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02/2002 “Israeli firm develops an infantry drone that can fire machine guns and sniper rifles..."

Updated: Dec 2, 2023

Douche bags polluting space:

“A SpaceX rocket that launched almost seven years ago is on a collision course with the Moon, experts have warned.

The Falcon 9 booster, which launched in February 2015 as part of an interplanetary mission, has been following a chaotic orbit since running out of fuel following its mission.

The four tonne rocket is expected to hit the Moon at a velocity of 2.58km/s at some point in the coming weeks.

The space junk is being tracked by Bill Gray, the creator of the Guide software used to monitor near-Earth objects, asteroids, minor planets and comets.

The astronomer put out a call for other observers to help gather data and calculate when the rocket might crash into the Moon, concluding that there will be a “certain impact” on 4 March, 2022.”

“SpaceX rocket on course to crash into moon, astronomers warn

The four-tonne Falcon 9 booster is expected to hit the moon at a velocity of 2.58km/s on 4 March”


“Tax Wealthy Private Universities Now “

“Elite universities like Harvard and Penn are using their tax-exempt status to rob public coffers blind. The solution is easy: tax them.”

Driftless Area, Dane County, Wisconsin, USA

2015-10-06 706aaap (2)


“Russia starts naval drills to rehearse protecting Arctic shipping lane

The Northern Fleet's exercises in the Barents Sea were to assess its readiness to protect the Northern Sea Route, officials said.”

Kevin Hester

“More aerosol pollution lowering the albedo of the ice, more hot exhaust emissions in the oceans and the atmosphere, more preparations for the coming war, more of everything except time.”


“Named: The oil companies gambling on climate failure”


“Big Oil's New Ad Campaign Is 'One of the Creepiest' It's Ever Made

Valero would like you to think you could never live a good life without its products. It's the fossil fuel industry's latest trick.”


“Why Our Societies Feel Like They’re Hanging On By a Thread

How Trauma Explains Everything About Now”


SCOTUS: Yes a woman who is an American of African ancestry is needed, BUT whoever is chosen MUST represent NON-RICH Americans AND no replacement obviates the need to purge TRUMP’S Kavanaugh, Gorsuch & Barrett

Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas’s wife helped organize the Jan 6 Coup! If Biden is not going to support democracy he needs to leave - get Clarence Thomas off the us Supreme Court!


Remember Biden first referred to it as mild

“Dept. of "We're Number One!" The average number of Covid-19 deaths in the US is roughly on par with that seen during the peak of the Delta variant.”

“Daily US death toll from Covid now matches Delta”



“Perth smashed its previous heatwave records last week, after sweltering through six days in a row over 40℃—and 11 days over 40℃ this summer so far. On top of that, Perth has suffered widespread power outages and a bushfire in the city's north.”

“What drove Perth's record-smashing heatwave, and why it's a taste of things to come”


He should be arrested the instant he steps off American soil

“Joe Manchin’s name is reviled on the streets of Bangladesh and other countries facing climate disaster as he blocks Biden’s effort to curb planet-heating gases.”

“‘He’s a villain’: Joe Manchin attracts global anger over climate crisis”


“This was supposed to be the year that things “got back to normal”, but here at the end of January, things have only gotten worse. As we move forward into February and beyond, there are two key global shortages that bear close watching.”

“Two Shortages That Threaten To Absolutely Eviscerate The Global Economy In 2022”


“In some Native languages term for plants translates to ‘those who take care of us’.” Robin Wall Kimmerer, “Braiding Sweetgrass”


Dana Woods \Climate Change Survival:

The methane (150 to 200 times more potent than CO2 for the first 5 years) which has recently been and now is much moreso , pouring out of the Arctic ocean (at 2300 some parts per billion) is NOT from fracking and it's limitless for all practical purposes. A tiny fraction will put life on Earth over the top if it hasn't already . This began to look like this about 2 weeks after a large earthquake in the Laptev Sea. (melting ice causes more seismic activity) The shallow WATER on the Coast is rapidly warming, below that is "permafrost" which emits Methane as it melts , and below that is a zone of Methane hydrates (methane in chrystalized form which has/HAD? been keeping the ENORMOUIS AMOUNT of Methane in the sediment under it, contained)

Please stop fooling yourselves and letting climate media personalities (eg lying Micheal Mann) tell you that emissions reductions, or planting trees or even the most efficient carbon capture can save life on Earth from near term extinction. Cloud Brightening in the Arctic must be implemented ASAP (it just involves spraying sea water into clouds to fall back onto ice and can be stopped on a dime if necessary for some reason. It could keep the Arctic from going ice free which which be the end of life on Earth soon after .

