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02/2002 “U.S. lawmakers traded an estimated $355 million of stock last year."

Updated: Aug 12, 2022

They don’t even pretend to govern for the common good:

“U.S. lawmakers traded an estimated $355 million of stock last year. These were the biggest buyers and sellers.”


“New metric shows how severe global warming is getting”


Ahn Otuh:

ICYMI: --- "...the world remains...within a stone’s throw of apocalypse. ...The doorstep of doom is no place to loiter." ---

2015-07-28 222aaaaVsn3p



Every society has a tipping point.”


People who died from COVID should file a civil suit against Charles Koch and his network:

“Climate change denial is dangerous, but just as harmful are “climate delay” strategies that merely pretend to address the climate crisis.”

“Beware ‘Climate Delay’ Tactics Meant to Undermine Effective Action, Hastings-Simon Warns”


“Financial Superbubble Meets Political Dystopia

The next major recession will be the final ingredient in America’s poisonous post-Trump evolution.”

“It pays to pay attention to the economy. What goes up will, inevitably, come down. Sooner rather than later, given that America has been in a steady bull market since 2009, interrupted only briefly by a devastating global pandemic that has killed 875,000 people in this country with little visible effect on our roaring markets. The next major recession will be the final ingredient in America’s poisonous post-Trump evolution.”



“The People Who Run This Country Are All Too Damn Old

A health scare in the Senate is a reminder of how one unexpected illness could completely change the dynamic of American government.”


“Why We’re Sick Of Greenwashing From Big Banks

Since the Paris agreement was signed in 2015, banks have invested more than $3.8 trillion in oil, gas, and coal production.”


Democrats’ allowing SCOTUS to continue in its diseased state is an atrocity:

“How Dark Money Bought A Supreme Court Seat

While Justice Amy Barrett feigned ignorance of dark money, new documents show that cash bankrolled her Supreme Court nomination.”


When “it” comes, “it” is going to be spectacularly bad:

“European Commission endorses worst

Campaigners fear Brussels’ sustainable finance taxonomy will lead to more gas power plants being built, locking in high emissions”


“Edelman promised to ditch coal. Then it took $3M from a coal group.

The world's biggest PR firm has a lot of big climate talk. Here's one example of how it walks.”


“How much does it cost to buy a scientist? Less than you would imagine, and it is perfectly legal”

“Ugo Bardi: Buying a scientist or, at least, a scientist's silence, may cost anything between a few tens of thousands of dollars to a million and even more. Not only it is legal, but all research institutions encourage their employees to get grants from private companies.”


30% or 50% in 30 yrs” as a goal for our natural places should come with a HUGE qualifier.

It’s like your saying you’re going to keep alive just 30 or 50% of a dying person. If the whole is dying you are being disingenuous to claim that you are “saving” a percentage of that whole. Admittedly, in the environment’s case, the percentage of the whole you “save” does help save the remaining, but we are waaaaay beyond setting aside a portion of the planet so it will save us into perpetuity:

“As temperatures warm, sea levels rise, and storms intensify, causing food insecurity and displacement of entire populations, natural landmarks that may seem invulnerable to the ravages of climate are seriously threatened.”

“Natural Landmarks Already Damaged or Destroyed by Climate Change”


“Overwhelmed by Solar Projects, the Nation’s Largest Grid Operator Seeks a Two-Year Pause on Approvals

“It’s a kink in the system,” says one developer trying to bring solar jobs to coal country. “The planet does not have time for a delay.””


“North American Methane Emissions Over the Last Decade Higher than National Inventories Suggest”

Mark trewick

“It's almost always worse than they thought.”

“(Atmospheric methane is the most important greenhouse after carbon dioxide. Natural emissions of methane mainly come from wetlands, while anthropogenic or human-driven emissions come from the oil and gas supply chain, coal mining, livestock, and waste management. According to researchers, the national inventories underestimate methane emissions from the oil sector, particularly in the south-central US, western Canada, and southeastern Mexico. )”


Hot House Earth:

“If you’re not thinking about the climate impacts of thawing permafrost, (here’s why) you should be”

Mark Trewick:

“It becomes all the more real when the UN start to inform about it.

