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02/2002 “6 Million Killed By Our [USA] Empire In 20 Yrs”

Updated: Aug 13, 2022

Profit, profit, profit,… cha ching$$$:

“6 Million Killed By Our [USA] Empire In 20 Yrs”


“Ukraine President: The U.S. Is Lying”


It won’t happen. Do not under estimate the depravity of American politicians and the special interests that conduct them. They will continue to kill - period. They will not stop. Ossified pools of wealth are in charge of America:

“We human beings have to make an epic shift to taking care of the world all around us — including ourselves. We need to become a nurturing species now, not a predatory one. And our whole politics and economics must reflect that. How?”

“The Great Leap the Human Race Needs to Make — And Fast

What the Next Historic Wave of Progress, Leadership, and Innovation is Really About”


Peter carter

“GHG emissions not to decline over the next 20 years- that's life over”

“2040 Global greenhouse gas emissions are not expected to be any less than their record high in 2019,

That’s a life over scenario”

2015-05-23 191aaaa


“Apocalypse When”





“Clean energy will save you cash.”

“Money spent to reduce air pollution will raise our GDP by up to 100 times what we spend.”

“Healthy Air Is Health Care and It's Good For the Economy”


“WAKE - by Malcolm Light

~ Wake represents the last chance for humanity to “Wake Up” to the extreme global extinction nightmare facing us; a Wake is also a Celtic “Death Watch” on our Planet Earth’s near term demise. ~

The image shows the exponential increase of the Mean Global Atmospheric Temperature Anomaly in Degrees Celsius and the relative increase in Volume of Heat Transport and Temperature of the Gulf Stream–Svalbard Current into the Arctic Ocean.

The Volume of Gulf Stream Heat Transport has increased by 30% in the last 100 years and is estimated to be some 33.6% larger by 2030.

The Gulf Stream Temperature–Heat Transport Volume Trend intersects the Mean Global Atmospheric Temperature Anomaly Trend at 2030 with an equal and combined Arctic Atmospheric and Ocean Temperature of 11.7°C.

By this time the sub-sea Arctic shelf edge methane hydrates will be exponentially destabilizing, releasing vast volumes of methane gas into the Arctic Ocean, and this will convert the sea into a ‘Methane Bubble Foam’, vastly increasing the rate of evaporation of Arctic Ocean water.

By the Northern Summer of 2035, the Arctic Ocean and Mean Global Atmospheric Temperature Anomaly will together have reached 107.5°C and will pass 117.4°C by the Northern Summer of 2036.

After 2035, the loss of the Planet's ocean water will occur at an exponential rate, as the Ocean and Mean Global Atmospheric Temperature Anomalies rise in unison and convert Earth into a high temperature, uninhabitable planet like Venus.

It is completely self-evident that if the Gulf Stream heat transport to the Arctic Ocean is not immediately stopped, it will cause a Catastrophic Arctic Atmospheric Global Extinction event starting in 2 to 5 years culminating around 2030.

Because of the very short time now left to the start of the Catastrophic Global Extinction Event, the Gulf Stream heat transport to the Arctic Ocean must be stopped.

Present data indicates that the Mean Global Atmospheric Temperature Anomaly will have reached 5°C in the Summer of 2024 when massive Global extinction will begin in earnest. Therefore the latest date for effective action is the summer of 2023.

From the post 'Wake', at:”


Brought to you by America’s Democrats and Republicans. America’s Democratic and Republican parties must not be allowed to participate in any further elections effective immediately:

“This is What a Civilization Ending Feels Like”

“How does it all end? Like this - we all go mad.

Civilization will collapse long before heat, flood, or starvation. "The rich will try to run away. Everyone else is trapped by catastrophe, in catastrophe. Societies begin to fail and break. Social contracts come undone. The climate turns vicious. Nature tries to kill us. We turn on each other. There’s no way out."

(This is the best summation I've ever read. Share it)”


“We can't stop our planet's next mass extinction event, researchers say”


“David Suzuki (March-April, 2021).mp4”

“Unfortunately, the GREEDY and IMMORAL behavior of the fossil fuel industry, like that of the tobacco industry before it, shows us that INHUMAN industries would rather see the world destroyed than STOP what they are doing to prevent the EXTINCTION of our species and almost all others on our planet !”