Meanwhile. you/we should demand that generous money be allotted IMMEDIATELY to study other , more controversial solar radiation management , as asked for the Academy of Science, Engineering and Medicine in March . This is way more than likely the last year we have to study these technologies before we will need to decide between them and complete extinction . If there are dangers involved it's all the more reason to study them more NOW , rather then deploying them without further research and/or having China deploy them unilaterally (China is studying them as I type) which cause more severe weather in other areas of the globe.

They must be deployed uniformly across the globe to not cause water shortages in the Southern hemisphere, at least , and more severe storms in the North. The peer reviewed study I posted yesterday shows that if deployed evenly across the globe, there would be a global cooling effect without additional severe weather anywhere. Calcium carbonate can and should be used and would not harm the ozone layer, but there are other questions and further research (currently overseen by NOAA) is needed THIS YEAR !!”


Today’s Biden and his DemGOPs America: “Never Forget. Never Again.”


“Think of the outrage of turning an old WWII extermination camp into a holiday resort.”

“I was a murderer. I didn’t take prisoners,” admitted an Israeli combat soldiers present for the June 1948 massacre in the Palestinian town of Tantura. “I had a machine gun with 250 bullets. I can’t say how many [I killed].”

“There’s a Mass Palestinian Grave at a Popular Israeli Beach, Veterans Confess”


“Please note the way to end animal abuse is not to find "better" ways to use animals. We need to end our use because there's no such thing as non-abusive use of animals and even if there were, it would still be wrong. Go vegan for peace.”



America the merchant of death and destruction for campaign donations in action:

“With US/UK support, Saudi Arabia is brutally Yemen (the poorest country in West Asia). It just killed 67 people and injured 108 more.

The victims include many migrants, women, and children.

This scorched-earth US-UK-Saudi-UAE war has gone on for almost 7 years now.

Joe Biden - during his campaign and then when he became president - repeatedly promised he would end the war on Yemen. Instead he sold more weapons to Saudi Arabia and has continued supporting it as it massacres civilians.”

“The accomplishment of an invasion and twenty year occupation by the US and it’s European Nato lackeys. Don’t mind this, just look at what Russian troops inside Russia are doing.”

“Desperate father offers to sell daughter amid Afghanistan’s humanitarian crisis”

“More than 70 people, including women and children, killed overnight in Yemen”


“Don’t mind this, just focus on Russia and Ukraine.”

“U.S. Bombed Syrian Dam in 2017 Despite Warning That Tens of Thousands Could Die”


“Good piece by Caitlin Johnstone following up Jonathan Cook's recent post about dissident perspectives being suppressed by establishment-aligned Big Tech (Google, Facebook, etc).

'Whoever controls the narrative controls the world. And as more and more people get their information about what's happening in the world from online sources, Silicon Valley algorithm manipulation has already become one of the most consequential forms of narrative control.'”

“Censorship By Algorithm Does Far More Damage Than Conventional Censorship”

“Is it already too late to say goodbye?”


Romeu Peitinho:

“Have been wondering (not for long) why is Al Jazeera so active in this Washington warmongering media blitz psyOp. Then it was clear that if European powers do get forced, by their internal public opinion, to join this Russia scare campaign, and impose sanctions that will hurt themselves more than Russia, energy prices will skyrocket in Europe, and that represents a profit hike for the Arab Emirates. Not that hard to see really.”

