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02/2022 “Population Collapse Is Coming”

Updated: Jan 2, 2023

“Population Collapse Is Coming”


“The Idiots Aren’t Going to Make It — But What About the Rest of Us?”

“Let’s not mince words. Over the next few decades, a lot of people are going to die.”


For example, “freedom convoy”:

“We live in a peculiar juncture of history in which truth has been banished as a threat to the maximization of private gain, i.e. the hyper-pursuit of self-interest. Both the evidence and narrative are manufactured to serve the interests of the few at the expense of the many. It's an elaborate, well-staged con designed to maximize the private gains of the few by exploiting the many.”

“Our Financial System Is Optimized for Sociopaths and Exploitation

Let's call this financial system what it really is: the MetaPerverse, a conjured world of self-serving cons.”

2014-07-20 New247251aaaa.jpg


“Purposeful starvation” I hope Americans are listening because Democrats and Republicans are getting awfully free-wheeling with social murder. And after all, it’s not like their killing us isn’t spelled out in their “Georgia Guidestones.”

Starvation was the weapon, Stalin the wielder.

As Russia once again terrorizes Ukraine, we must remember the USSR's genocide of 4 million Ukrainians via purposeful and premeditated starvation in the early 1930s.

“Remember the Holodomor”


Think about it. Harris did it, Pence did it more than once, Jill Biden did it, and now POTUS himself is doing it. What’s “it”? Visiting Wisconsin aka Kochland. Same home to the alt right Nazi ALEC, Bradley Fdtn, Koch. Washington keeps visiting the State in person. May be also by phone or paper but somehow I doubt it’s the same.

Again, it’s not, say, Oregon, Georgia or Nevada the keep visiting, but always Wisconsin. Trump’s vp pence visited Wisconsin more than once in the leading up to the Jan 6 practice coup, and now the Biden administration is repeatedly visiting.

Is there anger over America not giving more support to the Nazis in Ukraine? Are they planning for the fruits of state level Voter suppression laws that apparently have bipartisan support? Maybe a new US Constitution is in the works. Sure would like to read those emails, if they were ever created that is


“Greenland's ice is melting from the bottom up -- and far faster than previously thought, study shows”

“The ice sheet covering Greenland is melting rapidly at its base and is injecting far more water and ice into the ocean than previously understood, according to new research.”


“BREAKING: Fossils Emit 70% More Methane than Governments Report: IEA Tracker”

“Emissions of climate-busting methane from fossil fuel operations are 70% higher than national governments are reporting, according to the 2022 edition of the Global Methane Tracker released recently.”


“How Greenhouse Gases Released by the Oil and Gas Industry Far Exceed What Regulators Think They Know

The greenhouse gas emissions from “venting” and “flaring” excess natural gas over a decade is equal to those of nearly 42 million cars annually.”

“Dept. of Who Cooda Node? The greenhouse gas emissions from “venting” and “flaring” excess natural gas over a decade is equal to those of nearly 42 million cars annually. The industry has also directly released unknown amounts of gas into the atmosphere through a process called venting. Between them, flaring and venting release a noxious cocktail of carbon dioxide, methane and other pollutants.”


“EPA Deputy Chief Administrator Loses Control and Reveals the Truth About Global Warming on LiVE TV

Alot of you want MM to do this: I just realized that wouldn't accomplish a thing! Nothing would change!!”


“Earth's Water Cycle Is Changing Dramatically, And Much Faster Than We Predicted”

“Fresh water cycles from ocean to air to clouds to rivers and back to the oceans. This constant shuttling can give us the illusion of certainty. Fresh water will always come from the tap. Won't it?”


“How a Russian invasion of Ukraine, the ‘breadbasket of Europe,’ could hit supply chains”


Clever Cartoon – Iraq, Libya, Syria, Ukraine


If we are imposing sanctions against the threat of a warring Russia then shouldn’t we be purging our politicians & judges with ties to “Comrade Trump?”

“Putin has played a long, long game to get to this moment. Remember Trump’s first impeachment? It was about withholding aid from Ukraine…in other words, helping Russia. Then there’s the issue of the radicalisation of the right. Made possible by Facebook and Twitter, which are notorious for disinformation campaigns, which are again funded by Russia, astroturfed by Russia, and modelled on Russian propaganda techniques.”

“Why a New Era of War is Dawning — And What Putin Really Wants”


Trump and Israel damned Ukraine in favor of Putin:

“Israel torpedoed sale of Iron Dome to Ukraine, fearing Russian reaction — report

Kyiv approached US officials last year in bid to buy system, but Israel reportedly vetoed the idea”

“Your tax dollars at work. Israel halted an attempt by the US to transfer several batteries of the Iron Dome defense system to Ukraine over worries it would damage its relations with Russia. Meanwhile, the US approved over $3.8 billion in foreign assistance to Israel.”