“Permafrost Time Bomb”


“The World Is Not Going To Halve Carbon Emissions By 2030 !”


“Fossil Fuel Companies Received $5.9T in Subsidies Worldwide

Fossil fuel subsidies shield us from the real price at the pump”

“2020 was a banner year for fossil fuel subsidies worldwide propping up the world’s oil companies with $5.9T in subsidies according to the IMF. Conservative estimates put US subsidies to oil companies at around $20.5B annually. These subsidies keep customers' prices below market while rewarding oil companies with above-market prices so they remain profitable.”


If you home isn’t solar powered then you will die:

“Air conditioning needs will likely outpace the US's energy capacity because of climate change by the early 2030s according to a new study in Earth's Future.”



“…This is all you need to know.

The essence of capitalism is to turn nature into commodities and commodities into capital.

The live green earth is transformed into dead gold bricks, with luxury items for the few and toxic slag heaps for the many. The glittering mansion overlooks a vast sprawl of shanty towns, wherein a desperate, demoralized humanity is kept in line with drugs, television, and armed force.”


“Is the Coronavirus in Your Backyard?”


“Why we have only 3-9 years left to get the climate change extinction emergency under our control”

Lawrence Wollersheim:

“Why do we have only 3-9 years left to get the climate change extinction emergency under our control? Most people that hear our governments talking about global or national fossil fuel reduction targets for 2040-2060 have no idea if we fail to make key fossil fuel reduction levels over the next 3-9 years; we are totally screwed!

They do not understand why sometime between 2025 and 2031, accelerating global warming and climate changes goes beyond our possible control. After that, not even the proposed radical new technology fixes can save from mass then total extinction. If you want to understand why this government-hidden painful climate reality is factual and happening now, see this article that illuminates precisely why the next 3-9 years of climate action or inaction will determine the future survival of humanity.”


Killing people for profit when done inside America is called “good government”, but when it’s done overseas they call it “war”


“Extreme Climate Risks: What are the worst-case scenarios?”


“Defense spending of Nato Countries”


~First they quit reporting numbers of COVID victims, then they announce home testing kits but don’t offer Medicare for all so those who get sick can go to the hospital and now Koch lifts mask mandates. Has COVID really gone down?!

Probably not, but it’s definitely being pushed “underground”

~It is now almost 100% certain that the life sustaining ability of Earth will continue to degrade to the point of our inevitable extinction - blame the past and present politicians of America’s Democratic & Republican parties

~Wall St trades prices at pump into existence using theory & projections. To the extent they don’t reflect reality consumers can pay more than under a nationalized non-profit fossil fuel industry

~Hyper patriotism? No voice on govt, slave wages, no consequences for environmental destruction, propaganda galore, wealth held by politically active few, and soon no guarantee of basic education.

The U.S. aspires to be China - a COMMUNIST country!


“No silver-bullet solutions for saving used planet”


“During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolution act.” George Orwell


Betsy DeVos’ brother:

“Erik Prince Helped Raise Money for Conservative Spy Venture”

Note: Prince is a murderous sociopath of historic proportion. If there are brown shirts killing people in the suburbs of America, you can bet prince is playing a part of the bullets coming through YOUR window because of what you represent.


“"The Lords of Easy Money": How the Federal Reserve Enriched Wall Street & Broke the U.S. Economy”

Bill Edley:

“Excellent book...well worth reading. Key concept is there are two types of inflation ... Asset inflation (stocks, Real Estate, Homes etc) and Goods & Services Price inflation...mostly reflected in consumer price inflation (CPI)...The Fed's zero-bound interest rate policies for more than a decade have DRASTICALLY increased asset prices, while consumer prices AND wages remained within acceptable bounders. Now that's changing. CPI increased at 40 year high rates.”

….and then they are aided by the US Supreme Court


“Methane Weekly Update with Margo (Feb. 6, 2022)”


“Big oil and gas kept a dirty secret for decades.mp4”


“Big Oil CEOs testify before House Oversight Committee”


“How brain biases prevent climate action.pdf”


“Increased U.S. natural gas exports = higher U.S. prices: Who knew?”

“As the U.S. embarked on a vast expansion of natural gas exports, natural gas consumers complained that it would raise domestic prices. With prices now finally rising, the fight is on over whether to scale back those exports or at the very least pause their growth.”