“As the threat of conflict looms, here's a look at the military capabilities of Russia and Ukraine:”


“Today on it's 75th anniversary, the #DoomsdayClock stands at 100 seconds to midnight.

Originally created in 1947 due to the threat of nuclear annihilation, the Clock now encompasses a range of ways that global modern techno-industrial civilization seeks its own obliteration. We are currently experiencing a pregnant pause as we process the failed promises on global climate action, biodiversity loss, and ecosystem collapse.

This Clock warns us how close we are to destroying our world. At 100 seconds to midnight, we must plan for collapse. If not now, when? A #PlannedCollapse is a #JustCollapse.”

“Tick, tick, tick...

The clock is ticking... Without really understanding our predicament, big or small, across all cultures, censorship is ignored at everybody's peril. We must speak true. We must #TalkCollapse


“Why are Russians so adamant on keeping, potentially aggressor, enemy armies away from their borders? Answer: They haven’t forgot.”

“Russia could designate German murders as 'genocide'

Prosecutors point to the brutal occupation and war crimes committed by the Third Reich”


“Presumably Guardian headline writers have to disengage their brains before regurgitating this kind of western propaganda. How is Russia to launch a 'lightning attack' on Ukraine when the whole of Nato is poised to unleash armageddon if it does so.”

“The Guardian beating up the drums of war. Not by far a first nor the last time.”

James Mealey Comment:

“James Mealey

The Guardian is a world-beater when it comes to flexible positional superiority. Their values and those of other western supremacits are deconstructed by Prof Seyed Mohammad Marandi in this interesting talk. The Guardian espouses this pro-western line just before every fresh kill. Its pretty shocking if you think about it”

“Prof Seyed Mohammad Marandi, "Western Values" and the Colonization of the Mind"”


“Safeway supermarkets switches to employee-owned structure”


“Kyle Rittenhouse Wants the Gun he Used to Fatally Shoot Two Men and Wound Another Back in His Possession

Rittenhouse also wants his clothing from the night of the shooting, cellphone, face mask and a $1 bill returned to him”


“In Russia, Indigenous land defenders face intimidation and exile

Pressure on communities comes as regional elites and big companies look to develop resource-rich Indigenous lands.”


“Google claims court ruling would force it to 'censor' the internet

The company appealed to Australia's High Court to overturn a defamation case.”


“Israeli firm develops an infantry drone that can fire machine guns and sniper rifles at targets while flying”


“The Plot continues. The Orange Feuhrer has lots of wannabee followers.”

“A Coup in plain sight”


Under Democrats and Republicans, racism is the new apple pie:

“Patriot Front Fascist Leak Exposes Nationwide Racist Campaigns”


“Yesterday, for the first time in my life, I noticed the US government use the phrase “lethal aid” as a euphemism for “arms” or “weapons.” By the very next day, national media adopted the phrase without even using quotes.”


“San Jose passes first U.S. law requiring gun owners to get liability insurance and pay annual fee”


Biden and the Democrats are still on track to forfeit the Peoples’ Postal Service to private equity:

“We not only need to defend the United States Postal Service from privatization — we need to deepen its role in our economy.”

“The post office plays an essential role beyond mail delivery, dropping off over a billion prescription drugs every year and playing a key part in national emergency planning. Its connection to every city and town across the country also puts it in a unique position to act as the foundation for a socialist transition by promoting public ownership, worker control, and decommodification of more sectors of the economy, including – for a start — banking, telecommunications, and software development.”

“Build Socialism Through the Post Office”


“This Company Spent More Than $1 Million On Union-Busting Consultants

A judge found that ready-mix concrete distributor Cemex committed “extraordinary violations” of the law in trying to defeat a Teamsters campaign.”


Gain in function:

“Omicron’s Radical Evolution”

"There’s a mystery here that someone has to figure out." Thirteen of Omicron’s mutations should have hurt the variant’s chances of survival. Instead, they worked together to make it thrive. Scientists are still trying to understand why.”


COVID came from America:


New records from the National Institutes of Health detail internal conversations involving EcoHealth Alliance’s research in Wuhan.”