(Earth’s permafrost is thawing, and indigenous communities in the Arctic and scientists around the world say it’s high time this alarming loss of ground ice receives the global attention – and dedicated research – it deserves. As this phenomenon reshapes landscapes, displaces whole villages, and disrupts fragile animal habitats; it also threatens to release dangerous microorganisms and potential carbon emissions that have been locked in ice for thousands of years.)


Peter carter

“Fossil fuel methane is pouring out. Atmospheric methane emitted at a record rate for the past three years”

“Large Methane Emissions from Fossil Fuel Production”


“Methane is becoming the largest discrepancy from emissions trajectories necessary for meeting the agreement’s target.”

“Methane in the atmosphere is at an all-time high – here’s what it means for climate change”

Kevin Hester:

“Methane’s short lifetime means that the real rate of methane release is considerably higher than the daily readings imply. Everything about the climate and extinction crisis is always worse than we know.”


“EU climate monitor reports last seven years were world’s hottest on record”


“Methane and climate change”


“Jet Stream Collapses on Florida - Deadly Historic Blizzard of 2022 Strikes East Coast USA”


Jean-Michel Pourny:

“a changing jet stream means higher temps can visit and stay longer in the arctic thereby warming shallow arctic seabeds further allowing yet more methane to escape...”

“Is THIS the Real Reason Weather is Getting Wilder?”


Mark trewick

“Because of a succession of days with unusually mild temperatures and a profound shortage of wet weather and the fact that its just not usual Winter weather. The Methane is spewing out of the ground.

A storm is currently blowing through, with 60mph gusts. Its 11°C.

Normal has gone. Never to return.”


“State of the climate: How the world warmed in 2021”


“Madagascar Flooding: 86 Dead So Far”




Val Eisman


"[Another study]

“Permafrost carbon emissions in a changing Arctic”

warns that methane and CO2 escaping from long-frozen soil could accelerate warming and overwhelm global efforts to cap the rise in Earth's temperature at livable levels.

Exposure of highly combustible organic matter no longer locked away by ice is also fueling unprecedented wildfires, making permafrost a triple threat, the studies report.

Blanketing a quarter of the northern hemisphere's land mass, permafrost contains twice the carbon currently in the atmosphere, and triple the amount emitted by human activity since 1850.

By definition, it is ground that has been at temperatures colder than zero degrees Celsius (32F) for more than two years, though much permafrost is thousands of years old.

Temperatures in the Arctic region have risen two to three times more quickly over the last half-century than for the world as a whole – 2 to 3 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.

The region has also seen a series of freakish weather anomalies, with temperatures in winter flaring up to 40C above previous averages.

Permafrost itself has, on average, warmed nearly 0.4C from 2007 to 2016, "raising concerns about the rapid rate of thaw and potential old carbon release," note researchers led by Kimberley Miner, a scientist at the California Institute of Technology's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.h"

“Thawing Permafrost Is Poised to Unleash Havoc in The Arctic, Scientists Warn”


“Methane, Sea Ice, & Climate Weekly Roundup with Margo (Jan. 30, 2022)”


“Extreme heat in oceans ‘passed point of no return’ in 2014”

“Formerly rare high temperatures now covering half of seas and devastating wildlife, study shows”


“The past’s extreme ocean heat waves are now the new normal”


“Scientists confirm record-breaking 17 second lightning strike”


“Climate change will damage energy infrastructure, costing trillions “

“Climate change and extreme weather will harm oil and gas exploration and production, electric power generation and increase energy demand due to sea level rise, heat, drought, floods, more storms, and blackouts. Extreme heat and drought will force electric power plants to shut down from lack of cooling water. Our continuing exponentially growing population will increase demand on our falling apart energy infrastructure. Climate caused disasters are already costing billions of dollars, and in the future, trillions.”


“Saving the Arctic with Cloud Brightening”


Kevin Hester:

“My latest Thwaites study.