And our 2 parties’ Saudi Arabia is colluding with Putin:


A spat between Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and Biden is pushing gas prices ever higher. It started under Obama.”

“Moscow’s partnership with Saudi Arabia has grown dramatically in recent years, granting the two largest oil producers in the world the unprecedented ability to collude in oil export decisions.”


Why do I get the feeling that the Ukraine War is a war between two of the worst criminal organizations on the planet - US & Russian govts - fighting over who gets the puppet regime$$$ ?

Lee Camp:

“The Military Industrial Complex is a global murder machine enriching the upper class while standing on the graves of the lower class. Break. Your. Programming.”


“US and Russian Physicians Warn War in Ukraine Risks Global Nuclear 'Catastrophe'”

"No matter the genesis, the cause, or who started what, the reality remains that there are 15 operating nuclear reactors in Ukraine that, if conflict breaks out there, could be in peril."



The reversal raises questions about Facebook’s blacklist-based content moderation, which critics say lacks nuance and context.”


“Kyle Rittenhouse should sign up for the Army and go to Ukraine to protect their private property”


“COVID Won’t End Up Like the Flu. It Will Be Like Smoking.

Hundreds of thousands of deaths, from either tobacco or the pandemic, could be prevented with a single behavioral change.”

And deaths from Covid are from predatory capitalists, their politicians and corporations

“This is a helpful reminder that smoking continues to kill 480,000 people in the U.S. every year — and those deaths can be prevented. But there's a key difference between tobacco and COVID-19 deaths

Smoking deaths are fueled by a predatory industry that targets kids and other vulnerable groups with deadly and addictive products.”


“After another massive oil spill, Indigenous peoples in Ecuador have been forced to use polluted rivers for bathing, washing, and drinking.”


One problem is Congress and their stock ownership:

“C’mon do a war….”


“Container shipping company profits

First 9 Months of 2021: $80 billion

All of 2010-2020: $38 billion

“man, those supply-chain problems and inflation is just killing us”


“BREAKING: Fossils Emit 70% More Methane than Governments Report: IEA Tracker”

“Emissions of climate-busting methane from fossil fuel operations are 70% higher than national governments are reporting, according to the 2022 edition of the Global Methane Tracker released recently.”


“Energy agency: Methane emissions higher than countries claim”


“Global Wildfire Activity to Surge in Coming Years

A new U.N. report says communities need to prepare for the growing threat by refocusing on prevention, rather than just reacting to fires as they happen.”


“Soot is accelerating snow melt in popular parts of Antarctica, a study finds”


“Turning the West into a new Soviet Union”


Dec 2017 “Prepare yourself. The world’s air conditioner is breaking down”



Antarctic sea ice extent on February 20, 2022, was only 1.983 million km². On February 20, 2008, it was 3.783 million km². That's a difference of 1.8 million km², or some 0.36% of the total surface of Earth (which is 510,072,000 km²).

Incoming solar radiation at Top Of Atmosphere (TOA) is 340.4 W/m². This 340.4 W/m² is an average. The value varies depending on the seasons, i.e. the more the surface of Earth is facing the Sun, the higher this value will be.

Another variable is how many clouds and aerosols are in the sky. Much of this radiation can be reflected or absorbed by the atmosphere and some of the radiation that reaches the surface can also be reflected. Yet, on a cloud-free day, where the sky is clear from aerosols, much of the incoming solar radiation will reach the surface. It further depends on the albedo of the surface, how much will in the end be absorbed or reflected at the surface.

Albedo refers to the reflectivity of the surface. Earth average albedo is 0.3 or 30%. The albedo of sea ice can be as high as 0.9 (i.e. 90% when covered with fresh snow). Currently, albedo of the sea ice is about 0.6 (the sea ice is partly covered with melt pools). Open water has an albedo of 0.06. So, disappearance of the sea ice makes an albedo difference of at least 0.5.

So, when taking half of 340 W/m² and multiplying this by 0.36% (i.e. the part of Earth's surface), that gives a radiative forcing of 0.612 W/m². That would mean that some 0.612 W/m² that was previously reflected (Feb 20, 2008) is now instead absorbed by the ocean (on Feb 20, 2022). If Antarctic sea ice would disappear altogether, that would correspond to another loss of some 0.612 W/m², and together with the difference between 2008 and 2022, that would add up to a total radiative forcing of 1,224 W/m².

