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02/2022 “Former advisor to Pres Obama now a FOX news contributer.Say what????,”

Updated: Aug 12, 2022


“How the threat of climate change is an existential one that could bring about societal collapse sooner than we expect.”


Please do not resort to cannibalism – long story short, the prion’s you’ll acquire will destroy your brain:

“The End Is Nigh — What To Do In The Face Of Collapse?

Part 6: The Prepper, The Activist, And The Hedonist”

“Life as we know it is set to change irreversibly. The cause is a multitude of factors that by themselves are solvable, but together they are not. Chief among these challenges is climate change, which acts as an amplifying and synchronizing force.”

2015-08-27 271aaaa


“Rightwing lobby group Alec driving laws to blacklist companies that boycott the oil industry

“Far right lobby ALEC is driving a surge in new state laws to block boycotts of the oil industry. The group’s strategy, which aims to protect large oil firms and other conservative-friendly industries, is modelled on legislation to punish divestment from Israel”


“Extinction Level Event: Food Chain Collapse”


“U.S. grocery shortages deepen as pandemic dries supplies”


Our Politicians and their Special Interests must be held accountable:

Food, they just aren’t making it anymore:

“Shortages Are Only Going To Get Worse, Here’s how to be ready”


Democrats + Republicans = Fourth Reich:

“Looking around the globe today, you’ve probably gritted your teeth and wondered: “Why the &%!# are we repeating history?” Authoritarianism, nationalism, tribalism — extreme inequality, social breakdown, rising demagoguery — check, check, check. You’d be right. So here are seven lessons we should have learned from history but didn’t.”

“Seven Lessons We Should Have Learned From History — But Didn’t

How Societies Self-Destruct”


“The Great Climate Backslide: How Governments are Regressing Worldwide”


“There Is Nothing Normal about One Million People Dead from COVID”

“Mass media and policy makers are pushing for a return to pre‐COVID times while trying to normalize a staggering death toll.”


By the end of 2021 there is going to be widespread panic about what the American Rich and their Democrats and Republicans have done to the global environment:

“‘Dangerously hot conditions’ prompt rare February heat alert in Los Angeles

National Weather Service warns that Super Bowl visitors from other states may be at risk for heat-related illnesses”


And the meat industry is a major player in destroying the Amazon:

“The Meat Industry’s Middlemen Are Starving Families and Farmers

How monopolization in the meatpacking and processing industry affects us all”

“The top four firms in beef, pork, and poultry own well over half of the meat packing and processing industry.. this monopoly sits directly in between farm and table on the supply chain. Plus, during the pandemic, these middleman conglomerates have raked in record profits.”


“Counterfeit parts found in U.S. nuclear plants -inspector general”

“Counterfeit parts have been discovered in U.S. nuclear plants, potentially increasing the risk of a safety failure, per a report released Thursday. The report is a blow to a U.S nuclear industry that has shrunk in recent years due to competition from renewables and gas, and lingering public concerns following Fukushima.”


“The End of Growth

No more cheap energy, no more growth”

“Energy must be spent in every single economic activity, and the era of cheap energy is over. The price of fossil fuels affects everything: from metals to plastics, from food to electricity. No wonder the price of commodities are soaring. The Age of Diminishing returns has begun in earnest.”


“The Predator State”

“James K. Galbraith discusses the shift of US capitalism from an industrial state to what he calls a predator state: a finance-led, military-centered corporate republic that continues to prevail.”


“A cause of America's labor shortage: Millions with long COVID”

“As many as 30% of people with COVID develop the long-term illness, with many sufferers struggling to return to work.”


Texas is a failed fossil fuel state:

“Texas convenience store chain says around 13% of its products are out of stock because of manufacturer shortages”


“Texas Got Double the Earthquakes in 2021

Fracking is the prime suspect behind a surge in Texas earthquakes last year.”


“The "Crapification" of the U.S. Economy Is Now Complete “

“"Crapification" is the transformation from a society that once drew its identity from producing quality goods and services to a society that draws its identity from consuming crapified goods and services.”


“Everything Is Breaking, and nothing will be fine”

“The fridge packs up and can’t be fixed, cause parts are impossible to find, The garage-door breaks and nobody comes, cause workers are busy all the time. Everything is breaking down and nothing will be fine. This is capitalism in decline.”


“Scientists Fear Soaring Methane Levels Show Climate Feedback Loop Has Arrived”

“Rapidly rising levels of atmospheric methane are "very bad news for humanity and the planet," warned one observer.”


“To Counter Global Warming, Focus Far More on Methane, a New Study Recommends”

“Scientists at Stanford have concluded that the EPA has radically undervalued the climate impact of methane, a “short-lived climate pollutant,” by focusing on a 100-year metric for quantifying global warming.”


“Scientists raise alarm over ‘dangerously fast’ growth in atmospheric methane

As global methane concentrations soar over 1,900 parts per billion, some researchers fear that global warming itself is behind the rapid rise.”


“Household debt jumped by $1 trillion in 2021, the most since 2007”

A direct, intended, consequence of Government fobbing off the cost of keeping the economy afloat as a result of the pandemic. The People bailed out America by burning through what little savings and wealth they had and driving themselves deeper into debt.:


“Insurance Companies Are Abandoning Homeowners Facing Climate Disasters”

“Insurance companies are leaving homeowners at the mercy of climate catastrophes they helped create. Major insurance companies are choosing to protect the fossil fuel industry while abandoning homeowners whose safety and livelihoods are being threatened by the industry’s carbon emissions. They insist future climate-related losses will likely prevent them from turning a profit.”


At the most difficult time in humanity’s existence our govt has been subsumed by individuals who are the most ill qualified to deal with it.