The melting ice sheet (bottom right) is the size of New Zealand.”

“To understand how dire losing that much ice is watch the embedded video on Albedo below.”

“Cascading Consequences of the Loss of Arctic Sea Ice”


Mark Krause:

“A Farm Can be Carbon Neutral With Bio Methane:”


“Chemical companies have produced more chemicals—including plastics—than the planet can safely sustain without potentially causing irreversible harm to the environment or human health, says a team of international researchers.”

“Life on Earth Can’t Handle the Chemical Industry’s Onslaught

Researchers warn that firms are pumping out risky new compounds way too fast.”


“In every corner of the nation and in every season, blackouts are becoming more common as climate change tests America’s aging power grids.”

“February 1, 2022 Blackouts Are a Growing Reality for Americans”


“South-east Queensland to swelter in 'severe heatwave' driven by 90pc humidity, BOM says”


“Where Have All the Labor Movies Gone?”


“Only in America…do we accept weather predictions from a rodent but deny climate change evidence from scientists.”


“Bitcoin Consuming Dirty Energy”


“Admitting both parties routinely ignore the Constitution, reject the Rule of Law, and eroded liberty is the first step to recovery.”


“Lawns in the USA account for over 50% of all residential water use. Maybe it is time we reconsider having over 40 million acres of water-intensive lawns.”

“Lawns in the USA

Thank you to all of our followers! We are happy to grow and learn with you all! Over 75,000 gardeners from all over the globe now!? Wow!

You can find our work elsewhere as well!

Check out our YouTube channel here Videos of imperfect gardens/greenhouses and confused gardeners

We also have a Facebook group! Feel free to join the 35,000+ other gardeners here:


“More than 20 dead and thousands displaced as heavy rain triggers floods and landslides in Brazil”

"At least 24 people have died since Friday after heavy rain battered São Paulo, triggering floods and landslides across the Brazilian state.

"More than 1,546 families have also been displaced, according to a statement released by the State Civil Defense, which also said that at least eight children were among the dead.

"Authorities have deployed a working group of firefighters, military police and civil defense personnel to support the mayors of the cities that have been impacted, said São Paulo Governor João Doria on Sunday.

"Images from the municipality of Franco da Rocha showed parts of major roads submerged, while others showed rescue workers digging through debris in search of survivors and valuable belongings after a landslide destroyed homes."

"The southern part of Brazil has been experiencing an increase in average rainfall, as well as extreme rain events, since the 1960s, partly because of increases in global greenhouse gas emissions and the depletion of the atmosphere's ozone layer, according to the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change."


America does NOT have free and fair elections


The U.S. military industrial congressional complex is out of control:

“The F-35 doesn’t work as a submarine either!”

“Which one did we lose in the China Sea? The A, the B, or the C?

Flying the F-35 currently costs $36,000 per hour, and it has a projected lifetime cost of $1.7 trillion. Defense News

The F-35’s price per unit, including costs like depot maintenance, ground support equipment, and spare parts is:

$110.3 million per F-35A,

$135.8 million per F-35B

$117.3 million per F-35C.

Those totals do not include the nearly $1.3 trillion in life cycle costs to operate and sustain the aircraft over its 66-year life cycle, making it the most expensive weapons system in U.S. history. Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation”


Morrison should be expelled from Australian Government:

“Australia’s F-35s: Lessons from a problematic purchase

The rush nearly 20 years ago to buy the fighter of the future exposed fundamental shortcomings in defence acquisitions.”


“CATACLYSMS: FEBRUARY 1, 2022 / earthquakes, climate change, volcano, tsunami, natural disasters,news”


Democrats and Republicans seek to indoctrinate our children into their Neo Nazi fascist white supremacy ideology at their schools:

“Sales soar for ‘Maus’ after its banning in Tennessee

Earlier this month, the McMinn County School Board in Tennessee voted to remove the Pulitzer Prize winning graphic novel.”