“Stop broadcasting networks that undermine democracy”

“Roku and Pluto TV are offering consumers free access to some of the most dangerous sources of misinformation and Christian nationalist propaganda -- including OAN, Newsmax, and Real America's Voice. Add your name to tell these free TV providers to stop carrying fake news channels now”


Kevin Hester:

“This is how the corporate media pretends to cover the crises we face with the Cryosphere and then the article turns to spin.

Melting 7 times faster than a decade ago is exponential, then they parrot "Bevington says given the accelerated rate of melting, glaciers could possibly disappear in about 70 years", yeah right !

To learn more about the exponential function check out Albert Bartlett on You Tube. "The greatest short coming of the human race is it's inability to truly understand the exponential function."”

“B.C. glaciers melting 7 times faster in past decade than previous years, UNBC study finds”


“USACIA’s ‘Havana Syndrome’ conspiracy implodes: Here are media’s worst fake news stories

The CIA admitted US spies/diplomats aren’t being attacked by foreign adversaries. “Havana Syndrome” is mass hysteria. Here are the top corporate media outlets that spread this bogus conspiracy theory.”


Charles Koch needs to be arrested immediately along with those politicians who refuse to do it:

“How The Koch Network Hijacked The War On COVID”


Find interview with the authors in Archives at:

The U.S. pandemic response with Nina Burleigh, Alex Kotch, and Walker Bragman

“A Public Affair, Jan 28, 2022 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM, Talk, With Esty Dinur”


Trump let 1) Evangelicals hijack America’s initial response to COVID and they completely ignored the pandemic and used it to act against abortion and gay rights, as well as 2) Koch who wanted to show the world that private for profit enterprise could serve as government (eg. Jared’s “Operation Airbridge”) simply for ideological and profit motive.

Biden’s failing the Pandemic spectacularly. Biden is influence the message from Science and the CDC (lying). He is also failing by allowing republicans to groom voters with science fiction for their own political benefit.

In March 2020 koch networks started to promulgate anti-lockdown propaganda. In April 2020 they started funding anti-lockdown protests in several states. It was disinformation and rallies for business profits. Example Uline packing. Libertarian think tanks kept the messaging up while refrigerated trucks filled up with dead body’s in large American cities. ALEC, headquartered in Wisconsin (Robin Vos), put out press releases against lockdowns. Then they funded Academic Institutions that they had financial influence over. DeVos and Mercer were involved. “Astro turf” roadmap. Convention of States Actions was involved (primary function to rewrite the US Constitution). Vos family financed for example “Michigan Freedom Fund”. Michigan’s alt-right Hillsdale College was instrumental.

Let the virus rip came out of Koch’s “American Institute for Economic Research”. Provided academic cover for pro business agenda. “Great Barrington Declaration” authored in part by Scott Atlas would go on to kill 10’s of thousands of Americans. “Hoover Institution” was involved.

Mercatus Center, at George Mason University, giving out grants for those who would bolster argument for everything remaining open, especially, keeping schools open. Their Emily Oster is a killer of children that Democrats and Republicans will NOT hold responsible for her actions.

Civil suits should be filed against the Koch Network, but sadly, Charles Koch owns the US Supreme Court. So, I guess they can kill us and the environment as much as they want.

America continues to experience 3,000 deaths per day. The Koch Network must NOT be allowed to rewrite the U.S. Constitution. They will invariably kill more of us with a rewrite that includes what they call “A Balanced Budget Amendment”.

Ref. Center for Media and Democracy.

“Spreading the Free-Market Gospel”

Also see the book “Dark Money” by Jane Mayer


“Is money's deep role in politics the root of our woes?”


"There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root, and it may be that he who bestows the largest amount of time and money on the needy is doing the most by his mode of life to produce that misery which he strives in vain to relieve." — Henry David Thoreau

What is the meaning of "There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root”?


“Excerpt from "Consider The Possibility That This Is Already The Dystopia You Fear":

Consider the possibility that the Orwellian dystopia you fear is already here and has been in place for many years, you just haven't noticed because you're still allowed to watch Netflix or buy a gun or say whatever you want to say within a small impotent online echo chamber.

