

Similarly as carbon dioxide, methane levels are even higher at high latitudes north. Furthermore, the rise is accelerating strongly. At Barrow, Alaska, recent methane levels are approaching 2040 ppb.

- Nitrous oxide -

The top part of the combination image shows IPCC scenarios for nitrous oxide (N₂O), with the bottom part showing recent NOAA observations (through to October 2022).

- Clouds feedback -

As discussed in an earlier post, just two greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide and methane, could abruptly cause the joint CO₂e to cross the 1200 ppm clouds tipping point, triggering a further 8°C global temperature rise, due to the clouds feedback.

Again, that could be the result of the climate forcing just of carbon dioxide and methane, without even adding further forcing such as by nitrous oxide. Meanwhile, as discussed, humans will likely go extinct with a 3°C rise, and a 5°C rise will likely end most life on Earth.

From the post 'Greenhouse gas levels keep rising at accelerating speed', at:”


“Trump-appointed judge blocks Biden administration climate metric

Judge bars higher cost estimate which puts a dollar value on damages caused by additional greenhouse gases emitted”



Antarctic sea ice extent was only 2.091 million km² on February 16, 2022, the lowest on record since the start of satellite measurements.

From the post 'Accelerating loss of global snow and ice cover', at:


“Chris Hedges: US traditionally solves domestic political crises by waging war

War is used to divert American public attention from government corruption and incompetence”


Southern Wisconsin is in long slow strangling drought:

“Fewer rainy days leading to earlier spring in northern climes”


Byron Windhorst:

“The last hurdle is hopium, thinking in some way we can fix human extinction by what we do either individually or groups. Once we realize there is no hopium, we have freed ourselves to enjoy life and help others understand in the final single digit years left, which most of us will probably count on just one hand.


Many of Sam Carana postings understand this but some of the postings by the Alternate Sam do not. There are also postings here made by some people who do not understand the above. The next few months should make it more clear, but the extreme weather events of the past year have not convinced them yet.


What will it take to convince the Alternate Sam and those who continue to post "solutions"? YOU, reading this, if you are not convinced humans will be going extinct along with almost all life on Earth in single digit years. . . . . what will it take to convince YOU?”


“Dangerously Awash in Chemicals”

“Man-made chemicals have exceeded the limits of safety for the planet.”


Sam Carana:

“World spends $1.8tn a year on subsidies that harm environment, study finds

Research prompts warnings humanity is ‘financing its own extinction’ through subsidies damaging to the climate and wildlife”

“Protecting Nature by Reforming Environmentally Harmful Subsidies: The Role of Business” Prepared - by Doug Koplow and Ronald Steenblik


“What is the state of Greenland’s mining politics?

After the Greenland elections delivered a left-wing victory, questions remain for Australian miner Greenland Minerals.”

“So, the manufacturing of climate-friendly technologies needs very environmental- and climate-unfriendly mining in one of the most vulnerable areas of the world. This emphasizes that "modern" humans are stuck in a loop of destruction of our environment, including self-destruction. AND AS WE WIND ON DOWN THE ROAD, OUR SHADOWS TALLER THAN OUR SOULS,....

"At a time of trade tensions and increased regulation of the rare earth sector in China, Greenland was hoped to become a valued new source of rare earth elements. The minerals are particularly important to the growing magnet and catalyser industry that underlies many spheres, including the manufacturing of climate-friendly technologies." “


“This week on Radio Ecoshock:

Deadly storms shape lives and history. Top storm expert, MIT’S Dr. Kerry Emanuel explains the latest science, and what to expect in coming decades as the world warms.

Are you feeling climate anxiety? We talk with social epidemiologist Kiffer Card, from Simon Fraser University in Canada. Who gets climate anxiety and what helps us live through it?

Plus more hot news about the ocean.

As always, find this week's show, previous shows, related materials, links, suggested reading, and more at


Imprison Boris Johnson:

Louisiana, Florida, England, DeJoy at postal service buying all gas delivery trucks,...conservative govts are killing all of us

“Study shows London produces up to a third more methane than estimates suggest”


Republican and Conservative dominated Governments both domestic and abroad will kill us all:

“Louisiana Investigates Massive Methane Cloud Seen From Space

The plume was the most severe concentration of the powerful greenhouse gas spotted by the Sentinel-5P satellite in the U.S. since October.”


“Florida Says Methane Cloud Seen From Space Came From Pipeline”


“Legal Petition Calls On Biden to Phase Out Federal Oil, Gas by 2035”


“The High Wind Watch for the eastern Aleutians has been upgraded to a High Wind Warning. Both the Central & Eastern Aleutians now have a High Wind Warning in effect from 7am - 5pm Sunday.

More info:


“Donlin Gold starts biggest drilling program in a decade”

"Opposition to the mine has increased in recent years from area tribes and other Indigenous groups. They contend the mine will irreparably damage the Kuskokwim’s fisheries, which are a primary subsistence resource for area residents. More than a dozen tribes in the region have formally opposed Donlin since the project got its overarching federal approval."