Aspirations for even the most meager attributes of an American utopia are gone and never coming back:


Western Conservative Billionaires are active overseas:

"Finland, Sweden and Norway are slaughtering wolves to limit their numbers despite many conservation organizations urging the European Union to intervene."

“Trio Of European Nations To Cull Wolf Population; Conservation Groups Oppose Move”


“News outlets entrusted with promoting transparency and privacy are lobbying behind closed doors against proposals to regulate the mass collection of Americans’ data.”


The “surveillance advertising” industry makes online news possible.”


“Amnesty International published a report Tuesday accusing Israel of carrying out “the crime of apartheid against Palestinians.””


“Belgian inflation rises to highest level since 1983”

“Unlike most EU countries, in Belgium, wages rise when inflation rises. The main difference is that in Belgium it is done automatically to match the inflation. The system allows citizens not to lose purchasing power.

Ahmed Laaouej, leader of the Socialist Party in the Chamber of Representatives of Belgium says this system is necessary to protect the average worker.”


“Teen Who Tracked Elon Musk’s Private Jet Now Exposing Movements Of Other Billionaires”


Boycott Texas:

“Banned: Books on race and sexuality are disappearing from Texas schools in record numbers”


America, where killing your fellow man, women, and child(ren) for convenience or additional luxuries is all the rage!:

“Greg Abbott Scratches Promise That People He Governs Will Have Basic Survival Utilities”


Earthquake in the state of South Carolina:

“More shaking in Columbia area after SC’s 12th earthquake of the new year”


“Most severe earthquake in 30 years a 'wake-up call' to New Madrid Seismic Zone”


Gov. Ron DeSantis:

“'The Jew is the devil' — Neo-Nazis rally in Florida”

“"The Jew is the devil" and "Jews rape children and drink their blood" were among slogans chanted at a rally in Orlando held by the National Socialist Movement.”



The bill would ban public schools and private businesses from inflicting “discomfort” on white people during lessons or training about discrimination.”


“VOICES: The threat is not Critical Race Theory — it’s racism”


Today’s Corporations, not foreign Countries, are the “invaders” that kill on America’s Main Streets


facebook = "data harvesting surveillance machine"


As US allegedly moves toward critical number of new Covid infections in order to resume wealth concentration, ya gotta ask: who’s counting the positive results from home testing kits Biden\koch sent out?


Biden’s AntiViolence Initiative is Pathetic; Concentrating wealth has forced people into worsening squalor & poverty and now they’re cracking down on the consequences of their economic violence should people have the audacity to react to it


National Debt hits record $30 Trillion as socialized cost of Ukraine war looms. A climate killing War that benefits the rich & corps (who don’t pay their fair share of taxes) so they can pump up the stock market with their concentrated wealth


“How People think WW2 was,

How it really was”


America has no human rights

“New Data Shows 61% Rise in U.S. Prison Deaths in 2020. Only One (1) Media Outlet Reported On It.”

“Amid wall-to-wall coverage of "organized" shoplifting, an unprecedented rise in deaths inside America’s prisons brought upon by reckless Covid policy is met with a collective yawn.”


“Meet the People Getting Paid to Kill Our Planet

American agriculture is ravaging the air, soil and water. But a powerful lobby has cleverly concealed its damage.

We’re Cooked Our food system is broken.”


“Dry January: Reno goes a month with no rain for the first time in nearly 130 years

After experiencing its wettest October on record when close to 3in of rain fell in two days, the area is now facing the other extreme”


Steven Bannon’s handy work no doubt. Conservative Western Rich are applying the same vote getting techniques and appeals the world over:

“Poland’s border wall to cut through Europe’s last old-growth forest

Work has begun on a 116-mile long fence on the Polish-Belarusian border. Scientists call it an environmental “disaster.””


Canada needs to send the bill for additional policing to Betsy DeVos and Charles Koch:

“‘Significant element’ from U.S. involved in self-described ‘Freedom Convoy’ in Canada, official says”


High prices enable high cost extraction – difficult to get at fossil fuels become financially feasible:

“How Spiking Energy Prices Complicate the Fight Against Global Warming

Oil and gas prices are soaring, while coal use is reaching record highs worldwide. Here’s what the upheaval could mean for climate policies across the globe.”