The Pentagon budget represents dollars earmarked to concentrate wealth – and using the military to steal resources and make the world turn in favor of the US Stock Market is death to the Climate:

“It can’t be emphasized enough just how many taxpayer dollars are now being showered on the Pentagon. That department’s astronomical budget adds up to more than four times the cost of the most recent version of Biden’s Build Back Better plan, which sparked such horrified opposition from Senator Joe Manchin and other alleged fiscal conservatives. They didn’t blink when it came to lavishing ever more taxpayer dollars on the military-industrial complex.”

“What Costs Four Times As Much As 'Build Back Better'? The Pentagon Budget”


Deluded ramblings of the out of touch aged are not unique to America:

“Canada’s leading right-wing news organization has launched a bizarre series that celebrates capitalism. The articles, a collection of misunderstandings and clichés, are proof that our economic system’s defenders are completely out of ideas.”


Democrats and Republicans America:

“Workers like this one are hurting. Their real spending power keeps going down as big business reaps record profits.”

“My grocery bill is skyrocketing despite buying the exact same thing every week.

In the last 1.5 years, after buying the EXACT same things every week, my total bill has risen at least 25%, closer to 40% for some rpoducts.

I mention it to some people and no body knows what I’m talking about.

And you know what hasn’t going up 30%? My F***ING WAGE.

I am literally getting poorer for doing living the exact same way. I feel like I’m losing my mind.”


Here in Wisconsin the “beach head” program is clear. First they tried “it” out in Wisconsin, they try it out on all of America, and then overseas. Divide and conquer methods perfected in America are now being used on Canada. While I’m at it, Democratic leadership in Wisconsin is sure walking and talking the Koched up talk we all be seeing in Wisconsin since Walker.

“Day 10 of Ottawa Occupation: Raw Footage: Sunday afternoon

“Val Eisman

Climate Scientists, the very brave Paul Beckwith goes to downtown Ottawa and makes video confronting the protestors and the police about their occupation of Ottawa.

The woman Tamara Lich, who is the co-organizer of the trucker occupation/convoy, belonged to an organization whose purpose was to push the continue oil drilling and pipelines in Alberta. Also she belonged to Wexit that wanted to encourage Alberta and Western provinces to leave the Canadian federation.”


Plutocracy’s can optimize profit in the face of imminent societal & biosphere collapse by acting to minimize the collapse’s effects on their revenue stream. In other words, they’ll lie (including lies of omission) and your suffering will be needlessly made worse in the ensuing “surprise”. It’s essentially the same old schtick fob off the cost of profit making on to the backs of the working people:

Get ready to grab those bootstraps to conjure up some food:

“Farming Insider Warns Coming Food Shortages Are Worse That We Are Being Told”


Today’s politicians know that the only way they can protect themselves from being prosecuted for their criminal behavior to date is to maneuver their rich benefactors into a position of complete control over America


Ben Karimi:

“I do not trust individuals or organizations that hide behind terms like: patriotic, freedom, national security, Classified, capitalism, free market, self made, serve & Protect, the free & the brave, founding fathers ….”


Insidious, malevolently self-righteous, and it has turned our judiciary into a malignant tumor that acts against the working classes:

“I say this as a former Christian

~Christians will deadass claim to be oppressed but feel comfortable and safe enough to:

~Force non-Christians to pray to the Christian God in their own f***ing homes

~Got door-to-door to proselytize

~Call people to proselytize

~Take classes to proselytize (my mythology teacher actually dealt with this, and now has to include a warning on the first day of class)

~Cross the f***ing ocean to proselytize

~Openly tell people they think they are going to Hell

~Insist that their beliefs should influence the law

~Get all pissy if someone says this isn’t a Christian nation, but a beautifully mixed one.

~Have radio stations built around their religion

~Have movies based on their religion

~And f***ing everything else

In Short, Christian Supremacy needs to be addressed and religious imperialism stopped.

Reader Comment:

“Eric MacRae

As a Christian it drives me nuts how mainstream Christianity do not follow the words of Christ but rather tries to create all kinds of fallacious argument”

“…wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross”


Iran has a new missile that could threaten US interests?! Of course they do! America is the worst criminal enterprise on the planet! I wouldn’t blame Canada or Mexico if they got new missiles to use against us!