“Mysterious bubbles in Puget Sound: Researchers track hundreds of seeping gas plumes”


“Heat, Floods, Fires: Jet Stream is Key Link in Climate Disasters”

"Still, understanding the jet stream is becoming more pressing as warming temperatures drive more frequent extreme weather events. “We need to think more about the way weather systems will change with the changing climate, rather than just how the climate will change,” said Parker from Monash University. “This division between climate and the weather is, to a large extent, an artificial one.”


“Bottom-up and Top-Down Observations of Arctic Methane: Atmosphere & Terrestrial Ecosystems Meeting”


Justin Leso:

“Is a slowing AMOC impacting re-freeze of Arctic Ice”

“Briefly going over today the potential link between the slowing of the AMOC (the 'conveyor belt' of the ocean that transports warm and cold water through undersea currents) and a lack of re-freeze on the Atlantic side of the Arctic Ice cap. Using the global HYCOM data we can clearly see the stark contrast between a rapidly thickening Pacific flank and the slushy Atlantic front where very little ice has formed.”



“Cooling our Overheating Planet”


Romeu Peitinho:

“Numerous corporate media outlets published reports citing anonymous US intelligence officials claiming Russia would invade Ukraine on the morning of February 16. But it didn’t happen.

This is the latest example of blatant fake news stories about Russia being spread by major media networks and Western foreign-policy elites.

One of Britain’s most popular tabloids, The Sun, which is owned by right-wing billionaire media mogul Rupert Murdoch, reported on the morning of February 15, “US intelligence claims Russia set to invade Ukraine at 1AM tomorrow with massive missile blitz and 200,000 troops.”

Yet 1 am on February 16 passed, and nothing happened.”

Ben Norton:

“Many media outlets spread fake news, citing anonymous US intelligence officials claiming Russia would invade Ukraine this morning. But it didn’t happen.

Moscow denounced this Western disinformation campaign as “information terrorism.””

“Fake news hysteria: US gov’t & media claimed Russia would invade Ukraine February 16. It didn’t happen”


“John Brown – Abolitionist”


“VIDEO: Russian UN ambassador responds to US ‘war propaganda’ in interview w/Grayzone”


Bottom Line America can no longer afford nor does it need to pay to get the world to turn in favor of its ultra wealthy private citizens:

“Ex-U.S. Ambassador to USSR: Ukraine Crisis Stems Directly from Post-Cold War Push to Expand NATO”


“Lies lies and more lies that take us into horrific wars that make oligarchs rich and mothers cry over their dead babies.”


“Meat-Eating and Subsidizing Our Way Towards Extinction”


“Leaked Photos Show US-Backed British Forces Meeting w/ Nazi-Linked Forces In Ukraine”

The 4th Reich of the Western Rich, their Democrats & Republicans go on a quest for wealth with their Nazi brethren in Ukraine while the needs of working Americans remain unaddressed and fascism engulfs U.S. elections

Democrats and Republicans should ALL BE JAILED IMMEDIATELY along with their financial backers - LOCK THEM ALL UP

“Let the Russian mafia and the Nazis have at each other. We should stay out of it!”


“For Ukraine’s Jews, the Threat of War Stirs Memories of Past Horrors”


The American Military Industrial Congressional Complex of wealth accumulation for the few is out of control:

“Good thing we didn’t waste money on improving people’s lives”

“Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Arizona, is the location where decommissioned military aircraft are stored, and is the larges military aircraft boneyard in the world.

Misguided Values. Misplaced priorities. We can do better.”


“Sewage spill shuts down beaches in Southern California”


A New Study Has Found The Year When Sea Level Rise Truly Began Accelerating-- A global analysis of sea levels over the past 2,000 years has found a rapid rate of increase in line with the Industrial Revolution.

“A New Study Has Found The Year When Sea Level Rise Truly Began Accelerating”


It was all avoidable

“COP26 Pledges will have Catastrophic Consequences”

“Professor James Hansen believes the inadequate policies agreed at November's UN climate change summit will lead to the planet breaching its 1.5°C danger zone this decade.”


“60 Minutes climate archive: Venice is Drowning”



A G1-class geomagnetic storm level KP5 hit on Feb. 20th as Earth entered a high-speed stream of solar wind. Threshold Reached: 02:59 UTC.

The gaseous material was flowing faster than 500 km/s from a southern hole in the sun's atmosphere. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras.”


“When a Megachurch needs money it asks for donations from it’s flock.

But when someone in their flock needs money, the Megachurch tells them to ask god.”


“How Medicare for All would have changed Covid, Childhood Illness, Autism, Mental Health Dr.Vonnegut”


“Climate change: Covid shutdown linked to record rainfall in China”


Politically motivated censorship is out of control:

“Biden and the Democrats are vile liars and thieves

This is the "source" that the US government's Facebook Department is using to "fact check" and "warn" people about the "misinformation" that corporate greed is driving inflation, despite countless articles that say corporate greed is exactly the problem.”