That's almost half as much as all human-caused global warming in 2019 (radiative forcing was 2.72 W/m² in 2019 relative to 1750, according to IPCC AR6).

If anyone can add to or improve the above calculation, please add a comment below.

From the post 'Albedo loss in Antarctica', at:”


Barrow Alaska has reported an increase in greenhouse gas emissions that has caused concern. The “jump” appears consistent with exponential growth in methane emissions. Readers comments follow:

Joe Neubarth

All this is a LARGE increase in Arctic (Alaska) release of methane over the last half year. Warm Pacific waters are flowing in between Siberia and Alaska. There is ice on the top of the Arctic Ocean so the warm water flows down to the underwater surface where it accelerates the release of Methane from the underwater permafrost. We are up near 2040 ppb for a monthly average for the past three months. We really need to worry when we see 4000 ppb and 5000 ppb, and that is a few years off.

Other Readers’ Speculation and Comments from

1“Ilona Upīte

Methane bomb just go off. Permafrost is thawing now releasing even more greenhause gases and the positive feedback loop have started.”

2“Andy Kruse

That would be the collapse of the arctic region's permafrost.”

3“Ahn Otuh

---'The Quickening'---to the 'BOE'---actual climatological spring has begun five weeks earlier than the vernal solar equinox---”

“---hydrates sublimating?---'perma'frost melt?---big jump since OCT---perhaps that's why it's in red---

4“John Klok

Sixth mass extinction accelerating due to amplifying effects of feedback loops which ultimately end in chaotic bifurcations making the planet unliveable for most species.”

5“Pradeep Das

Methane clathrate guns … bang … bang”

6“Steve Kuschner

Global methane emissions from oil, gas and coal are 70 percent higher than the official figures that governments have reported, according to a report released today by the International Energy Agency.

This year's edition of the report, dubbed the Global Methane Tracker, incorporates readings from a new breed of satellites devoted to finding and measuring greenhouse gas emissions. It also includes country-by-country emissions from coal mines for the first time.

The report comes after a recent Washington Post investigation found a vast gap between the emissions that countries are reporting to the United Nations and the emissions they're sending into the atmosphere.

In a statement, IEA Executive Director Fatih Birol said it was “alarming” to identify such “massive underreporting” of methane emissions. Birol called on countries to support enhanced monitoring efforts and stronger policy action to curb emissions of the potent greenhouse gas.

Although carbon dioxide is more abundant, methane is about 80 times more effective at trapping heat during its first decade in the atmosphere. That means curbing methane pollution in the near term could provide a relatively quick way to slow Earth's warming.”

7”Kim Hunter

Or is it the recent breakneck pace frackers are now pillaging and poisoning behind the scenes while everyone is in "lock-down"? Frackers have been particularly heavy handed in their invasion of unceded First Nations territories recently, are self regulated, 10s of thousands of methane belching "orphaned" wells, and can under report their birth defecting emissions by as much as 14X.”


This is a massive vote of “no confidence” in America: China & Others teaming up to decrease reliance on US Dollar: your govts principle role can be reduced to socializing the cost of holding the wealth it can create in private hands but then don’t expect other countries to revere your govts currency. America is increasingly just a “straw man” front for the rich.

“China, France deepen RMB Cross-Border Interbank Payment System cooperation”


“Extinction Observers”


“Plastic pollution is a huge threat to the health of our ecosystem. It is not only lethal to wildlife but the entire food chain, since humans eat and digest the fish that have plastic particles inside them. Across the world, 8 million metric tons of plastic waste enters the ocean each year. Corals, which are a vital component to keeping the ocean healthy, have a much higher chance of contracting disease when coming into contact with plastic.

There are an estimated fifty-one trillion microplastic particles in the ocean and by 2025 if is predicated there could be one tone of plastic for every three tons of fish in the world’s oceans. Single-use plastic is particularly wasteful lasting in the environment for up to 1,000 years despite being used for mere minutes.”


“Accelerating melt rate makes Greenland Ice Sheet world's largest 'dam'”

Peter Carter:

“GREENLAND ICE SHEET LOST. This finding that melting of the ice sheet from below is far faster (orders of magnitude) than estimates so far, would mean the committed (at over 1.5C) slow loss of the ice sheet is passed its tipping point. The lower range of the tipping point is 1.5 C (around 2030) and 2C is now committed because governments are still pushing fossil fuels so no global decline in sight. 2C is around 2045. The world must mobilize now to stop fossil fuel subsidizing and permitting. #climate


Russell Brand on Ukraine War:

“As Joe Biden escalates tensions over Ukraine, is this latest potential war being used to divert American public attention from government corruption and incompetence?”


