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02/2022 Free and Fair Elections in America are an illusion

Updated: Aug 13, 2022

“Corn-based ethanol, which for years has been mixed in huge quantities into gasoline sold at U.S. pumps, is likely a much bigger contributor to global warming than straight gasoline.”

“U.S. corn-based ethanol worse for the climate than gasoline, study finds”

2019 7/18 _F2A3029aaaa


“Mass Extinction Event is Well Under Way”

Guy McPherson via Kevin Hester:

“"Despite the looming weight of evidence to suggest this grim phenomenon is unfolding all around us, not everybody agrees."

"Drastically increased rates of species extinctions and declining abundances of many animal and plant populations are well documented, yet some deny that these phenomena amount to mass extinction," says bioscientist Robert Cowie from the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa.

"This denial is based on a highly biased assessment of the crisis which focuses on mammals and birds and ignores invertebrates, which of course constitute the great majority of biodiversity."

Unfolding now, not long off in the future.”


“Google isn't upholding its recent pledge to stop running ads on content that promotes climate change denial. Tell Google to do better now and stop publishers that profit off of climate denialism!”


“Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia facing devastating drought conditions: UN”

“World Food Programme says financial assistance needed to avoid deadly famine”


“There’s an invisible ecosystem in the air — and climate change is disrupting it

New research shows how warmer temperatures could push atmospheric pathogens into new areas.”


“Lichens may take a million years to adapt to 1°C of climate warming”


“How a powerful company convinced Georgia to let it bury toxic waste in groundwater

Documents reveal Georgia Power went to great lengths to advocate for risky waste storage.”


Peter carter

“GHG emissions not to decline over the next 20 years- that's life over”

“2040 Global greenhouse gas emission are not expected to be any less tan their record high 2019

That’s a life over scenario”


Wall Street, McConnell, and Trump:

“A Staggering Amount of Amazon Rainforest Disappeared Last Month

Deforestation has increased rapidly under Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, as new satellite data reveals.”


“David Attenborough — Loved, Adored, Ultimately Ignored”


“The Great Climate Backslide: How Governments Are Regressing Worldwide

From the U.S. to China, harsh economic realities mean the political will for painful choices is evaporating fast.”


“Wet and Wild”

“It’s not the heat, it’s the humidity.”


“Mount Everest: Mountain's highest glacier melting rapidly, new study shows”


“Rapid intensification of the emerging southwestern North American megadrought in 2020–2021”

Peter carter

“US SW MEGADROUGHT More evidence of US South-west

mega-drought (lasts decades/ 'for ever'). With current extent and heat trend, potentially affecting much of western third of US land”



“Climate: ‘dangerously fast’ growth in atmospheric methane”


“The Boreal Forests Have a Warning for Us

Treeline, a new book by Ben Rawlence, explains how climate change is causing far-reaching shifts in one of our most important ecosystems.”


Peter Carter:

“INVESTING IN OUR OWN FOSSIL FUEL EXTINCTION The world fossil fuel energy investments 2019-2021 is USD 2 Trillions”

“Global energy investment is set to rebound by around 10% in 2021, reversing most of the drop caused by the pandemic”


“Our Climate Discourse is Gradually Normalizing an Atrocity”



“As US COVID-19 deaths continue to surge, corporate media maintains near blackout”

Corpmedia blackout: COVID-19 deaths in the United States have reached their highest level during the Omicron wave, coinciding with an escalating drive to cover up the devastating impact of the pandemic on the health of the American people. Mandatory reporting of COVID-19 deaths by hospital systems ended on February 2, 2022. Plus states across the country are allowing their mask mandates to lapse.”


Beware of purchasing an over priced house:

“1 in 7 Homes Sold Last Year Was Purchased by Wall Street

How long before they own everything?”


“Why does the Arctic warm faster than the rest of the planet? While the Earth’s surface as a whole has warmed by around 1.2C since the industrial revolution, temperatures are not rising at the same rate in all corners of the world.”

“Why does the Arctic warm faster than the rest of the planet?”


“Christian witch killers weren’t much different from QAnon believers. Both kinds of insanity result in deaths and violence.”

“Peak Energy & Resources, Climate Change, and the Preservation of Knowledge”


“Chicken producers warn about fast-spreading bird flu spreading across US”


“Corporations are getting off scot-free in the inflation blame game”

“Dept. of Tails You Lose: Americans have trained their anger on politicians, but corporations have lined their pockets with price increases during the pandemic. CEOs have been open about their plans to raise prices on products, despite the fact many of them have seen profits rise during the pandemic.”


“On-Time Rent Payments Sag amid Massive Spike in Rents”


“The Olympics' artificial snow requires the equivalent of a day's worth of drinking water for 900 million people. Experts say it's the unfortunate future of winter sports.”