“The US ambassador to the United Nations said Putin 'wants the world to travel back' to a 'time when empires ruled the world' “

Communists have imperialistic ambitions to:

“Putin on Monday recognized two separatist regions of eastern Ukraine as independent states.The US ambassador to the UN said Putin is attempting to claim Russia has a rightful claim to all territories from the historic Russian Empire, including Ukraine, Finland, Belarus, and parts of Poland and Turkey, among others.”


“Few news items are more amusing than the story about the Twitter bot Elon Musk is desperately trying to get off the internet because it reports where his private jet goes. Afraid of some nutter tracking and murdering him? No sympathy. Billionaires are fundamentally unethical, would-be dragons sitting on hoards of gold other people need in order to not live in poverty.”

“Why Elon Musk Is Right To Be Afraid”

“Teenager seeks $50k from Elon Musk to delete Twitter bot tracking private jet

In DM exchange Tesla boss offers $5,000 for takedown but 19-year-old replies: ‘Any chance to up that to $50K?’”


Kevin Hester:

“Deadly and beautiful at the same time like Zena the Warrior Princess!”

“Frozen bubbles formed bizarre pearl-like, spheres under a lake during the cold season in northeastern China. Tourists in Taonan City, Jilin province, walked over the speckled surface recently to take a closer look. The phenomenon is believed to be caused when methane from decaying organic matter under water freezes due to cold temperatures.

The white orbs resembled Tangyuan — glutinous rice balls that are usually made during the Lantern Festival that marks the end of Lunar New Year festivities. Their round shape is believed to be auspicious, as circles symbolize harmony and balance in Chinese culture.”


“The Absence of Corporate Conscience”

“It was miraculous. It was almost no trick at all, he saw, to turn vice into virtue and slander into truth, impotence into abstinence, arrogance into humility, plunder into philanthropy, thievery into honor, blasphemy into wisdom, brutality into patriotism, and sadism into justice. Anybody could do it; it required no brains at all. It merely required no character.” Joseph Heller, Catch-22


Me: By taxing churches we could generate an extra $71 billion per year.

Them: Yeah, But my church feeds the poor!

Me: That’s awesome! They can write it off when they file their taxes.”


Jeff Bezos is investing in his living forever:

“Don’t worry people the kings of capitalism will now be using your stolen surplus labor value in an attempt to live forever. I wonder how much of this wealth that could be used to provide for the masses will be instead used in an attempt to create the “fountain of youth”? Why do we allow these people to exist?”


“Remember when we broke up AT&T?

Isn’t it time we break up META, MICROSOFT, GOOGLE, CHASE, AMAZON, WELLS FARGO, and stop giving subsidies to those that most certainly do not need them???”


Dan Price:

“1. Housing Americans’ biggest expense

2. Private equity firm Blackstone is the biggest landlord

3. Blackstone rents are growing 2-3x inflation

4. As a result, Blackstone had its “most remarkable results” ever in 2021 with its stock up 80%

This is what’s killing people”


“Mark trewick

The Ice Ages began 2.4 million years ago and lasted until 11,500 years ago. During this time, the earth’s climate repeatedly changed between very cold periods, during which glaciers covered large parts of the world (see map below), and very warm periods during which many of the glaciers melted. The cold periods are called glacials (ice covering) and the warm periods are called interglacials.

So in order to fully appreciate the methane situation, we'd need to go back to somewhere like 2.3 - 2.4 mya to understand how the glaciation began. The lions share of the methane venting today has not happened at any time since then, at least.. This is why it's happening in the seemingly oddest of places. We've heated the planet so rapidly that at no time, even during each of the interglacials, has the planet been this hot for at least 2.4 million years. This is why people should be concerned if not alarmed.

It's clearly venting now, and rapidly increasing. See?”


Mike Ohlinger:

“Our study has shown that the natural systems of individual regions of the Arctic seas can function as active acceptors of CO2 from the atmosphere. An increase in the CO2 flux into seawater shifts the carbonate equilibrium towards an increase in the content of hydrogen ions, that is, decreases pH of the seawater with corresponding consequences for several components of marine ecosystems, primarily phytoplankton [[16]”


“The Burden of Corporate Negligence

The highest value of most corporations is to maximize revenue and minimize costs; and to achieve this end, they leverage the following business values, rules and practices:

1. Show fake concern, making it appear convincing.

2. Reap the fruits of civilization while paying none of its costs.

3. Gain the financial benefits while transferring the burden of costs on to others.

4. Do this with a sense of entitlement, as thought the company’s right to exploit people and planet for profit is preordained by some higher power and authority.

5. Convince the population that the current design is inevitable and for their own good.

The better you are at modeling and sustaining these principles, the more clever you are at “doing business,” the greater asset you will be, and the more successful you will become. The willingness to harm [people for profit makes you a productive business person. And the more you are willing to compromise your own principles to achieve these corporate objectives, the higher you will climb the corporate ladder. Yet, if we hope to survive as a species, the current systemic design must change.”


“Dangerously Fast’ Methane Increase Suggests Feedback Mechanism May Have Begun”

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