“What The Media Isn't Telling You About Ukraine”


End Stage Capitalism:

“The master class has always declared the wars; the subject class have always fought the battles.” Eugene V. Debs


Andrea Junker:

“When do we start airlifting the women and children out of Texas and Florida?”


Ben Karmi:

“In Texas you can vote with a gun ID, but not with your college picture ID”


“The U.S. record of respecting other countries.”

“US Interventions Since WWII, Bomb attacks, sabotage, attempted regime change”

A list of 56 times together with dates, not including Ukraine color revolution of 2014


“Poverty exists not because we cannot feed the poor, but because we cannot satisfy the rich.”


Garden for Wildlife:

“Plant, planet, and wildlife lovers: Our native plant sets make it easy for you to make a difference.”


US Government Assisted Mass Extinction:

“The United States needs to shut down the channels that send thousands of American horses to foreign slaughter plants for human consumption. Please sign on now to stop horse slaughter!”


“Berlin just voted in favour of seizing up to 200,000 homes from private real estate companies and transferring them into public ownership.”


“FULL TEXT: President Putin’s speech on the situation in Ukraine [Video]”

Romeu Peitinho:

“I’ll likely won’t be able to read it, or get a reference to it, anywhere else in the western media. Regardless of your personal opinion of the man, the history lesson he conveys is an interesting one.”


“Amazon Paid for a High School Course. Here’s What It Teaches.

“Brainstorm ways you could motivate your employees other than large bonuses and high salaries.””


“The GOP's strategy is clear.”

“They don’t care if a book they challenge goes on to sell a million copies or goes out of print.

They’re not after authors. They’re after control of the school board & the teachers & the librarians & the kids. They’re after their own neighbors, and they’re organizing town by town”


“Joe Tzu”


“Greenland is melting!”


Central United States is strategically positioned to draw Russian nuclear fire and save large US coastal cities. It is for this reason the Great Plains and Midwest states are referred to by American Military as the “Nuclear Sponge”


“NATURAL DISASTERS from 16.02 - 19.02. 2022 сlimate changе! Flood”


“Climate scientist in Antarctica speaks to Metro Vancouver officials about 'doomsday' glacier

David Holland says they have discovered that the water underneath an ice shelf is 3 C above the freezing point, which has frightening implications for how fast the glacier is melting.”

“The latest news report from an actual pair of 'boots on the ice'.

Canadian climate scientist David Holland, who is also a professor of mathematics and atmosphere/ocean science at New York University, is studying the rapid demise of the Thwaites 'Doomsday Glacier' and its nearby attendant glaciers also liable to collapse into the seas, perhaps in as little as 3 years.

This will take a little time to filter down into the communiques of the world's press and media outlets and climate projections enabling policy makers to adjust their sums and figures. When it does, more bad news, "worse than anyone expected", "faster than anyone predicted", will be the headlines.

Some of us in this group are already aware its worse than the worst predictions.

(“On this little tiny planet we live on if you change the air temperature you change wind, and if you muck about with ocean currents and if they run into big ice sheets you’re toast.”

Adriane Carr, chair of Metro Vancouver’s climate committee, said it’s essential to hear from climate scientists such as Holland to help people realize that “we absolutely have to be successful” in taking dramatic action to address the existential threat of climate change.

“I certainly came away with — and I think everybody did — that the ice is melting faster than any of us would like to see,” said Carr. She said this latest research in the Antarctic isn’t included in the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s prediction of a sea level rise of one metre by 2100, which means it could be much higher than policy-makers are anticipating in their climate action plans.)”


“Danger – Human Beings are Dangerous”


“Hold Jair Bolsonaro Accountable for Crimes Against Humanity” [as well as Trump, McConnell, and Fink]

“The International Court of Justice is charging Bolsonaro with Crimes against humanity

PLEASE sign this petition (and share it ) to show your support .

The Amazon is already a net emitter of CO2 (and black carbon) Bolsonaro has, perhaps, only another year in office considering his poor approval ratings, BUT that is enough time to put the already dying Amazon past the tipping point from which scientists say it would never be able to come back from . It's on the verge of Becoming Savanna and the entire country of Brazil is experiencing extreme drought . This effects the entire world climate in drastic ways.

Also PLEASE write Biden and your Congress people and tell them the US must be a member of the International Court of Justice (It is NOT , along with some other wealthy powerful, greedy cowardly countries)”


“Denigrating climate activists is unacceptable and dangerous”


“China hoards over half the world's grain, pushing up global prices”


“Ukraine conflict could push grain prices higher worldwide”


“Bottom-up and Top-Down Observations of Arctic Methane: Atmosphere & Terrestrial Ecosystems Meeting”

“The joint May 2021 meeting of the Atmosphere and Terrestrial Ecosystems collaboration teams focused on bottom-up and top-down observations of Arctic methane.”