Consider the possibility that the powerful are already getting everything they want from you, right now, exactly as things are, and that any suspicious action you see them taking isn't them constructing a cage for you but them tightening the bolts on a cage that was quietly built around you some time ago.

Consider the possibility that while they've been training you to watch out for communism and microchips and overt totalitarianism, they've been covertly transforming us all into mindless gears in a machine constructed to serve their interests which challenges them in no way, shape or form.

Consider the possibility that tyrants have evolved an understanding that you can exert a lot more control over a population with mass-scale psychological manipulation than you can with overt force, and that they have been developing the science of that mass-scale psychological manipulation for over a century.”


Peter carter

“Fossil fuel methane is pouring out. Atmospheric methane emitted at a record rate for the past three years”


“The Great Siberian Thaw

Permafrost contains microbes, mammoths, and twice as much carbon as Earth’s atmosphere. What happens when it starts to melt?”


It is the Democrats sincerest intention that nobody involved in the Jan 6 practice coup will feal the full weight of the law. They need only stall until the next election and the whole affair will be dismissed by the appropriate Republican majority:

“Alex Jones says he spoke to Jan. 6 committee and pleaded the Fifth 'almost 100 times'

The radio host and conspiracy theorist said the deposition "was extremely interesting, to say the least."”

Marshall Malina:

“These assholes in Trump's circle are wearing the number of times they plead the 5th like it was a badge of honor. They seem to have immersed themselves in a game of "can you top this?" And that's why I call them assholes.”


“Oil Spill Triggered by Tsunami Devastates Coast of Peru”

“Oil Spill Triggered by Tsunami Devastates Coast of Peru-- Initially said to be seven gallons, the oil spill turned out to be 6,000 barrels, the environment ministry said, and has led Peru to call for international aid.”


“The CDC is funded by the pharmaceutical industry.

The WHO is funded by the pharmaceutical industry.

The FDA is funded by the pharmaceutical industry.

The Fact Checking is funded by the pharmaceutical industry.

The Media is funded by the pharmaceutical industry.

“Follow The Money

​In medicine, as in life, if you want to uncover the truth, it is usually a good idea to follow the money.”


“Facebook ADMITS Their Fact Checks Are Phony!”

“More on F A C T C H E C K E R S

"Responding to a lawsuit brought by journalist John Stossel, F a c e book was forced to admit that the “f a c t c h e c k s” it subjects news stories and individuals to are not f a c t c h e c k s at all, but rather the expression of establishment opinions passed off as facts.”


Biden’s version of Scott walker for Venezuela

Victor Hernandez:

"In Europe, only the United Kingdom recognizes Guaidó as the “legitimate president”—in order to continue plundering Venezuelan gold stolen by the Bank of England. Even the Spanish government, which has close contacts with opposition figures linked to Leopoldo López and Henrique Capriles, does not consider Guaidó as a legitimate political actor."

“Less Than 15 Countries Recognize Guaidó's Fictitious Presidency”


"On Saturday, January 22, Russian Ambassador to Venezuela, Sergei Mélik-Bagdasárov, said that three years after his self-proclamation as “interim president,” Juan Guaidó is not taken seriously by anyone in Venezuela."

“Today, [Guaidó] is a nobody and does not represent anyone,” Mélik-Bagdasárov stated. “This figure exists solely in the virtual world and in the feverish minds of his US backers.”

“Russian Ambassador to Venezuela: Guaidó ‘Does Not Represent Anyone’”


Charles Koch is slowly privatizing Medicare. It is not uncommon to watch tv and be bombarded by “medicare supplemental programs offered by private for profits. Democrats and Republicans let the rich special interests prey on the elderly relentlessly:

"These types of posts make it appear as if Medicare is offering free money to beneficiaries to pay for food, but that is not the case," says AARP's Amy Nofziger. "Medicare will not provide this type of benefit."

“Misleading 'Medicare flex card' ads target seniors on Facebook”


Without exception we are ALL victims of the Rich – period:

“Wild how Democrats can spend 10 months letting Republicans run out the clock and letting centrists take a hacksaw to the party’s agenda only to blame progressives.