“Dept. of 'We Are Shocked, Shocked...': A new report finds that the climate plans of 25 of the world’s most valuable companies are much weaker than they appear.”

“Net-Zero Plans of the Biggest Global Companies Do Not Add Up to Net Zero

A new report finds that the climate plans of 25 of the world’s most valuable companies are much weaker than they appear”

[and yea, you can blame ALEC too]


Democrats & Republicans are getting American's on board with the Nazi salute,...I'm just saying World, if you got silo's you need to jack'em and make sure their aim is true, because its coming,...

“Nazi salute? Blame the Jewish student”


John Berbatis:

“Feb 8. Prepare For ‘Category 6’ Hurricanes.

Storms are getting stronger, moving slower and are holding more water than ever before. They are also rapidly intensifying faster than ever.

"When a Category 5 hurricane’s wind speeds start at 157 mph, and we see storms with maximum sustained winds of 180 mph, it’s a number that makes me go pale," says Dr Robert Olson.

Since 2010, there have been 18 storms globally with recorded wind speeds of at least 178 mph.”


“Preparing for Category 6 hurricanes, a new facility will test winds of 200 mph and storm surge”

“When Category 5 isn't enough-- The National Science Foundation just awarded a $12.8 million grant to Florida International University's Extreme Events Institute for the design of a full-scale testing facility capable of producing winds of 200 mph, along with a water basin to simulate storm surge and wave action in extreme winds.”


Earth has systemic self-correcting mechanisms built in:

“Today in Indonesia, the world-famous Krakatoa Volcano erupted; the volcano has substantially influenced global climate since it erupted in 1883.”

“Krakatoa: Volcano Strong Enough to Change the Climate Erupted Today in Indonesia”


America needs to END LAWNS:

“Water Supplies From Glaciers May Peak Sooner Than Anticipated

New satellite mapping of the world’s mountain ice suggests Earth’s glaciers may contain less water than previously thought.”

“The world’s glaciers may contain less water than previously believed, a new study has found, suggesting that freshwater supplies could peak sooner than anticipated for millions of people worldwide who depend on glacial melt for drinking water, crop irrigation and everyday use.”


“France Braces For Blackouts As Gas Stockpiles Dwindle”

“France’s natural gas stockpiles are shrinking as Europe’s energy crisis persists, stoking fears of winter blackouts.”


Our Politicians and their Special Interests must be held accountable:

“One Million Deaths: The Hole the Pandemic Made in U.S. Society-- Covid-19 has been directly responsible for most of the fatalities, but the disease is also unraveling families and communities in subtler ways.”

“Since the start of the pandemic, about 6.8 million Americans have died. That’s roughly a million more deaths than would have been expected in that time. These so-called excess deaths were overwhelmingly attributed directly to Covid-19. The remainder likely include Covid-19 deaths improperly recorded and deaths from other causes amplified by the pandemic.


“Is air pollution contributing to the ‘insect apocalypse’? Yes, experts tell DTE

Pollutants affect certain insects more than others; they can kill them or mess with their ability to sniff flowers, lowering pollination services”


“Telling someone who is voting third party that it’s a wasted vote is a truly fascist bully tactic to intimidate voters to maintain the two-party system.”


Weekly update on catastrophes taking place throughout the World in response to the Rich and American Politicians killing the planet:

“CATACLYSMS: FEBRUARY 8, 2022 / earthquakes, climate change, volcano, tsunami, natural disasters,news”


“America’s use of drones against foreign countries is the epitome of might-makes-right policy. American citizens never put themselves in the position of being the victims, only the perpetrators. What if that were to change? One day it no doubt will.”

“Terror Comes to America”


“Income Growth Over Time

Posttax income growth by U.S. Income Group”


“Former advisor to Pres Obama now a FOX news contributer.

Say what????,”


“The Internet Platforms We All Use Should Be Publicly Owned and Democratically Controlled”


“The GOP officially declared the January 6th insurrection “legitimate political discourse”. Sign our petition to tell Scott Fitzgerald & the GOP that we will not blindly accept this resolution!”


“Woosh” goes Inflation:

“Fed is still repressing the federal funds rate to near 0%, which makes this Fed the most reckless Fed ever.”

“So this is inflation in the process of burning out of control, with the Fed – the most reckless Fed ever – still pouring huge amounts of fuel on the fire through its asset purchases that won’t end until early March, and through its interest-rate repression that it will only too slowly, too little, and too late back off from, and through its recklessly gargantuan balance sheet that it will unwind too slowly and too late.”


We used to export education – a service - (foreign students going to college in America) but Koch killed that and you can bet so did Democrats wafting the flames of violence against China and immigrants:

“US Trade Deficit Explodes: The Price of 30 Years of Rampant Globalization - The US still exports a lot of stuff — record amounts. But it drowns under a tsunami of imports. And the services surplus fizzled.”

“US Trade Deficit Exploded in 2021: The Price of 30 Years of Rampant Globalization”


“US Faces Teacher Shortage as Workers Quit Rapidly”

A success for privatizers and Conservatives wanting to “tame the beast”:

“Teachers, education workers quit in droves-- In December, 143,000 workers in the education sector quit their jobs, according to the US Department of Labor. The number of job openings in the national education sector increased by 58,000.


"Degrowth is the Future.

The question is not whether we will face degrowth, but what we choose to degrow.”


“Greedflation” is Biden’s contribution to American history:

“Hate Inflation? Blame Corporations

They’re responsible for 100% of the price hikes we’re enduring”

“Do governments raise prices? No.

Do buyers raise prices? No.

So what causes prices to rise?

And the answer is…

Sellers raise prices.

That’s it.

Governments and buyers don’t raise prices. Sellers do.”


“Openness and Transparency - Pillars for Democracy, Trust and Progress”

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