“Energy-Hungry Bitcoin is Bringing Old Fossil Fuel Plants Back on Line”


“BREAKING: Leaked Photos Show US-Backed British Forces Meeting w/ Nazi-Linked Forces In Ukraine”

Democrats and Republicans should ALL BE JAILED IMMEDIATELY along with their financial backers - LOCK THEM ALL UP

“Let the Russian mafia and the Nazis have at each other. We should stay out of it!”


Ukraine prices at the pump: How’s that strategic oil reserve treating ya?

Sanctions arising from Ukraine mess to increase consumer prices,...despite US corporations historically ignoring sanctions !?


For example, “freedom convoy”:

“We live in a peculiar juncture of history in which truth has been banished as a threat to the maximization of private gain, i.e. the hyper-pursuit of self-interest. Both the evidence and narrative are manufactured to serve the interests of the few at the expense of the many. It's an elaborate, well-staged con designed to maximize the private gains of the few by exploiting the many.”

“Our Financial System Is Optimized for Sociopaths and Exploitation

Let's call this financial system what it really is: the MetaPerverse, a conjured world of self-serving cons.”


“Sea Ice Around Antarctica Reaches a Record Low

The drop surprised scientists, and may help them understand more about climate change affecting Antarctica and its waters.“


Probably accurate and that is HORRIFYING:

“Kirk Brent at NorringNearTermHumanExtinction on FB:

Think about it please.

Guy McPherson wasn’t the first man to join the dots.

The governments has been doing it for decades.

All scientists have to report their findings to the governments before it gets published. The governments then piece it all together to make the big picture.

There are people who know more about our nearby human extinction than Guy does.

They know that nothing can be done now except for themselves to protect their asses in whatever luxurious bunkers they have built for themselves.

They really don’t give a shit about what happens to you and me except that we are fooled into some false sense of security when none exist.

Those of us that do know are but a handful in a sea of hands.

Nobody is going to believe us when they can lie to themselves with Hope.

The enemy of the people is in fact the governments that rule us and keep us cattle penned up for the slaughter.”


Sam Carana:


Antarctic sea ice extent was only 1.973 million km² on February 16, 2022, the lowest on record since satellite measurements began in 1979.

Created by Sam Carana for with NSIDC image.”


“Yards With Non-Native Plants Create ‘Food Deserts’ for Bugs and Birds”

“A recent study found that Carolina Chickadees require a landscape with 70% native plants to keep their population steady. Is your yard more of a 'food desert' or delectable buffet?”


“Either America will destroy ignorance, or ignorance will destroy the United States.” W.E.B. Du Bois


“Solar Garden Uses Solar Panels For High-Quality Crops”


Canada’s Trudeau is a Ecocide Criminal:

“Wesley Wilbert

21 February at 10:56 ·

This is First nations drinking water in 2022 Canada. This photo was take on Red Rock Rez.

60% of the Indigenous reservations have no potable water in Canada. During the winter, they have to melt snow, and during the summer they have to haul water from a lake.”


“Studies confirm Canadian Oil and gas companies significantly under report methane emissions”

“Kim Hunter

Or is it the recent breakneck pace frackers are now pillaging and poisoning behind the scenes while everyone is in "lock-down"? Frackers have been particularly heavy handed in their invasion of unceded First Nations territories recently, are self regulated, 10s of thousands of methane belching "orphaned" wells, and can under report their birth defecting emissions by as much as 14X.”


“Planet Earth Report”


It won’t be long before conventional agriculture will be impractical:

“Record High and Low Temperatures hit USA Simultaneously”


American bombs are raining down in several locations throughout the globe:

“While Western Media distract you with Neo-Nazi Ukraine...2/24/22.”


Robert Cook

The Truth About Ukraine with Ben Norton - YouTube


2014 - 2022, The Eight (year lead up to Russia's military attacking Ukraine now.

It starts with the US-backed coup of the Ukrainian government in 2014

Video Link, The Truth About Ukraine with Ben Norton - YouTube,


“It’s time to get rid of Social Security’s not-so-hidden tax”


Zelensky, Guido, Scott walker, Biden, etc. almost like the theme is “any putz will do, the point isn’t governing but transferring wealth to the rich”

Biden's teaming up with Ukrainian Nazi's make me wonder if he ever wanted to stop Privatization of the Postal Service

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