“Record Fossil Extraction from Canada, U.S., Norway Despite Fervent Climate Pledges”


“Tax-Dodging Billionaire Dynasties Could Cost US $8.4 Trillion: Report

The wealth-hoarding by ultrarich families would be equivalent to over four Build Back Better plans.”


“A butterfly conservatory is shutting down due to right-wing harassment”


“Stewart Rhodes’ wife says he planned for Trump to install Oath Keepers as his ‘brownshirts’”


Rise of the 4th Reich: Joe Biden Praises Mitch McConnell As 'A Man of Honor as;

The President of the United States just heaped praise on a man referred to as the undertaker of our democracy while;

Tennessee holds book burnings:

Oklahoma works to pass law to fire biology teachers for offending Christian values;

student debt remains uncancelled;

the number of Americans killed by COVID surpasses 900,000 Americans;

no action is taken on racist McConnell’s filibuster and Koch’s anti-voter laws, and

food insecurity rockets as the death of the planet rockets out of control

“Joe Biden Praises Mitch McConnell As 'A Man of Honor'

The Democratic leadership’s outward anti-GOP stance is a charade. The reality is that both ruling parties serve mutual capitalist interests.”


“They're Burning Books in Tennessee

Greg Locke's zealots set fire to sacred millennial texts like Harry Potter and”

“Last week, McMinn County made news when the school board voted to ban beloved graphic novel Maus — a Holocaust story told with anthropomorphic mice and cats — due to instances of swear words and nudity. While the vote happened in early January, it went viral following a report from TN Holler.

Last night, Mt. Juliet pastor and pro-Trump conspiracy theorist Greg Locke decided to turn it up a notch by organizing an old-fashioned book burning. The books included millennial staples like Harry Potter and Twilight — hits of the early Aughts that were targeted by Christian book burnings back in the day.

In a sermon preceding the bonfire, Locke”


A divided and conquered America will give rise to the Fourth Reich:

“Oklahoma bill would fire teachers for offending Christian morals by teaching biology

The bill would allow parents to sue teachers for $10,000 “per incident, per individual.” The fine would need to be paid by the teacher “from personal resources” and the educator cannot “receive any assistance from individuals or groups” or they’ll be fired.”

Note: the reliance on the Judiciary and the irony of precluding “dark money” benefiting working people


Feb 3, 2022:

“Biden FIGHTS To Make Student Debt Forgiveness More DIFFICULT”


America’s President and the rest of our politicians really have no agenda other than responding to requests and orders from the rich and special interests as they come on. All else, even optimizing the nation’s economy, is irrelevant:


“Instead of instruments to promote the general welfare, both parties have become the tools of corrupt interests, which use them impartially to serve their selfish purposes.

Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people.

To destroy this invisible government, to dissolve the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics, is the first task of the statesmanship of the day.” Theodore Roosesvelt


American politicians are committing genocide against the non-rich:

“‘It is an astronomically high number’: US Covid death toll surpasses 900,000”


“A Texas parent demanded a Michelle Obama biography be pulled from schools because they said it would make white girls feel 'ashamed'”


“Melting Greenland ice has already caused a 1.2 centimeter sea level rise

The island's ice sheet has lost about 4,700 gigatonnes since 2002, satellite measurements found.”

“Sea level rise is a bit of a red herring. Infinitely more important is the loss of latent heat and when ice loss reveals the ocean surface or rocks on land.

This is the best documented extinction event of them all.”


“How the PR Industry Has Helped Big Oil Transform the Way We Think About the Environment

Powered by fossil fuel funding, PR agents have used astroturfing, “manufactured consent,” and other techniques to furtively shape public perceptions in favor of their polluting clients.”


“A church is suing after a town says it can give away free meals only twice per week”

“Food not Bombs has run into this problem many times. Capitalists do not like people eating for free, ever, unless they are able to control the logistics and profit from it.”

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