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02/2002 “Without the bees humans will die…"

Updated: Dec 24, 2023

“Ocean Heat Killing Spree”


“Will humans be extinct by 2026?”


“Could Earth go the same way as Venus?

A 2°C, 3°C, 4°C or 5°C RISE?”


Diagram of Overt versus Covert White Supremacy in the United States:

The Bad-wing (Dyspteris abortivaria)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2012-05-20-0732-20 IMG_5238aaaa

““You ain’t black” if you vote for Trump

Says the white moderate [Biden] who supported racial segregation”


“Massive brush fire erupts in Laguna Beach, forcing hundreds of evacuations”


“The greatest evils in our history were carried out by those who wrote the laws not by those who brake them.”


“Last year, Amazon generated an estimated 599 million pounds of plastic packaging. A single ingested piece of plastic can kill a sea turtle.”



We don’t have a voter fraud problem. What we have is a problem with our own government defrauding the non rich of free and fair elections:

“The “big lie” that elections are being stolen by “leftists” is nothing but an excuse for Republicans to steal elections they can’t win fairly at the ballot box. MAGAs like Ron DeSantis are simply laying the groundwork for 2024 in case the Republicans lose.”


“We knew it! Tried to stop it! Now we must stop it! NonViolently!

Imprison those that bribe, those that accept bribes, and any who are complicit in corruption in our government, Now. I am done trying. We must just do it! Just Do It!”


Peter Daou:

“I’m nervous.

What if we move #TooFarLeft and working people get healthcare, we deal with the climate crisis, college is free, housing is affordable, and there are no more billionaires while kids go hungry?

Whatever will we do?”


Biden and the DemGOPs “Greedflation”:

“Prices for everything gone up by 5% to more than 20% in the last 12 months. All Corporate tool warmonger Biden can do/say is : I’m hopping in the next few months prices stay steady with increase supply”


“Without the bees humans will die…

Please save the bees”


“Mexico to Replace 16 Million Tonnes of GM Corn With Native Varieties & Ban the Toxic Herbicide Glyphosate”


“treating ‘having wealth’ as evidence for ‘deserving wealth’ is just capitalism’s version of ‘divine right of kings’.”


“Plans for a disputed mega-road through the Susitna Valley backcountry are moving forward again”


Always be suspicious of those who engage in “charity”:

“The way 'good' people explain away bad behaviour is called 'moral licensing' — here's what it means”


EXCERPTS: "Public figures carefully build up positive personas

Humans have a way of explaining away their more questionable decisions by something called "moral licensing."

Psychologically, we believe we can balance out our less favourable actions because we have been good in the past.

This phenomenon has been seen when highly respected or powerful people act in ways that contradict their public personas.

This psychological bargaining is called "moral licensing" and it explains how when people initially behave in a moral way, they are more likely to display behaviors that are immoral, unethical, or problematic in other ways later.

Moral licensing behaviour can also have more severe impacts on others, like being discriminatory or abusive.

For example, as an article in Refinery29 points out, several men who claim to be liberal, or to be feminists, have recently been accused of sexually harassing or abusing women.

Harvey Weinstein donated millions of dollars to the Democratic party, and went to a Women's March in January.

Louis C.K. supported Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election, and was often praised for his feminist style jokes about men being the ultimate danger to women. In 2012, he also released Tig Notaro's comedy album, which sold 75,000 copies. In the New York Times exposé on C.K.'s actions, Notaro said she now thinks this was merely a way of covering his tracks.

In 2010, psychologists from Stanford University performed a study that was published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. The results showed that people who expressed support for president Obama were granted "moral credentials" from their actions, and were thus more likely to be racist or prejudiced afterwards.

Ultimately, anyone can fall victim to giving themselves excuses. The next time someone you admire or see as morally good behaves in a way that contradicts that, don't be surprised.

Moral licensing helps remind us that someone's actions can't be excused by their past, no matter how much respect they have, or how untouchable they seem.”


Privatization can be reversed and must be reversed here in America:

“RE-nationalized, DE-privatized. It can be done!”

“Scotland's train services nationalised from 1 April”


Christofacism’s tyranny:

“West Virginia Students Stage Walkout After School Hosts Christian Revival”

“Students in West Virginia were made to attend a Christian revival where they were told to close their eyes, raise their arms in prayer and give their lives to Jesus Christ.”


“How Corporate Media Became A Misinformation Machine | Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar”


In comparison to countries around the world Quality of Life in America stinks:

“The ‘World Happiness Report’ “

“The ‘World Happiness Report’ is a publication of the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network. It contains articles and rankings of national happiness, based on respondent ratings of their own lives, which the report also correlates with various quality of life factors. As of March 2021, Finland had been ranked the happiest country in the world four times in a row. [Source: “World Happiness Report” Wikipedia]

How the United States compares with Finland:

Dimension, United States Rank, Finland Rank

Overall Happiness 18, 1

GDP per capita 9, 22

Generosity 18, 86

Social support 31, 3

Freedom to make life choices 56, 6

Perceptions of corruption 43, 4

GDP per capita: A country’s total economic value isn’t the most important factor that determines happiness. It is how wealth is distributed within a population that matters. Data provided by the World Bank reports the U.S. as having the 4th highest wealth inequality among all nations while Finland ranks a distant 78th.

Generosity: The huge disparity in rankings tells the story. The hyper-competitive culture and lack of equitable opportunities in the United States creates hardship. When a capital class shifts its costs onto communities, either communities respond or people suffer. Somebody will bear the burden of misfortune. And in the U.S., it’s the middle class taxpayer that carries the major load.

Social Support: Clearly, Finland takes care of its people while the U.S. lags for behind. Government should prevent hardship, not spend inordinate funds repairing the damage caused by negligently opportunistic corporations. If the United States’ government properly fulfilled its duties, nobody would be able to sufficiently live while focusing on personal development.

Freed and Corruption: The significant disparities on these measures also underscore how social programs that provide greater personal freedoms and the faith in government to carry out these programs promote the general happiness of a nation.”


“Video: How Bottom-Up Economics Works!”


“Roaming Charges: This Week’s Episodes in “That’s Psychotic!””

““There’s a difference between saying: ‘Look, I’m going to kick him in the face because I want what he has,’ and the American way, which is to say ‘I’m going to kick him in the face because that’s right and just, and if he tries to get out of the way, he’s a criminal.’ That’s psychotic.” – Chomsky”


“National Ban On Lead-Based Ammunition, Fishing Tackle Sought To End Wildlife Poisoning – Lead Still A Potent Killer Of Millions Of Wild Birds, Health Risk For Humans”

“Experts estimate that 10 - 20 million wild animals die from lead poisoning in the United States each year after scavenging on carcasses contaminated with lead bullet fragments or ingesting spent lead-shot pellets or lost fishing weights.”

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