“We need actual representation in our government. A majority of people in the US don’t feel represented by either the #Democratic or #Republican parties. We’ve watched these parties turn their backs on us to answer every call of the billionaires and donors. Overwhelming numbers of Americans understand these parties cannot be salvaged. Polls show that almost two out of three Americans are now calling for a major new party. It’s time to build the party we’re looking for — one that brings us all together.”


“To spell it out, the reason I hate democrats so much and criticize them more than I do republicans is because they take up all the space for opposition to republicans and use that space to give republicans whatever the f**k they want.”


Not my President

“The Fight for Socialism After a Year of Malarkey”

"Despite the progressive promises, Biden has shown in his first year of office that he’s a neoliberal enemy of working class and oppressed people. We shouldn’t put faith in capitalist politicians — the way forward in the fight for socialism is now and has always been in the movements of working class and oppressed people and in our ability to turn anger into organization against this capitalist system."


“Why doesn’t every big box store have rooftop solar?

Superstore roofs span billions of square feet. Covering them in solar panels could power nearly 8 million homes.”


“'Earth Emergency' Looks At The Impact Of Climate Change”


“Crenshaw On Stock Trades: THEY DON'T PAY US ENOUGH TO LIVE | Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar”

“Krystal and Saagar respond to the justification given by Texas GOP Rep. Dan Crenshaw for his insider trading that generated sky high returns in the stock market over the past year”


“Edward Snowden, Glenn Greenwald & Chris Hedges on NSA Leaks, Assange & Protecting a Free Internet“

"NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden and Pulitzer Prize-winning journalists Glenn Greenwald and Chris Hedges discuss mass surveillance, government secrecy, Internet freedom and U.S. attempts to extradite and prosecute Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. They spoke together on a panel moderated by Amy Goodman at the virtual War on Terror film festival after a screening of "Citizenfour" — the Oscar-winning documentary about Snowden by Laura Poitras."


“The greatest weapon is not a gun or a Bomb. It is the control of information. To control the world’s information is to manipulate all the minds that consume it.”


“Mark Cuban just launched an online pharmacy to combat prescription drug price gouging. One prescription, the leukemia drug Imatinib, usually costs $9,657 per month.

On Cuban’s website, it’s just $47 per month.

If one billionaire can make drugs affordable why can’t congress?!”


“Winter wildfire strikes California’s Big Sur”


“Tribal officials call for federal review of Wisconsin oil pipeline project they say could kill rare species”

“The proposed Kohler golf coursewilll eliminate 11 endangered, threatened and species of concern from the Lake Michigan coastal ecosystem. It's time for the DNR to get serious about enforcing protection of the resources of our state.”


Southern Wisconsin is currently 11 inches below average in precipitation:

“I wanted to explain something for those who are saying California received massive amounts of rain and shouldn’t be seeing wildfires….

We are still in a drought: D2 (Severe Drought) the rain brought us from extreme to severe. It’s still very bad.

The average amount of precipitation in California is 23 inches per year. California would need 140% of that — roughly 32 inches — to recover.”


They’ve already shown us with Covid. Washington will not be there for us when the deadly consequences of our Collapsing Biosphere\Climate\Environment grip us:

“Ironically, the universities have trained hundreds of thousands of graduates for jobs that soon will not exist. They have trained people to maintain a structure that cannot be maintained. The elite…know only how to feed the beast until it dies. Once it is dead, they will be helpless. Don’t expect them to save us. They don’t know how…and when it all collapses, when our rotten financial system with its trillions in worthless assets implodes and our imperial wars end in humiliation and defeat, the power elite will be exposed as being as helpless, and as self-deluded as the rest of us” Chris Hedges

Christian Baker:

“Becoming an adult really only means one thing. Realizing that you exist to serve humanity. Which in turn will result in the most wonderful society imaginable.

But how many adults are there? In politics? In the media? Very little. Just criminal teenagers playing roles. Until it all falls apart. And nobody of them knows what to do.