“Proof the World Might be ending: for Prof Michael Mann

Methane keeps me up at night

“Measuring the Carbon-Dioxide Cost of Last Year’s Worldwide Wildfires”


“Corporations Don't Care About You (Or The Plane”


“The Cat Tail That Broke the Camel's Back”


“Stephen Hawking's Message For Donald Trump”

he is talking about methane And trump did pull out. And cop 26 failed to limit warming to 2c


“Dimming the Sun Could Spell Doom for Humanity, Experts Warn”


“Another new problem. Nuclear reactors were not made to run at low power generating loads. Now it's causing big problems.

"Attemperators are carefully selected for the expected range of process conditions. As the power generating landscape changes, however, many combined cycle plants are often required to run at very low power generation rates.

GT manufacturers continue to evolve their technology to decrease the minimum GT load range, but this has also made steam temperature control more challenging. Some GT models operate at higher temperatures during low or partial load operation, and during these times steam flows are much lower. The result is many existing attemperators being stretched beyond their capabilities."”

“How Duke Energy addresses attemperator issues”


“Accelerating loss of global snow and ice cover (continued)

Ocean heat is at record levels. As a result, global sea ice extent was only 16.23 million km² on February 9, 2022, the third lowest extent on record. What makes this even more worrying is that we're currently in the depth of a persistent La Niña.

Ocean heat is a huge threat for Antarctica at the moment. Antarctic sea ice extent was only 2.342 million km² on February 9, 2022, a record low for the time of year.

As said, we're currently in the depth of a persistent La Niña, which suppresses temperatures. The difference between the top of El Niño and the bottom of La Niña could be more than half a degree Celsius.

Currently, the temperature rise is additionally suppressed by low sunspots. Within a few years time, sunspots can be expected to reach the peak of their current cycle and observed sunspots are looking stronger than predicted. In the image, adapted from NOAA, the solar cycle is represented as the number of sunspots and F10.7cm radio flux.

The threatening situation is that we'll go into the next El Niño, while sunspots are increasing and while the aerosol impacts may go from dimming into further driving up temperatures. A huge temperature rise could occur as the sulfates fall away that are currently co-emitted by traffic and industry, while at the same time releases of other aerosols such as black and brown carbon can increase dramatically as more wood burning and forest fires take place.

Such short-term 'natural' variability can furthermore act as a catalyst, causing numerous feedbacks to kick in with ever greater ferocity.

Such feedbacks can result in collapse of global sea ice and permafrost, resulting in the eruption of huge quantities of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide, further driving up the temperature rise abruptly.

From the post 'Accelerating loss of global snow and ice cover', at:”


I hope they incorporate plants for pollinators:

“Northwest Indiana will be home to largest solar farm in U.S., covering 13,000 acres”


“The MYTH about the “National Debt””


“The only difference between a republican & a democrat:

Republican: 6 consonants, 4 vowels

Democrat: 5 consonants, 3 vowels

“There are MINOR difference between two two also as well like: Dems have been winning the race on who can support Apartheid State of Israel more strongly, or Dems are better at playing the “ opposition “ party, and so on and so forth”


“Meet your Canadian trucker convoy organizers:

James Bauder – Shares QAnon hashtag “#WWG1GWA”

Benjamin Dicher – Claims the Liberal Party is “infested with Islamists.”

Jason LaFace – Linked to racist Soldiers of Odin

Tamara Lich – Alberta separatist, member of Yellow Vests & racist Clarion Project

Pat Kin – Alberta separatist who warns of “Anglo-Saxon replacement”

“A night with the untouchables”


“You cannot Grieve what you do not Love... GEORGE TSAKRAKLIDES”


“The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present.

The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise the occasion. As our case is new, we must think anew and act anew.

We cannot escape history. We will be remembered in spite of ourselves.

The fiery trail through which we pass will light us down in honour or dishonour, to the last generation.

We shall nobly save, or meanly lose, oue last best hope of Earth.

Abraham Lincoln


“EIA expects U.S. energy-related carbon dioxide emissions to increase in 2022 and 2023”



“Before we discus destroying the competition, screwing our customers, and laughing all the way to the bank, let’s begin this meeting with a prayer.”


Free and Fair Elections are an illusion:

“Illusion of Choice

There are:

1,500 Newspapers

1,100 Magazines

9,000 Radio Stations

1,500 TV Stations

2,400 Publishers

Owned by 6 Corporations and 272 Executives that control 90% of what 277 million Americans SEE, HEAR & READ

“The American Empire and its Media” Map showing links


Ben Karimi:

“United States of America has been the most dangerous, weaponized, interventionist, and expansionist imperialist country in the world since the second WWII.

It’s danger to humanity is at it’s highest level at the moment.”


“Another day, another record as I 'weather' ex-tropical Cyclone Dovi with 150 km/hr winds predicted later today in Aotearoa NZ.”

“Iceland hit by record-breaking waves, among the highest ever measured in the world #RecordWave #waves #Iceland #WXrecord

“Iceland hit by record-breaking waves, among the highest ever measured in the world”

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