“Having a military budget of $778 billion when ending world hunger costs $11 billion”


“I’m 27 years old, I have $120k in debt from an undergraduate degree. I’ve been paying $970 a month for 5 years and of the nearly $60k I’ve paid in that time, only $2k has gone towards my loan. I ask again how the f**k was this ever legal?”


This ranks right up there with Wall St bankrupting municipalities only to see their Cities museums of fine art get sold off in a quiet fire sale to the rich:

“While millions were being worked to death in America and the unemployed were starving in the streets, these so-called captains of industry dismantled castles and monasteries throughout Europe, hauled them across oceans, and rebuilt them here: "American robber barons snuck ancient stones out of the war-torn countryside in the dead of night, Europeans fretted over how their familiar landmarks were rapidly disappearing, and U.S. cities spent decades of the 20th century fighting over what to do with tens of thousands of displaced medieval remnants."”

“In the Early 1900s, Robber Barons Bought Dozens of Centuries-Old European Buildings. Where is Medieval America Now?”


“The Cat Tail That Broke the Camel's Back”


John scheve

“My favorite photo of California poppies taken 9 April 2020 by Mark Jarrett right along I5 just north of Yreka along the Trinity River.

The poppies are starting to bloom today, two months early. It’s 80 degrees F (27C) right now in Santa Rosa, shattering the record high temperature for the date. It’s going to be warm all week and very little rain is predicted through May. That’s not good news considering it’s the middle of our wet season now and we remain in the worst long term drought in modern history especially in southern CA.

In my town of Cazadero though, we had about 60 inches (152 cm) of rain just from October to December, and 40 inches (102 cm) of that was in October alone, shattering rainfall records. Extreme weather is becoming more extreme and more frequent which is part of our climate crisis. Cazadero is the second wettest town in California owing to orographic effects of local topography. Average here is over 80 inches (202 cm)/ year. We’ll have enough water to get by this year here but southern CA especially is still in trouble. Water storage is going to have to drastically increase in the West to help deal with the worsening climate emergency.”


“Building the New in the Shell of the Old.?

Of the world’s hundred largest economies, sixty-nine are now corporations. Political parties in many of our so-called democracies are funded in large part by billionaires, while government cabinet positions are staffed by corporate executives. International bodies setting global policy are infiltrated by corporate agents so successful at entrenching corporate power that even those governments that still prioritize their people’s needs can no longer make autonomous decisions without risking crippling lawsuits from the transnationals whose interests they threaten.

It has allowed the largest transnational corporations to establish a stranglehold over other forms of organization, with the result that, of the world’s hundred largest economies, sixty-nine are corporations.”

“Five Ways to Curb the Power of Corporations and Billionaires”


Sam Carana:


NOAA's October 2021 global mean methane reading is 1907.2 parts per billion (ppb), which is 17.1 ppb higher than the reading for October 2020. By comparison, NOAA's annual global mean methane increase of 15.74 ppb for 2020 was at the time the highest on record.

Keep in mind that this 1907.2 ppb reading is for October 2021; it now is February 2022. Furthermore, NOAA's data are for marine surface measurements; more methane tends to accumulate at higher altitudes.

The second image shows that the MetOp-B satellite recorded a peak methane level of 2904 ppb at 469 mb on February 4, 2022 am.

Methane levels are very high over the Arctic. The third image shows high recent monthly average methane levels at Barrow, Alaska.

Carbon dioxide levels over the Arctic are also very high. The next image shows high recent daily average carbon dioxide levels at Barrow, Alaska.

From the post 'Accelerating Methane Rise', at: “


The value of corporations trading in the stock market are nflated by all the govt assistance, bailouts. Lines of credit and wars

“Whether stocks plunge, which they might, or go back up or just head sideways, it’s irrelevant for almost all of us, writes Jon Schwarz.”


Whether stocks plunge, which they might, or go back up or just head sideways, it’s irrelevant for almost all of us.”


“When somebody asks me why I don’t trust government:

MK Ultra

Operation Northwoods

Operation Paperclip

Operation Fast & Furious

Operation Mockingbird

Tuskegee Experiments


Ruby Ridge


Building 7

Gulf of Tonkin

Chicago Black Sites

Flint Water Crisisf

Iran Contra

Gary Webb


Patriot Act

Bilderberg Group

Bohemian Grove

Abu Grahib

Guantanamo Bay

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