Which is about to become our reality. Like in 2022.”


“A Message from the Future II: The Years of Repair”


Occupy Wall St.

“How to protect against carjackings? Green New Deal & Medicare for All”


“Pentagon Releases Video of Kabul Air Strike That Killed Ten Civilians

The video highlights the confirmation bias and rushed decision-making that led to the tragic error.”


“Not doing anything isn’t a neutral thing, it has meaning: it is saying “yes” to the existing relationship of domination.” Slavoj Zizek, Slovenian philosopher


“It's been so warm the Chugach National Forest feels like a rainforest in January.”


“I love how we didn’t raise minimum wage because it would make food more expensive, but then just made the food more expensive anyways.”


The Environment is our Human Health Infrastructure:

“Cultures that do not recognize that human life and the natural world have a sacred dimension, an intrinsic value beyond monetary value, cannibalize themselves until they die.

They ruthlessly exploit the natural world and the members of their society in the name of progress until exhaustion or collapse, blind to the fury of their own self-destruction.” Chris Hedges


“#AGU21 Press Conference: The Threat from Thwaites: The retreat of Antarctica’s riskiest glacier”


“Isaiah Thomas, a shipping dock worker at the Amazon warehouse in Bessemer, Alabama, tells journalists that Amazon has already violated its settlement with the NLRB by faulting him (& surveilling him) for what he says was talking to coworkers DURING BREAK TIME about union matters”


Make it retroactive


“If the ten richest men lost 99% of their combined wealth, they’d still be richer than 99% of the world. Sign the petition now demanding that Biden and Congress address the inequality crisis globally and here at home by making billionaires pay their fair share of taxes.”


“Julian Assange faces a 175 year sentence if extradited for revealing war crimes & human rights abuses including #CollaterMurder gunning down of civilians, including children and 2 @Reuters journalists”

“On the morning of July 12th 2007, two Apache helicopters using 30mm cannon fire killed about a dozen people in the Iraq suburb of New Baghdad.

Two children were also wounded.

Although some of the men appear to have been armed, the behavior of nearly everyone was relaxed.

The U.S. military initially claimed that all the dead were “anti-Iraqi forces” or “insurgents”.

“This is why the US government is trying to extradite Julian Assange for revealing the US massacre of civilians, including two @Reuters journalists in #Iraq


“People no longer believe working hard will lead to a better life, survey shows”


“The general relationship of capitalism to nature is to objectify and liquidate it, turning ecosystems into objects, beings into commodities, life into money.”


“When the top 10 US billionaires are making $1 billion every day, (all of it potentially untaxed) its time to change the system.”




It must ALL be reversed. Any judge saying otherwise gets kicked off the bench and can sue:

“American Capitalism/Oligarchy has turned the public services such as: Health care, education, postal service, working hours, wages, benefits or lack thereof, etc etc etc in to businesses of making profit for decades now.”


Fascism realizes the importance of schools in brainwashing:

“Some Republicans want teachers to wear mics and be filmed all day?

Okay…you first. Mic up for those lobbyists visits. Have cameras catch all the wealthy folks who take precedence over constituents. Fair is fair.”


“Large corporations are using the excuse of "inflation" to raise prices on everything and make record profits.

“Over 60% of large retailers say inflation gave them the ability to raise prices beyond what’s required to offset higher costs.”

Source: Robert Reich, link in comments”


“The Gulf Stream has increased steadily over the last century”

“Nordic Seas Heat Loss, Atlantic Inflow, and Arctic Sea Ice Cover Over the Last Century” - by Lars Smedsrud et al.


Kirk Brent Norring:

“Scientists do censor their own research simply because they don't only not accept what they are seeing but refuse to believe that what they are seeing is just plain wrong.

In other words they don't believe their own eyes.”

“Dr. Peter Wadhams: Arctic Research & the Methane Risk”


“Air pollution significantly reduces pollination by confusing butterflies and bees, lessening their ability to sniff out crops and wildflowers.”

“Scientists find there are 70% fewer pollinators, due to air pollution”

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